import import import groovy.transform.Field @Field def DEFAULT_MTA_JAR_NAME = 'mta.jar' def call(Map parameters = [:]) { def stepName = 'mtaBuild' Set parameterKeys = [ 'buildTarget', 'mtaJarLocation' ] Set stepConfigurationKeys = [ 'buildTarget', 'mtaJarLocation' ] handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: stepName, stepParameters: parameters) { final script = parameters?.script ?: [commonPipelineEnvironment: commonPipelineEnvironment] prepareDefaultValues script: script final Map configuration = ConfigurationMerger.merge( script, stepName, parameters, parameterKeys, stepConfigurationKeys) MTA_JAR_FILE_VALIDATE: { // same order like inside getMtaJar, def mtaJarLocation = configuration?.mtaJarLocation ?: env?.MTA_JAR_LOCATION def returnCodeLsMtaJar = sh script: "ls ${DEFAULT_MTA_JAR_NAME}", returnStatus:true if(mtaJarLocation || ( !mtaJarLocation && returnCodeLsMtaJar != 0)) { // toolValidate commented since it is does not work in // conjunction with jenkins slaves. // TODO: switch on again when the issue is resolved. // toolValidate tool: 'mta', home: mtaJarLocation echo 'toolValidate (mta) is disabled.' } else { echo "mta toolset (${DEFAULT_MTA_JAR_NAME}) has been found in current working directory. Using this version without further tool validation." } } JAVA_HOME_CHECK : { // in case JAVA_HOME is not set, but java is in the path we should not fail // in order to be backward compatible. Before introducing that check here // is worked also in case JAVA_HOME was not set, but java was in the path. // toolValidate works only upon JAVA_HOME and fails in case it is not set. def rc = sh script: 'which java' , returnStatus: true if(script.JAVA_HOME || (!script.JAVA_HOME && rc != 0)) { // toolValidate commented since it is does not work in // conjunction with jenkins slaves. // TODO: switch on again when the issue is resolved. echo 'toolValidate (mta) is disabled.' // toolValidate tool: 'java', home: script.JAVA_HOME echo 'toolValidate (java) is disabled.' } else { echo 'Tool validation (java) skipped. JAVA_HOME not set, but java executable in path.' } } def mtaYaml = readYaml file: "${pwd()}/mta.yaml" //[Q]: Why not yaml.dump()? [A]: This reformats the whole file. sh "sed -ie \"s/\\\${timestamp}/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`/g\" \"${pwd()}/mta.yaml\"" def id = mtaYaml.ID if (!id) { error "Property 'ID' not found in mta.yaml file at: '${pwd()}'" } def mtarFileName = "${id}.mtar" def mtaJar = getMtaJar(stepName, configuration) def buildTarget = configuration.buildTarget sh """#!/bin/bash export PATH=./node_modules/.bin:${PATH} java -jar ${mtaJar} --mtar ${mtarFileName} --build-target=${buildTarget} build """ def mtarFilePath = "${pwd()}/${mtarFileName}" script?.commonPipelineEnvironment?.setMtarFilePath(mtarFilePath) return mtarFilePath } } private getMtaJar(stepName, configuration) { def mtaJarLocation = DEFAULT_MTA_JAR_NAME //default, maybe it is in current working directory if(configuration?.mtaJarLocation){ mtaJarLocation = "${configuration.mtaJarLocation}/${DEFAULT_MTA_JAR_NAME}" echo "[$stepName] MTA JAR \"${mtaJarLocation}\" retrieved from configuration." return mtaJarLocation } if(env?.MTA_JAR_LOCATION){ mtaJarLocation = "${env.MTA_JAR_LOCATION}/${DEFAULT_MTA_JAR_NAME}" echo "[$stepName] MTA JAR \"${mtaJarLocation}\" retrieved from environment." return mtaJarLocation } echo "[$stepName] Using MTA JAR from current working directory." return mtaJarLocation }