# gaugeExecuteTests
## Description
In this step Gauge ([getgauge.io](http:getgauge.io)) acceptance tests are executed.
Using Gauge it will be possible to have a three-tier test layout:
* Acceptance Criteria
* Test implemenation layer
* Application driver layer
This layout is propagated by Jez Humble and Dave Farley in their book "Continuous Delivery" as a way to create maintainable acceptance test suites (see "Continuous Delivery", p. 190ff).
Using Gauge it is possible to write test specifications in [Markdown syntax](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) and therefore allow e.g. product owners to write the relevant acceptance test specifications. At the same time it allows the developer to implement the steps described in the specification in her development environment.
You can use the [sample projects](https://github.com/getgauge/gauge-mvn-archetypes) of Gauge.
!!! note "Make sure to run against a Selenium Hub configuration"
In the test example of _gauge-archetype-selenium_ please make sure to allow it to run against a Selenium hub:
Please extend DriverFactory.java for example in following way:
``` java
String hubUrl = System.getenv("HUB_URL");
//when running on a Docker deamon (and not using Kubernetes plugin), Docker images will be linked
//in this case hubUrl will be http://selenium:4444/wd/hub due to the linking of the containers
hubUrl = (hubUrl == null) ? "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" : hubUrl;
Capabilities chromeCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.chrome();
System.out.println("Running on Selenium Hub: " + hubUrl);
return new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(hubUrl), chromeCapabilities);
## Prerequsites
## Example
Pipeline step:
gaugeExecuteTests script: this, testServerUrl: 'http://test.url'
## Parameters
| parameter | mandatory | default | possible values |
| ----------|-----------|---------|-----------------|
|dockerEnvVars|no|`[HUB:TRUE, HUB_URL:http://localhost:4444/wd/hub]`||
|dockerImage|no|buildTool=`maven`: `maven:3.5-jdk-8`
buildTool=`npm`: `node:8-stretch`
|dockerName|no|buildTool=`maven`: `maven`
buildTool=`npm`: `npm`
buildTool=`npm`: `/home/node`
|installCommand|no|`curl -SsL https://downloads.gauge.org/stable | sh -s -- --location=$HOME/bin/gauge`||
|languageRunner|no|buildTool=`maven`: `java`
buildTool=`npm`: `js`
|runCommand|no|buildTool=`maven`: `mvn test-compile gauge:execute`
buildTool=`npm`: `gauge run`