# dockerExecuteOnKubernetes ## Description Content here is generated from corresponding step, see `vars`. ## Prerequisites * The Jenkins should be running on kubernetes. * An environment variable `ON_K8S` should be created on Jenkins and initialized to `true`. This could for example be done via _Jenkins_ - _Manage Jenkins_ - _Configure System_ - _Global properties_ - _Environment variables_ ![Jenkins environment variable configuration](../images/k8s_env.png) ## Parameters Content here is generated from corresponding step, see `vars`. ## Step configuration Content here is generated from corresponding step, see `vars`. ## Side effects none ## Exceptions none ## Example 1: Run a closure in a single container pod ```sh # set environment variable export ON_K8S=true" ``` ```groovy dockerExecuteOnKubernetes(script: script, dockerImage: 'maven:3.5-jdk-7'){ sh "mvn clean install" } ``` In the above example, a pod will be created with a docker container of image `maven:3.5-jdk-7`. The closure will be then executed inside the container. ## Example 2: Run a closure in a multi-container pod ```sh # set environment variable export ON_K8S=true" ``` ```groovy dockerExecuteOnKubernetes(script: script, containerMap: ['maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine': 'maven', 's4sdk/docker-cf-cli': 'cfcli']){ container('maven'){ sh "mvn clean install" } container('cfcli'){ sh "cf plugins" } } ``` In the above example, a pod will be created with multiple Docker containers that are passed as a `containerMap`. The containers can be chosen for executing by referring their labels as shown in the example. ## Example 3: Running a closure in a dedicated container of a multi-container pod ```sh # set environment variable export ON_K8S=true" ``` ```groovy dockerExecuteOnKubernetes( script: script, containerCommands: ['selenium/standalone-chrome': ''], containerMap: ['maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine': 'maven', 'selenium/standalone-chrome': 'selenium'], containerName: 'maven', containerPortMappings: ['selenium/standalone-chrome': [containerPort: 4444, hostPort: 4444]] containerWorkspaces: ['selenium/standalone-chrome': ''] ){ echo "Executing inside a Kubernetes Pod inside 'maven' container to run Selenium tests" sh "mvn clean install" } ```