package import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasItem import static import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.hamcrest.Matchers import org.junit.Assert import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException import org.junit.rules.RuleChain import import util.BasePiperTest import util.JenkinsLoggingRule import util.JenkinsScriptLoaderRule import util.JenkinsShellCallRule import util.JenkinsCredentialsRule import util.JenkinsDockerExecuteRule import util.Rules import hudson.AbortException public class ChangeManagementTest extends BasePiperTest { private ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none() private JenkinsShellCallRule script = new JenkinsShellCallRule(this) private JenkinsLoggingRule logging = new JenkinsLoggingRule(this) private JenkinsDockerExecuteRule dockerExecuteRule = new JenkinsDockerExecuteRule(this) @Rule public RuleChain rules = Rules.getCommonRules(this) .around(thrown) .around(script) .around(logging) .around(new JenkinsCredentialsRule(this).withCredentials('me','user','password')) .around(dockerExecuteRule) @Test public void testRetrieveChangeDocumentIdOutsideGitWorkTreeTest() { thrown.expect(ChangeManagementException) thrown.expectMessage('Cannot retrieve ChangeDocumentId. ' + 'Not in a git work tree. ' + 'ChangeDocumentId is extracted from git commit messages.') new ChangeManagement(nullScript, gitUtilsMock(false, new String[0])).getChangeDocumentId() } @Test public void testRetrieveChangeDocumentIdNothingFound() { thrown.expect(ChangeManagementException) thrown.expectMessage('Cannot retrieve ChangeDocumentId from git commits.') new ChangeManagement(nullScript, gitUtilsMock(true, new String[0])).getChangeDocumentId() } @Test public void testRetrieveChangeDocumentIdReturnsArrayWithNullValue() { thrown.expect(ChangeManagementException) thrown.expectMessage('Cannot retrieve ChangeDocumentId from git commits.') new ChangeManagement(nullScript, gitUtilsMock(true, (String[])[ null ])).getChangeDocumentId() } @Test public void testRetrieveChangeDocumentNotUnique() { thrown.expect(ChangeManagementException) thrown.expectMessage('Multiple ChangeDocumentIds found') String[] changeIds = [ 'a', 'b' ] new ChangeManagement(nullScript, gitUtilsMock(true, changeIds)).getChangeDocumentId() } @Test public void testRetrieveChangeDocumentSameChangeIdFoundTwice() { String[] changeIds = [ 'a', 'a' ] def changeID = new ChangeManagement(nullScript, gitUtilsMock(true, changeIds)).getChangeDocumentId() assert changeID == 'a' } @Test public void testIsChangeInDevelopmentReturnsTrueWhenChangeIsInDevelopent() { script.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, "cmclient.*is-change-in-development -cID '001'", 0) boolean inDevelopment = new ChangeManagement(nullScript, null).isChangeInDevelopment('001', 'endpoint', 'me') assertThat(inDevelopment, is(equalTo(true))) assertThat([0], allOf(containsString("cmclient"), containsString("-u 'user'"), containsString("-p 'password'"), containsString("-e 'endpoint'"), containsString('is-change-in-development'), containsString("-cID '001'"), containsString("-t SOLMAN"))) } @Test public void testIsChangeInDevelopmentReturnsFalseWhenChangeIsNotInDevelopent() { script.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, "cmclient.*is-change-in-development -cID '001'", 3) boolean inDevelopment = new ChangeManagement(nullScript, null) .isChangeInDevelopment('001', 'endpoint', 'me') assertThat(inDevelopment, is(equalTo(false))) } @Test public void testIsChangeInDevelopmentThrowsExceptionWhenCMClientReturnsUnexpectedExitCode() { thrown.expect(ChangeManagementException) thrown.expectMessage('Cannot retrieve status for change document \'001\'. Does this change exist? Return code from cmclient: 1.') script.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, "cmclient.*is-change-in-development -cID '001'", 1) new ChangeManagement(nullScript, null).isChangeInDevelopment('001', 'endpoint', 'me') } @Test public void testGetCommandLineWithoutCMClientOpts() { String commandLine = new ChangeManagement(nullScript, null) .getCMCommandLine(BackendType.SOLMAN, '', "me", "topSecret", "the-command", ["-key1", "val1", "-key2", "val2"]) commandLine = commandLine.replaceAll(' +', " ") assertThat(commandLine, not(containsString("CMCLIENT_OPTS"))) assertThat(commandLine, containsString("cmclient -e '' -u 'me' -p 'topSecret' -t SOLMAN the-command -key1 val1 -key2 val2")) } @Test public void testGetCommandLineWithCMClientOpts() { String commandLine = new ChangeManagement(nullScript, null) .getCMCommandLine(BackendType.SOLMAN, '', "me", "topSecret", "the-command", ["-key1", "val1", "-key2", "val2"], '') commandLine = commandLine.replaceAll(' +', " ") assertThat(commandLine, containsString('export CMCLIENT_OPTS=""')) } @Test public void testCreateTransportRequestSOLMANSucceeds() { script.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, ".*cmclient.*create-transport -cID 001 -dID 002.*", '004') def transportRequestId = new ChangeManagement(nullScript).createTransportRequestSOLMAN( '001', '002', '003', 'me') // the check for the transportRequestID is sufficient. This checks implicit the command line since that value is // returned only in case the shell call matches. assert transportRequestId == '004' } @Test public void testCreateTransportRequestRFCSucceeds() { script.setReturnValue('cts createTransportRequest', '{"REQUESTID":"XYZK9000004"}') def transportRequestId = new ChangeManagement(nullScript).createTransportRequestRFC( [image: 'rfc', options: []], '', // endpoint '01', // client '001', // instance 'me', // credentialsId 'Lorem ipsum' // description ) assert dockerExecuteRule.dockerParams.dockerImage == 'rfc' assert dockerExecuteRule.dockerParams.dockerEnvVars == [ TRANSPORT_DESCRIPTION: 'Lorem ipsum', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_INSTANCE: '001', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_CLIENT: '01', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER: '', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_USER: 'user', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD: 'password', ] assert transportRequestId == 'XYZK9000004' } @Test public void testCreateTransportRequestRFCFails() { thrown.expect(ChangeManagementException) thrown.expectMessage('Cannot create transport request: script returned exit code 3') script.setReturnValue('cts createTransportRequest', { throw new AbortException('script returned exit code 3')}) def transportRequestId = new ChangeManagement(nullScript).createTransportRequestRFC( [image: 'rfc', options: []], '', // endpoint '01', // client '001', // instance 'me', // credentialsId 'Lorem ipsum' // description ) } @Test public void testCreateTransportRequestCTSSucceeds() { script.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, 'cmclient.* -t CTS .*create-transport -tt W -ts XYZ -d "desc 123"$', '004') def transportRequestId = new ChangeManagement(nullScript) .createTransportRequestCTS( 'W', // transport type 'XYZ', // target system 'desc 123', // description '', 'me') // the check for the transportRequestID is sufficient. This checks implicit the command line since that value is // returned only in case the shell call matches. assert transportRequestId == '004' } @Test public void testUploadFileToTransportSucceedsSOLMAN() { // the regex provided below is an implicit check that the command line is fine. script.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, 'upload-file-to-transport.*-cID 001 -tID 002 XXX "/path"', 0) new ChangeManagement(nullScript).uploadFileToTransportRequestSOLMAN( '001', '002', 'XXX', '/path', '', 'me') // no assert required here, since the regex registered above to the script rule is an implicit check for // the command line. } @Test public void testUploadFileToTransportSucceedsCTS() { // the regex provided below is an implicit check that the command line is fine. script.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, '-t CTS upload-file-to-transport -tID 002 "/path"', 0) new ChangeManagement(nullScript).uploadFileToTransportRequestCTS( '002', '/path', '', 'me') // no assert required here, since the regex registered above to the script rule is an implicit check for // the command line. } @Test public void testUploadFileToTransportSucceedsRFC() { new ChangeManagement(nullScript).uploadFileToTransportRequestRFC( [image:'rfc', options: [], pullImage: true], '002', //transportRequestId '001', // applicationId '', '', 'me', '01', //developmentInstance '00', // developmentClient 'Lorem ipsum', // applicationDescription 'XYZ' // abapPackage ) assert dockerExecuteRule.dockerParams.dockerImage == 'rfc' assert dockerExecuteRule.dockerParams.dockerPullImage == true assert dockerExecuteRule.dockerParams.dockerEnvVars == [ ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_INSTANCE: '01', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_CLIENT: '00', ABAP_APPLICATION_NAME: '001', ABAP_APPLICATION_DESC: 'Lorem ipsum', ABAP_PACKAGE: 'XYZ', ZIP_FILE_URL: '', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER: '', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_USER: 'user', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD: 'password', ] assertThat(, contains('cts uploadToABAP:002')) } @Test public void testUploadFileToTransportFailsRFC() { thrown.expect(ChangeManagementException) thrown.expectMessage('Cannot upload file into transport request. Return code from rfc client: 1.') script.setReturnValue('cts uploadToABAP:002', 1) new ChangeManagement(nullScript).uploadFileToTransportRequestRFC( [:], '002', //transportRequestId '001', // applicationId '', '', 'me', '01', //developmentInstance '00', // developmentClient 'Lorem ipsum', // applicationDescription 'XYZ' // abapPackage ) } @Test public void testUploadFileToTransportFailsSOLMAN() { thrown.expect(ChangeManagementException) thrown.expectMessage("Cannot upload file into transport request. " + "Return code from cm client: 1.") script.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX,, 'upload-file-to-transport', 1) new ChangeManagement(nullScript).uploadFileToTransportRequestSOLMAN( '001', '002', 'XXX', '/path', '', 'me') } @Test public void testReleaseTransportRequestSucceedsSOLMAN() { // the regex provided below is an implicit check that the command line is fine. script.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, '-t SOLMAN release-transport.*-cID 001.*-tID 002', 0) new ChangeManagement(nullScript).releaseTransportRequestSOLMAN( '001', '002', '', 'me', 'openSesame') // no assert required here, since the regex registered above to the script rule is an implicit check for // the command line. } @Test public void testReleaseTransportRequestSucceedsCTS() { // the regex provided below is an implicit check that the command line is fine. script.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, '-t CTS export-transport.*-tID 002', 0) new ChangeManagement(nullScript).releaseTransportRequestCTS( '002', '', 'me', 'openSesame') // no assert required here, since the regex registered above to the script rule is an implicit check for // the command line. } @Test public void testReleaseTransportRequestSucceedsRFC() { new ChangeManagement(nullScript).releaseTransportRequestRFC( [:], '002', '', '002', '001', 'me') assert dockerExecuteRule.dockerParams.dockerEnvVars == [ ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER: '', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_USER: 'user', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD: 'password', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_CLIENT: '001', ABAP_DEVELOPMENT_INSTANCE: '002', ] assertThat(, hasItem('cts releaseTransport:002')) } @Test public void testReleaseTransportRequestFailsSOLMAN() { thrown.expect(ChangeManagementException) thrown.expectMessage("Cannot release Transport Request '002'. Return code from cmclient: 1.") // the regex provided below is an implicit check that the command line is fine. script.setReturnValue(JenkinsShellCallRule.Type.REGEX, 'release-transport.*-cID 001.*-tID 002', 1) new ChangeManagement(nullScript).releaseTransportRequestSOLMAN( '001', '002', '', 'me') } private GitUtils gitUtilsMock(boolean insideWorkTree, String[] changeIds) { return new GitUtils() { public boolean insideWorkTree() { return insideWorkTree } public String[] extractLogLines( String filter = '', String from = 'origin/master', String to = 'HEAD', String format = '%b') { return changeIds } } } }