package cmd import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/http/cookiejar" "path/filepath" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" piperhttp "" "" "" "" ) func abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfig(config abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfigOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData) { // for command execution use Command c := command.Command{} // reroute command output to logging framework c.Stdout(log.Writer()) c.Stderr(log.Writer()) var autils = abaputils.AbapUtils{ Exec: &c, } client := piperhttp.Client{} err := runAbapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfig(&config, telemetryData, &autils, &client) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("step execution failed") } } func runAbapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfig(config *abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfigOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, autils abaputils.Communication, client piperhttp.Sender) error { subOptions := convertATCSysOptions(config) // Determine the host, user and password, either via the input parameters or via a cloud foundry service key. connectionDetails, err := autils.GetAbapCommunicationArrangementInfo(subOptions, "/sap/opu/odata4/sap/satc_ci_cf_api/srvd_a2x/sap/satc_ci_cf_sv_api/0001") if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Parameters for the ABAP Connection not available") } cookieJar, err := cookiejar.New(nil) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "could not create a Cookie Jar") } clientOptions := piperhttp.ClientOptions{ MaxRequestDuration: 180 * time.Second, CookieJar: cookieJar, Username: connectionDetails.User, Password: connectionDetails.Password, } client.SetOptions(clientOptions) return pushATCSystemConfig(config, connectionDetails, client) } func pushATCSystemConfig(config *abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfigOptions, connectionDetails abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP, client piperhttp.Sender) error { //check, if given ATC System configuration File parsedConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, err := checkATCSystemConfigurationFile(config) if err != nil { return err } //check, if ATC configuration with given name already exists in Backend configDoesExist, configName, configUUID, configLastChangedBackend, err := checkConfigExistsInBackend(config, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, connectionDetails, client) if err != nil { return err } if !configDoesExist { //regular push of configuration configUUID = "" return handlePushConfiguration(config, configUUID, configDoesExist, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, connectionDetails, client) } if !parsedConfigurationJson.LastChangedAt.IsZero() { if configLastChangedBackend.Before(parsedConfigurationJson.LastChangedAt) && !config.PatchIfExisting { //config exists, is not recent but must NOT be patched log.Entry().Info("pushing ATC System Configuration skipped. Reason: ATC System Configuration with name " + configName + " exists and is outdated (Backend: " + configLastChangedBackend.Local().String() + " vs. File: " + parsedConfigurationJson.LastChangedAt.Local().String() + ") but should not be overwritten (check step configuration parameter).") return nil } if configLastChangedBackend.After(parsedConfigurationJson.LastChangedAt) || configLastChangedBackend == parsedConfigurationJson.LastChangedAt { //configuration exists and is most recent log.Entry().Info("pushing ATC System Configuration skipped. Reason: ATC System Configuration with name " + configName + " exists and is most recent (Backend: " + configLastChangedBackend.Local().String() + " vs. File: " + parsedConfigurationJson.LastChangedAt.Local().String() + "). Therefore no update needed.") return nil } } if configLastChangedBackend.Before(parsedConfigurationJson.LastChangedAt) || parsedConfigurationJson.LastChangedAt.IsZero() { if config.PatchIfExisting { //configuration exists and is older than current config (or does not provide information about lastChanged) and should be patched return handlePushConfiguration(config, configUUID, configDoesExist, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, connectionDetails, client) } else { //config exists, is not recent but must NOT be patched log.Entry().Info("pushing ATC System Configuration skipped. Reason: ATC System Configuration with name " + configName + " exists but should not be overwritten (check step configuration parameter).") return nil } } return nil } func checkATCSystemConfigurationFile(config *abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfigOptions) (parsedConfigJsonWithExpand, []byte, error) { var parsedConfigurationJson parsedConfigJsonWithExpand var emptyConfigurationJson parsedConfigJsonWithExpand var atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile []byte parsedConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, err := readATCSystemConfigurationFile(config) if err != nil { return parsedConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, err } //check if parsedConfigurationJson is not initial or Configuration Name not supplied if reflect.DeepEqual(parsedConfigurationJson, emptyConfigurationJson) || parsedConfigurationJson.ConfName == "" { return parsedConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, fmt.Errorf("pushing ATC System Configuration failed. Reason: Configured File does not contain required ATC System Configuration attributes (File: " + config.AtcSystemConfigFilePath + ")") } return parsedConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, nil } func readATCSystemConfigurationFile(config *abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfigOptions) (parsedConfigJsonWithExpand, []byte, error) { var parsedConfigurationJson parsedConfigJsonWithExpand var emptyConfigurationJson parsedConfigJsonWithExpand var atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile []byte var filename string filelocation, err := filepath.Glob(config.AtcSystemConfigFilePath) if err != nil { return parsedConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, err } if len(filelocation) == 0 { return parsedConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, fmt.Errorf("pushing ATC System Configuration failed. Reason: Configured Filelocation is empty (File: " + config.AtcSystemConfigFilePath + ")") } filename, err = filepath.Abs(filelocation[0]) if err != nil { return parsedConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, err } atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { return parsedConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, err } if len(atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile) == 0 { return parsedConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, fmt.Errorf("pushing ATC System Configuration failed. Reason: Configured File is empty (File: " + config.AtcSystemConfigFilePath + ")") } err = json.Unmarshal(atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, &parsedConfigurationJson) if err != nil { return emptyConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, err } return parsedConfigurationJson, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, err } func handlePushConfiguration(config *abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfigOptions, confUUID string, configDoesExist bool, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile []byte, connectionDetails abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP, client piperhttp.Sender) error { var err error connectionDetails.XCsrfToken, err = fetchXcsrfTokenFromHead(connectionDetails, client) if err != nil { return err } if configDoesExist { err = doPatchATCSystemConfig(config, confUUID, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, connectionDetails, client) if err != nil { return err } log.Entry().Info("ATC System Configuration successfully pushed from file " + config.AtcSystemConfigFilePath + " and patched in system") } if !configDoesExist { err = doPushATCSystemConfig(config, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, connectionDetails, client) if err != nil { return err } log.Entry().Info("ATC System Configuration successfully pushed from file " + config.AtcSystemConfigFilePath + " and created in system") } return nil } func fetchXcsrfTokenFromHead(connectionDetails abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP, client piperhttp.Sender) (string, error) { log.Entry().WithField("ABAP Endpoint: ", connectionDetails.URL).Debug("Fetching Xcrsf-Token") uriConnectionDetails := connectionDetails uriConnectionDetails.URL = "" connectionDetails.XCsrfToken = "fetch" // Loging into the ABAP System - getting the x-csrf-token and cookies resp, err := abaputils.GetHTTPResponse("HEAD", connectionDetails, nil, client) if err != nil { err = abaputils.HandleHTTPError(resp, err, "authentication on the ABAP system failed", connectionDetails) return connectionDetails.XCsrfToken, err } defer resp.Body.Close() log.Entry().WithField("StatusCode", resp.Status).WithField("ABAP Endpoint", connectionDetails.URL).Debug("Authentication on the ABAP system successful") uriConnectionDetails.XCsrfToken = resp.Header.Get("X-Csrf-Token") connectionDetails.XCsrfToken = uriConnectionDetails.XCsrfToken return connectionDetails.XCsrfToken, err } func doPatchATCSystemConfig(config *abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfigOptions, confUUID string, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile []byte, connectionDetails abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP, client piperhttp.Sender) error { batchATCSystemConfigFile, err := buildATCSystemConfigBatchRequest(confUUID, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile) if err != nil { return err } return doBatchATCSystemConfig(config, batchATCSystemConfigFile, connectionDetails, client) } func buildATCSystemConfigBatchRequest(confUUID string, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile []byte) (string, error) { var batchRequestString string //splitting json into configuration base and configuration properties & build a batch request for oData - patch config & patch priorities var configBaseJson parsedConfigJsonBase err := json.Unmarshal(atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, &configBaseJson) if err != nil { return batchRequestString, err } var parsedConfigPriorities parsedConfigPriorities err = json.Unmarshal(atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, &parsedConfigPriorities) if err != nil { return batchRequestString, err } configBaseJson.ConfUUID = confUUID //build the Batch request string contentID := 1 batchRequestString = addBeginOfBatch(batchRequestString) //now adding opening Changeset as at least config base is to be patched batchRequestString = addChangesetBegin(batchRequestString, contentID) configBaseJsonBody, err := json.Marshal(&configBaseJson) if err != nil { return batchRequestString, err } batchRequestString = addPatchConfigBaseChangeset(batchRequestString, confUUID, configBaseJsonBody) if len(parsedConfigPriorities.Priorities) > 0 { // in case Priorities need patches too var priority priorityJson for i, priorityLine := range parsedConfigPriorities.Priorities { //for each line, add content id contentID += 1 priority.Priority = priorityLine.Priority priorityJsonBody, err := json.Marshal(&priority) if err != nil { log.Entry().Errorf("problem with marshall of single priority in line "+strconv.Itoa(i), err) continue } batchRequestString = addChangesetBegin(batchRequestString, contentID) //now PATCH command for priority batchRequestString = addPatchSinglePriorityChangeset(batchRequestString, confUUID, priorityLine.Test, priorityLine.MessageId, priorityJsonBody) } } //at the end, add closing inner and outer boundary tags batchRequestString = addEndOfBatch(batchRequestString) log.Entry().Info("Batch Request String: " + batchRequestString) return batchRequestString, nil } func addPatchConfigBaseChangeset(inputString string, confUUID string, configBaseJsonBody []byte) string { entityIdString := `(root_id='1',conf_id=` + confUUID + `)` newString := addCommandEntityChangeset("PATCH", "configuration", entityIdString, inputString, configBaseJsonBody) return newString } func addPatchSinglePriorityChangeset(inputString string, confUUID string, test string, messageId string, priorityJsonBody []byte) string { entityIdString := `(root_id='1',conf_id=` + confUUID + `,test='` + test + `',message_id='` + messageId + `')` newString := addCommandEntityChangeset("PATCH", "priority", entityIdString, inputString, priorityJsonBody) return newString } func addChangesetBegin(inputString string, contentID int) string { newString := inputString + ` --changeset Content-Type: application/http Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-ID: ` + strconv.Itoa(contentID) + ` ` return newString } func addBeginOfBatch(inputString string) string { //Starting always with outer boundary - followed by mandatory Contenttype and boundary for changeset newString := inputString + ` --request-separator Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=changeset ` return newString } func addEndOfBatch(inputString string) string { //Starting always with outer boundary - followed by mandatory Contenttype and boundary for changeset newString := inputString + ` --changeset-- --request-separator--` return newString } func addCommandEntityChangeset(command string, entity string, entityIdString string, inputString string, jsonBody []byte) string { newString := inputString + ` ` + command + ` ` + entity + entityIdString + ` HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json ` if len(jsonBody) > 0 { newString += string(jsonBody) + ` ` } return newString } func doPushATCSystemConfig(config *abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfigOptions, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile []byte, connectionDetails abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP, client piperhttp.Sender) error { abapEndpoint := connectionDetails.URL connectionDetails.URL = abapEndpoint + "/configuration" resp, err := abaputils.GetHTTPResponse("POST", connectionDetails, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, client) return HandleHttpResponse(resp, err, "Post Request for Creating ATC System Configuration", connectionDetails) } func doBatchATCSystemConfig(config *abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfigOptions, batchRequestBodyFile string, connectionDetails abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP, client piperhttp.Sender) error { abapEndpoint := connectionDetails.URL connectionDetails.URL = abapEndpoint + "/$batch" header := make(map[string][]string) header["X-Csrf-Token"] = []string{connectionDetails.XCsrfToken} header["Content-Type"] = []string{"multipart/mixed;boundary=request-separator"} batchRequestBodyFileByte := []byte(batchRequestBodyFile) resp, err := client.SendRequest("POST", connectionDetails.URL, bytes.NewBuffer(batchRequestBodyFileByte), header, nil) return HandleHttpResponse(resp, err, "Batch Request for Patching ATC System Configuration", connectionDetails) } func checkConfigExistsInBackend(config *abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfigOptions, atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile []byte, connectionDetails abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP, client piperhttp.Sender) (bool, string, string, time.Time, error) { var configName string var configUUID string var configLastChangedAt time.Time //extract Configuration Name from atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile var parsedConfigurationJson parsedConfigJsonWithExpand err := json.Unmarshal(atcSystemConfiguartionJsonFile, &parsedConfigurationJson) if err != nil { return false, configName, configUUID, configLastChangedAt, err } //call a get on config with filter on given name configName = parsedConfigurationJson.ConfName abapEndpoint := connectionDetails.URL connectionDetails.URL = abapEndpoint + "/configuration" + "?$filter=conf_name%20eq%20" + "'" + configName + "'" if err != nil { return false, configName, configUUID, configLastChangedAt, err } resp, err := abaputils.GetHTTPResponse("GET", connectionDetails, nil, client) if err != nil { return false, configName, configUUID, configLastChangedAt, err } var body []byte body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return false, configName, configUUID, configLastChangedAt, err } var parsedoDataResponse parsedOdataResp err = json.Unmarshal(body, &parsedoDataResponse) if err != nil { return false, configName, configUUID, configLastChangedAt, err } if len(parsedoDataResponse.Value) > 0 { configUUID = parsedoDataResponse.Value[0].ConfUUID configLastChangedAt = parsedoDataResponse.Value[0].LastChangedAt log.Entry().Info("ATC System Configuration " + configName + " does exist and last changed at " + configLastChangedAt.Local().String()) return true, configName, configUUID, configLastChangedAt, nil } else { //response value is empty, so NOT found entity with this name! log.Entry().Info("ATC System Configuration " + configName + " does not exist!") return false, configName, "", configLastChangedAt, nil } } func HandleHttpResponse(resp *http.Response, err error, message string, connectionDetails abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP) error { var bodyText []byte var readError error if resp == nil { // Response is nil in case of a timeout log.Entry().WithError(err).WithField("ABAP Endpoint", connectionDetails.URL).Error("Request failed") } else { log.Entry().WithField("StatusCode", resp.Status).Info(message) bodyText, readError = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if readError != nil { defer resp.Body.Close() return readError } log.Entry().Infof("Response body: %s", bodyText) errorDetails, parsingError := getErrorDetailsFromBody(resp, bodyText) if parsingError == nil && errorDetails != "" { err = errors.New(errorDetails) } } defer resp.Body.Close() return err } func getErrorDetailsFromBody(resp *http.Response, bodyText []byte) (errorString string, err error) { // Include the error message of the ABAP Environment system, if available var abapErrorResponse AbapError var abapResp map[string]*json.RawMessage //errors could also be reported inside an e.g. BATCH request wich returned with status code 200!!! contentType := resp.Header.Get("Content-type") if len(bodyText) != 0 && strings.Contains(contentType, "multipart/mixed") { //scan for inner errors! (by now count as error only RespCode starting with 4 or 5) if strings.Contains(string(bodyText), "HTTP/1.1 4") || strings.Contains(string(bodyText), "HTTP/1.1 5") { errorString = fmt.Sprintf("Outer Response Code: %v - but at least one Inner response returned StatusCode 4* or 5*. Please check Log for details.", resp.StatusCode) } else { log.Entry().Info("no Inner Response Errors") } if errorString != "" { return errorString, nil } } if len(bodyText) != 0 && strings.Contains(contentType, "application/json") { errUnmarshal := json.Unmarshal(bodyText, &abapResp) if errUnmarshal != nil { return errorString, errUnmarshal } if _, ok := abapResp["error"]; ok { json.Unmarshal(*abapResp["error"], &abapErrorResponse) if (AbapError{}) != abapErrorResponse { log.Entry().WithField("ErrorCode", abapErrorResponse.Code).Error(abapErrorResponse.Message.Value) errorString = fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", abapErrorResponse.Code, abapErrorResponse.Message.Value) return errorString, nil } } } return errorString, errors.New("Could not parse the JSON error response") } func convertATCSysOptions(options *abapEnvironmentPushATCSystemConfigOptions) abaputils.AbapEnvironmentOptions { subOptions := abaputils.AbapEnvironmentOptions{} subOptions.CfAPIEndpoint = options.CfAPIEndpoint subOptions.CfServiceInstance = options.CfServiceInstance subOptions.CfServiceKeyName = options.CfServiceKeyName subOptions.CfOrg = options.CfOrg subOptions.CfSpace = options.CfSpace subOptions.Host = options.Host subOptions.Password = options.Password subOptions.Username = options.Username return subOptions } type parsedOdataResp struct { Value []parsedConfigJsonWithExpand `json:"value"` } type parsedConfigJsonWithExpand struct { ConfName string `json:"conf_name"` ConfUUID string `json:"conf_id"` LastChangedAt time.Time `json:"last_changed_at"` Priorities []parsedConfigPriority `json:"_priorities"` } type parsedConfigJsonBase struct { ConfName string `json:"conf_name"` ConfUUID string `json:"conf_id"` Checkvariant string `json:"checkvariant"` PseudoCommentPolicy string `json:"pseudo_comment_policy"` BlockFindings string `json:"block_findings"` InformFindings string `json:"inform_findings"` IsDefault bool `json:"is_default"` IsProxyVariant bool `json:"is_proxy_variant"` } type parsedConfigPriorities struct { Priorities []parsedConfigPriority `json:"_priorities"` } type parsedConfigPriority struct { Test string `json:"test"` MessageId string `json:"message_id"` Priority json.Number `json:"priority"` } type priorityJson struct { Priority json.Number `json:"priority"` } // AbapError contains the error code and the error message for ABAP errors type AbapError struct { Code string `json:"code"` Message AbapErrorMessage `json:"message"` } // AbapErrorMessage contains the lanuage and value fields for ABAP errors type AbapErrorMessage struct { Lang string `json:"lang"` Value string `json:"value"` }