package cmd import ( "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" piperhttp "" ) func mavenBuild(config mavenBuildOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData) { utils := maven.NewUtilsBundle() err := runMavenBuild(&config, telemetryData, utils) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("step execution failed") } } func runMavenBuild(config *mavenBuildOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, utils maven.Utils) error { downloadClient := &piperhttp.Client{} var flags = []string{"-update-snapshots", "--batch-mode"} if len(config.Profiles) > 0 { flags = append(flags, "--activate-profiles", strings.Join(config.Profiles, ",")) } exists, _ := utils.FileExists("integration-tests/pom.xml") if exists { flags = append(flags, "-pl", "!integration-tests") } var defines []string var goals []string goals = append(goals, "org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent") if config.Flatten { goals = append(goals, "flatten:flatten") defines = append(defines, "-Dflatten.mode=resolveCiFriendliesOnly", "-DupdatePomFile=true") } if config.CreateBOM { goals = append(goals, "org.cyclonedx:cyclonedx-maven-plugin:makeAggregateBom") createBOMConfig := []string{ "-DschemaVersion=1.2", "-DincludeBomSerialNumber=true", "-DincludeCompileScope=true", "-DincludeProvidedScope=true", "-DincludeRuntimeScope=true", "-DincludeSystemScope=true", "-DincludeTestScope=false", "-DincludeLicenseText=false", "-DoutputFormat=xml", } defines = append(defines, createBOMConfig...) } if config.Verify { goals = append(goals, "verify") } else { goals = append(goals, "install") } mavenOptions := maven.ExecuteOptions{ Flags: flags, Goals: goals, Defines: defines, PomPath: config.PomPath, ProjectSettingsFile: config.ProjectSettingsFile, GlobalSettingsFile: config.GlobalSettingsFile, M2Path: config.M2Path, LogSuccessfulMavenTransfers: config.LogSuccessfulMavenTransfers, } _, err := maven.Execute(&mavenOptions, utils) if err == nil { if config.Publish && !config.Verify { log.Entry().Infof("publish detected, running mvn deploy") runner := &command.Command{} fileUtils := &piperutils.Files{} if (len(config.AltDeploymentRepositoryID) > 0) && (len(config.AltDeploymentRepositoryPassword) > 0) && (len(config.AltDeploymentRepositoryUser) > 0) { projectSettingsFilePath, err := createOrUpdateProjectSettingsXML(config.ProjectSettingsFile, config.AltDeploymentRepositoryID, config.AltDeploymentRepositoryUser, config.AltDeploymentRepositoryPassword, utils) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Could not create or update project settings xml") } mavenOptions.ProjectSettingsFile = projectSettingsFilePath } deployFlags := []string{"-Dmaven.main.skip=true", "-Dmaven.test.skip=true", "-Dmaven.install.skip=true"} if (len(config.AltDeploymentRepositoryID) > 0) && (len(config.AltDeploymentRepositoryURL) > 0) { deployFlags = append(deployFlags, "-DaltDeploymentRepository="+config.AltDeploymentRepositoryID+"::default::"+config.AltDeploymentRepositoryURL) } if err := loadRemoteRepoCertificates(config.CustomTLSCertificateLinks, downloadClient, &deployFlags, runner, fileUtils); err != nil { log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorInfrastructure) return err } mavenOptions.Flags = deployFlags mavenOptions.Goals = []string{"deploy"} mavenOptions.Defines = []string{} _, err := maven.Execute(&mavenOptions, utils) return err } else { log.Entry().Infof("publish not detected, ignoring maven deploy") } } return err } func createOrUpdateProjectSettingsXML(projectSettingsFile string, altDeploymentRepositoryID string, altDeploymentRepositoryUser string, altDeploymentRepositoryPassword string, utils maven.Utils) (string, error) { if len(projectSettingsFile) > 0 { projectSettingsFilePath, err := maven.UpdateProjectSettingsXML(projectSettingsFile, altDeploymentRepositoryID, altDeploymentRepositoryUser, altDeploymentRepositoryPassword, utils) if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Could not update settings xml") } return projectSettingsFilePath, nil } else { projectSettingsFilePath, err := maven.CreateNewProjectSettingsXML(altDeploymentRepositoryID, altDeploymentRepositoryUser, altDeploymentRepositoryPassword, utils) if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Could not create settings xml") } return projectSettingsFilePath, nil } } func loadRemoteRepoCertificates(certificateList []string, client piperhttp.Downloader, flags *[]string, runner command.ExecRunner, fileUtils piperutils.FileUtils) error { trustStore := filepath.Join(getWorkingDirForTrustStore(), ".pipeline", "keystore.jks") log.Entry().Infof("using trust store %s", trustStore) if exists, _ := fileUtils.FileExists(trustStore); exists { maven_opts := "" + trustStore + "" err := os.Setenv("MAVEN_OPTS", maven_opts) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Could not create MAVEN_OPTS environment variable ") } log.Entry().WithField("trust store", trustStore).Info("Using local trust store") } if len(certificateList) > 0 { keytoolOptions := []string{ "-import", "-noprompt", "-storepass", "changeit", "-keystore", trustStore, } tmpFolder := getTempDirForCertFile() defer os.RemoveAll(tmpFolder) // clean up for _, certificate := range certificateList { filename := path.Base(certificate) // decode? target := filepath.Join(tmpFolder, filename) log.Entry().WithField("source", certificate).WithField("target", target).Info("Downloading TLS certificate") // download certificate if err := client.DownloadFile(certificate, target, nil, nil); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Download of TLS certificate failed") } options := append(keytoolOptions, "-file", target) options = append(options, "-alias", filename) // add certificate to keystore if err := runner.RunExecutable("keytool", options...); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Adding certificate to keystore failed") } } maven_opts := "" err := os.Setenv("MAVEN_OPTS", maven_opts) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Could not create MAVEN_OPTS environment variable ") } log.Entry().WithField("trust store", trustStore).Info("Using local trust store") } else { log.Entry().Debug("Download of TLS certificates skipped") } return nil } func getWorkingDirForTrustStore() string { workingDir, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).WithField("path", workingDir).Debug("Retrieving of work directory failed") } return workingDir } func getTempDirForCertFile() string { tmpFolder, err := ioutil.TempDir(".", "temp-") if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).WithField("path", tmpFolder).Debug("Creating temp directory failed") } return tmpFolder }