package import hudson.AbortException import org.junit.After import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException import org.junit.rules.RuleChain import util.BasePiperTest import util.JenkinsEnvironmentRule import util.JenkinsLoggingRule import util.LibraryLoadingTestExecutionListener import util.Rules import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString import static import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.isA class WhitesourceRepositoryTest extends BasePiperTest { private ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none() private JenkinsLoggingRule jlr = new JenkinsLoggingRule(this) private JenkinsEnvironmentRule jer = new JenkinsEnvironmentRule(this) @Rule public RuleChain ruleChain = Rules .getCommonRules(this) .around(exception) .around(jlr) .around(jer) WhitesourceRepository repository @Before void init() throws Exception { nullScript.env['HTTP_PROXY'] = "" repository = new WhitesourceRepository(nullScript, [whitesource: [serviceUrl: ""]]) LibraryLoadingTestExecutionListener.prepareObjectInterceptors(repository) } @After void tearDown() { printCallStack() nullScript.env = [:] } @Test void testMissingConfig() { def errorCaught = false try { new WhitesourceRepository(null, [:]) } catch (e) { errorCaught = true assertThat(e, isA(AbortException.class)) assertThat(e.getMessage(), is("Parameter 'whitesource.serviceUrl' must be provided as part of the configuration.")) } assertThat(errorCaught, is(true)) } @Test void testResolveProjectsMeta() { def whitesourceMetaResponse = [ projectVitals: [ [ token: '410389ae-0269-4719-9cbf-fb5e299c8415', name : 'NW' ], [ token: '2892f1db-4361-4e83-a89d-d28a262d65b9', name : 'Correct Project Name2' ], [ token: '1111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111', name : 'Correct Project Name' ] ] ] repository.config['productName'] = "Correct Name Cloud" repository.config['projectNames'] = ["Correct Project Name", "Correct Project Name2"] def result = repository.findProjectsMeta(whitesourceMetaResponse.projectVitals) assertThat(result, is( [ { token: '1111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111' name: 'Correct Name Cloud' }, { token: '2892f1db-4361-4e83-a89d-d28a262d65b9' name: 'Correct Project Name2' } ])) assertThat(result.size(), 2) } @Test void testResolveProjectsMetaFailNotFound() { def whitesourceMetaResponse = [ projectVitals: [ [ token: '410389ae-0269-4719-9cbf-fb5e299c8415', name : 'NW' ], [ token: '2892f1db-4361-4e83-a89d-d28a262d65b9', name : 'Product Name' ], [ token: '1111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111', name : 'Product Name2' ] ] ] exception.expect(AbortException.class) exception.expectMessage("Correct Project Name") repository.config.putAll([whitesource : [ projectNames: ["Correct Project Name"]]]) repository.findProjectsMeta(whitesourceMetaResponse.projectVitals) } @Test void testSortLibrariesAlphabeticallyGAV() { def librariesResponse = [ [ groupId : 'xyz', artifactId: 'abc' ], [ groupId : 'abc', artifactId: 'abc-def' ], [ groupId : 'abc', artifactId: 'def-abc' ], [ groupId : 'def', artifactId: 'test' ] ] repository.sortLibrariesAlphabeticallyGAV(librariesResponse) assertThat(librariesResponse, is( [ { groupId: 'abc' artifactId: 'abc-def' }, { groupId: 'abc' artifactId: 'def-abc' }, { groupId: 'def' artifactId: 'test' }, { groupId: 'xyz' artifactId: 'abc' } ])) } @Test void testSortVulnerabilitiesByScore() { def vulnerabilitiesResponse = [ [ vulnerability: [ score : 6.9, cvss3_score: 8.5 ] ], [ vulnerability: [ score : 7.5, cvss3_score: 9.8 ] ], [ vulnerability: [ score : 4, cvss3_score: 0 ] ], [ vulnerability: [ score : 9.8, cvss3_score: 0 ] ], [ vulnerability: [ score : 0, cvss3_score: 5 ] ] ] repository.sortVulnerabilitiesByScore(vulnerabilitiesResponse) assertThat(vulnerabilitiesResponse, is( [ {vulnerability: { score: 9.8 cvss3_score: 0 }} , {vulnerability: { score : 7.5 cvss3_score: 9.8 }} , {vulnerability: { score : 6.9 cvss3_score: 8.5 }} , {vulnerability: { score : 0 cvss3_score: 5 }} , {vulnerability: { score : 4 cvss3_score: 0 }} ])) } @Test void testHttpWhitesourceExternalCallNoUserKey() { def config = [ whitesourceServiceUrl: "", verbose: true] repository.config.putAll(config) def requestBody = "{ \"someJson\" : { \"someObject\" : \"abcdef\" } }" def requestParams helper.registerAllowedMethod('httpRequest', [Map], { p -> requestParams = p }) repository.httpWhitesource(requestBody) assertThat(requestParams, is( [ url : config.whitesourceServiceUrl, httpMode : 'POST', acceptType : 'APPLICATION_JSON', contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', requestBody: requestBody, quiet : false, proxy : "" ] )) } @Test void testHttpWhitesourceExternalCallUserKey() { def config = [ serviceUrl: "", verbose: true, userKey: "4711"] def requestBody = "{ \"someJson\" : { \"someObject\" : \"abcdef\" } }" def requestParams helper.registerAllowedMethod('httpRequest', [Map], { p -> requestParams = p }) repository.httpWhitesource(requestBody) assertThat(requestParams, is( [ url : config.whitesourceServiceUrl, httpMode : 'POST', acceptType : 'APPLICATION_JSON', contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', requestBody: requestBody, quiet : false, proxy : "", userKey : "4711" ] )) } @Test void testHttpWhitesourceInternalCallUserKey() { def config = [ whitesourceServiceUrl: "", verbose: false, userKey: "4711"] def requestBody = "{ \"someJson\" : { \"someObject\" : \"abcdef\" } }" def requestParams helper.registerAllowedMethod('httpRequest', [Map], { p -> requestParams = p }) repository.httpWhitesource(requestBody) assertThat(requestParams, is( [ url : config.whitesourceServiceUrl, httpMode : 'POST', acceptType : 'APPLICATION_JSON', contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', requestBody: requestBody, quiet : true ] )) } @Test void testHttpCallWithError() { def responseBody = """{ \"errorCode\": 5001, \"errorMessage\": \"User is not allowed to perform this action\" }""" exception.expect(isA(AbortException.class)) exception.expectMessage("[WhiteSource] Request failed with error message 'User is not allowed to perform this action' (5001)") helper.registerAllowedMethod('httpRequest', [Map], { p -> requestParams = p return [content: responseBody] }) repository.fetchWhitesourceResource([httpMode: 'POST']) } @Test void testFetchReportForProduct() { repository.config.putAll([ whitesourceServiceUrl: "", verbose: true, productToken: "4711"]) def command helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [String], { cmd -> command = cmd }) repository.fetchReportForProduct("test.file") assertThat(command, equals('''#!/bin/sh -e curl -o test.file -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "requestType": "getProductRiskReport", "productToken": "4711" }''' )) assertThat(jlr.log, containsString("Sending curl request with parameters [requestType:getProductRiskReport, productToken:4711]")) } @Test void testFetchProductLicenseAlerts() { def config = [ serviceUrl: "", userKey: "4711", productToken: "8547"] nullScript.env['HTTP_PROXY'] = "" repository.config.putAll(config) def requestBody = [ requestType: "getProductAlertsByType", alertType: "REJECTED_BY_POLICY_RESOURCE", productToken: config.productToken ] def requestParams helper.registerAllowedMethod('httpRequest', [Map], { p -> requestParams = p return [ content: "{ \"alerts\" : [] }"] }) repository.fetchProductLicenseAlerts() assertThat(requestParams, is( [ url : config.serviceUrl, httpMode : 'POST', acceptType : 'APPLICATION_JSON', contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', requestBody: requestBody, quiet : false, userKey : config.userKey, httpProxy : "" ] )) } @Test void testFetchProjectLicenseAlerts() { def projectToken = "8547" def config = [ serviceUrl: "", userKey: "4711"] repository.config.putAll(config) def requestBody = [ requestType: "getProjectAlertsByType", alertType: "REJECTED_BY_POLICY_RESOURCE", projectToken: projectToken ] def requestParams helper.registerAllowedMethod('httpRequest', [Map], { p -> requestParams = p return [ content: "{ \"alerts\" : [] }"] }) repository.fetchProjectLicenseAlerts(projectToken) assertThat(requestParams, is( [ url : config.serviceUrl, httpMode : 'POST', acceptType : 'APPLICATION_JSON', contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', requestBody: requestBody, quiet : false, userKey : config.userKey, httpProxy : "" ] )) } @Test void testFetchProjectsMetaInfo() { def config = [ serviceUrl: "", userKey: "4711", productToken: '8475', projectNames: ['testProject1', 'testProject2']] nullScript.env['HTTP_PROXY'] = "" repository.config.putAll(config) def requestBody = [ requestType: "getProductProjectVitals", productToken: config.productToken ] def requestParams helper.registerAllowedMethod('httpRequest', [Map], { p -> requestParams = p return [ content: "{ \"projectVitals\" : [ { \"name\": \"testProject1\"}, { \"name\": \"testProject2\"} ] }"] }) def result = repository.fetchProjectsMetaInfo() assertThat(requestParams, is( [ url : config.serviceUrl, httpMode : 'POST', acceptType : 'APPLICATION_JSON', contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', requestBody: requestBody, quiet : false, userKey : config.userKey, httpProxy : "" ] )) assertThat(result, is([[ name: "testProduct1"], [ name: "testProduct2"]])) } @Test void testFetchProjectsMetaInfoError() { def config = [ serviceUrl: "", userKey: "4711", productName: 'kjdkjkhd', productToken: '8475', projectNames: ['testProject1', 'testProject2']] repository.config.putAll(config) def requestParams helper.registerAllowedMethod('httpRequest', [Map], { p -> requestParams = p return [ content: "{ }"] }) def errorCaught = false try { repository.fetchProjectsMetaInfo() } catch (e) { errorCaught = true assertThat(e, isA(AbortException.class)) assertThat(e.getMessage(), is("[WhiteSource] Could not fetch any projects for product '${config.productName}' from backend, response was {}")) } assertThat(errorCaught, is(true)) } @Test void testFetchVulnerabilitiesOnProjects() { def config = [ serviceUrl: "", userKey: "4711", productToken: '8475', projectNames: ['testProject1', 'testProject2']] nullScript.env['HTTP_PROXY'] = "" repository.config.putAll(config) def requestBody1 = [ requestType : "getProjectAlertsByType", alertType : "SECURITY_VULNERABILITY", projectToken: "1234" ] def requestBody2 = [ requestType : "getProjectAlertsByType", alertType : "SECURITY_VULNERABILITY", projectToken: "2345" ] def requestParams = [] helper.registerAllowedMethod('httpRequest', [Map], { p -> requestParams.add(p) return [ content: "{ \"alerts\" : [ { \"vulnerability\" : { \"cvss3_score\" : \"7\"} } ] }"] }) def result = repository.fetchVulnerabilities([ [name: "testProject1", token: "1234"], [name: "testProject2", token: "2345"] ]) assertThat(requestParams[0], is( [ url : config.serviceUrl, httpMode : 'POST', acceptType : 'APPLICATION_JSON', contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', requestBody: requestBody1, quiet : false, userKey : config.userKey, httpProxy : "" ] )) assertThat(requestParams[1], is( [ url : config.serviceUrl, httpMode : 'POST', acceptType : 'APPLICATION_JSON', contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', requestBody: requestBody2, quiet : false, userKey : config.userKey, httpProxy : "" ] )) assertThat(result.size(), is(2)) } @Test void testFetchVulnerabilitiesOnProduct() { def config = [ serviceUrl: "", userKey: "4711", productToken: '8475', productName : 'testProduct'] nullScript.env['HTTP_PROXY'] = "" repository.config.putAll(config) def requestBody = [ requestType : "getProductAlertsByType", alertType : "SECURITY_VULNERABILITY", productToken: config.productToken, ] def requestParams = [] helper.registerAllowedMethod('httpRequest', [Map], { p -> requestParams.add(p) return [ content: "{ \"alerts\" : [ { \"vulnerability\" : { \"cvss3_score\" : \"7\"} } ] }"] }) def result = repository.fetchVulnerabilities([ [name: "testProject1", token: "1234"], [name: "testProject2", token: "2345"] ]) assertThat(requestParams[0], is( [ url : config.serviceUrl, httpMode : 'POST', acceptType : 'APPLICATION_JSON', contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', requestBody: requestBody, quiet : false, userKey : config.userKey, httpProxy : "" ] )) assertThat(result.size(), is(1)) } }