package cmd import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http/cookiejar" "reflect" "time" "" "" piperhttp "" "" "" "" ) func abapEnvironmentCloneGitRepo(config abapEnvironmentCloneGitRepoOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData) { c := command.Command{} c.Stdout(log.Writer()) c.Stderr(log.Writer()) var autils = abaputils.AbapUtils{ Exec: &c, } client := piperhttp.Client{} // error situations should stop execution through log.Entry().Fatal() call which leads to an os.Exit(1) in the end err := runAbapEnvironmentCloneGitRepo(&config, telemetryData, &autils, &client) if err != nil { log.Entry().Info("-------------------------------------") log.Entry().Info("-------------------------------------") log.Entry().Info("If the exception CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL occurs, please consider switching to a different strategy / step until the issue is resolved by SAP (planned for SAP BTP ABAP Environment release 2102 HFC04). Please have a look at for more details.") log.Entry().Info("-------------------------------------") log.Entry().Info("-------------------------------------") log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("step execution failed") } } func runAbapEnvironmentCloneGitRepo(config *abapEnvironmentCloneGitRepoOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, com abaputils.Communication, client piperhttp.Sender) error { // Mapping for options subOptions := convertCloneConfig(config) // Determine the host, user and password, either via the input parameters or via a cloud foundry service key connectionDetails, errorGetInfo := com.GetAbapCommunicationArrangementInfo(subOptions, "") if errorGetInfo != nil { return errors.Wrap(errorGetInfo, "Parameters for the ABAP Connection not available") } // Configuring the HTTP Client and CookieJar cookieJar, errorCookieJar := cookiejar.New(nil) if errorCookieJar != nil { return errors.Wrap(errorCookieJar, "Could not create a Cookie Jar") } client.SetOptions(piperhttp.ClientOptions{ MaxRequestDuration: 180 * time.Second, CookieJar: cookieJar, Username: connectionDetails.User, Password: connectionDetails.Password, }) repositories, errGetRepos := abaputils.GetRepositories(&abaputils.RepositoriesConfig{BranchName: config.BranchName, RepositoryName: config.RepositoryName, Repositories: config.Repositories}) if errGetRepos != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Something failed during the clone: %w", errGetRepos) } log.Entry().Infof("Start cloning %v repositories", len(repositories)) for _, repo := range repositories { commitString := "" if repo.CommitID != "" { commitString = ", commit '" + repo.CommitID + "'" } log.Entry().Info("-------------------------") log.Entry().Info("Start cloning " + repo.Name + ", branch " + repo.Branch + commitString) log.Entry().Info("-------------------------") // Triggering the Clone of the repository into the ABAP Environment system uriConnectionDetails, errorTriggerClone := triggerClone(repo, connectionDetails, client) if errorTriggerClone != nil { return errors.Wrapf(errorTriggerClone, "Clone of '%s', branch '%s'%s failed on the ABAP System", repo.Name, repo.Branch, commitString) } // Polling the status of the repository import on the ABAP Environment system status, errorPollEntity := abaputils.PollEntity(repo.Name, uriConnectionDetails, client, com.GetPollIntervall()) if errorPollEntity != nil { return errors.Wrapf(errorPollEntity, "Clone of '%s', branch '%s'%s failed on the ABAP System", repo.Name, repo.Branch, commitString) } if status == "E" { return errors.New("Clone of '" + repo.Name + "', branch '" + repo.Branch + "'" + commitString + " failed on the ABAP System") } log.Entry().Info(repo.Name + ", branch " + repo.Branch + commitString + " was cloned successfully") } log.Entry().Info("-------------------------") log.Entry().Info("All repositories were cloned successfully") return nil } func triggerClone(repo abaputils.Repository, cloneConnectionDetails abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP, client piperhttp.Sender) (abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP, error) { uriConnectionDetails := cloneConnectionDetails cloneConnectionDetails.XCsrfToken = "fetch" cloneConnectionDetails.URL = cloneConnectionDetails.URL + "/sap/opu/odata/sap/MANAGE_GIT_REPOSITORY/Clones" // Loging into the ABAP System - getting the x-csrf-token and cookies resp, err := abaputils.GetHTTPResponse("HEAD", cloneConnectionDetails, nil, client) if err != nil { err = abaputils.HandleHTTPError(resp, err, "Authentication on the ABAP system failed", cloneConnectionDetails) return uriConnectionDetails, err } defer resp.Body.Close() // workaround until golang version 1.16 is used time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) log.Entry().WithField("StatusCode", resp.Status).WithField("ABAP Endpoint", cloneConnectionDetails.URL).Debug("Authentication on the ABAP system successful") uriConnectionDetails.XCsrfToken = resp.Header.Get("X-Csrf-Token") cloneConnectionDetails.XCsrfToken = uriConnectionDetails.XCsrfToken // Trigger the Clone of a Repository if repo.Name == "" { return uriConnectionDetails, errors.New("An empty string was passed for the parameter 'repositoryName'") } commitQuery, commitString := abaputils.GetCommitStrings(repo.CommitID) jsonBody := []byte(`{"sc_name":"` + repo.Name + `", "branch_name":"` + repo.Branch + `"` + commitQuery + `}`) resp, err = abaputils.GetHTTPResponse("POST", cloneConnectionDetails, jsonBody, client) if err != nil { err = abaputils.HandleHTTPError(resp, err, "Could not clone the Repository / Software Component "+repo.Name+", branch "+repo.Branch+commitString, uriConnectionDetails) return uriConnectionDetails, err } defer resp.Body.Close() log.Entry().WithField("StatusCode", resp.Status).WithField("repositoryName", repo.Name).WithField("branchName", repo.Branch).WithField("commitID", repo.CommitID).Info("Triggered Clone of Repository / Software Component") // Parse Response var body abaputils.CloneEntity var abapResp map[string]*json.RawMessage bodyText, errRead := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if errRead != nil { return uriConnectionDetails, err } json.Unmarshal(bodyText, &abapResp) json.Unmarshal(*abapResp["d"], &body) if reflect.DeepEqual(abaputils.CloneEntity{}, body) { log.Entry().WithField("StatusCode", resp.Status).WithField("repositoryName", repo.Name).WithField("branchName", repo.Branch).WithField("commitID", repo.CommitID).Error("Could not Clone the Repository / Software Component") err := errors.New("Request to ABAP System not successful") return uriConnectionDetails, err } // The entity "Clones" does not allow for polling. To poll the progress, the related entity "Pull" has to be called // While "Clones" has the key fields UUID, SC_NAME and BRANCH_NAME, "Pull" only has the key field UUID uriConnectionDetails.URL = uriConnectionDetails.URL + "/sap/opu/odata/sap/MANAGE_GIT_REPOSITORY/Pull(uuid=guid'" + body.UUID + "')" + "?$expand=to_Execution_log,to_Transport_log" return uriConnectionDetails, nil } func convertCloneConfig(config *abapEnvironmentCloneGitRepoOptions) abaputils.AbapEnvironmentOptions { subOptions := abaputils.AbapEnvironmentOptions{} subOptions.CfAPIEndpoint = config.CfAPIEndpoint subOptions.CfServiceInstance = config.CfServiceInstance subOptions.CfServiceKeyName = config.CfServiceKeyName subOptions.CfOrg = config.CfOrg subOptions.CfSpace = config.CfSpace subOptions.Host = config.Host subOptions.Password = config.Password subOptions.Username = config.Username return subOptions }