import import import import groovy.transform.Field import hudson.AbortException @Field def STEP_NAME = 'dockerExecuteOnKubernetes' @Field def PLUGIN_ID_KUBERNETES = 'kubernetes' @Field Set GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS = ['jenkinsKubernetes'] @Field Set PARAMETER_KEYS = ['dockerImage', 'dockerWorkspace', 'dockerEnvVars', 'containerMap'] @Field Set STEP_CONFIG_KEYS =['stashIncludes', 'stashExcludes']) void call(Map parameters = [:], body) { handlePipelineStepErrors(stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) { if (!JenkinsUtils.isPluginActive(PLUGIN_ID_KUBERNETES)) { error("[ERROR][${STEP_NAME}] not supported. Plugin '${PLUGIN_ID_KUBERNETES}' is not installed or not active.") } final script = parameters.script if (script == null) script = [commonPipelineEnvironment: commonPipelineEnvironment] ConfigurationHelper configHelper = ConfigurationHelper .loadStepDefaults(this) .mixinGeneralConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixinStepConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixinStageConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, parameters.stageName ?: env.STAGE_NAME, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixin(parameters, PARAMETER_KEYS) .addIfEmpty('uniqueId', UUID.randomUUID().toString()) Map config = [:] if (parameters.containerMap) { config = configHelper.use() executeOnPodWithCustomContainerList(config: config) { body() } } else { config = configHelper .withMandatoryProperty('dockerImage') .use() executeOnPodWithSingleContainer(config: config) { body() } } } } void executeOnPodWithCustomContainerList(Map parameters, body) { def config = parameters.config podTemplate(getOptions(config)) { node(config.uniqueId) { body() } } } def getOptions(config) { return [name : 'dynamic-agent-' + config.uniqueId, label : config.uniqueId, containers: getContainerList(config)] } void executeOnPodWithSingleContainer(Map parameters, body) { Map containerMap = [:] def config = parameters.config containerMap[config.get('dockerImage').toString()] = 'container-exec' config.containerMap = containerMap /* * There could be exceptions thrown by - The podTemplate - The container method - The body * We use nested exception handling in this case. * In the first 2 cases, the workspace has not been modified. Hence, we can stash existing workspace as container and * unstash in the finally block. In case of exception thrown by the body, we need to stash the workspace from the container * in finally block */ try { stashWorkspace(config, 'workspace') podTemplate(getOptions(config)) { node(config.uniqueId) { container(name: 'container-exec') { try { unstashWorkspace(config, 'workspace') body() } finally { stashWorkspace(config, 'container') } } } } } catch (e) { stashWorkspace(config, 'container') throw e } finally { unstashWorkspace(config, 'container') } } private void stashWorkspace(config, prefix) { try { // Every dockerImage used in the dockerExecuteOnKubernetes should have user id 1000 sh "chown -R 1000:1000 ." stash( name: "${prefix}-${config.uniqueId}", include: config.stashIncludes.workspace, exclude: config.stashExcludes.excludes ) } catch (AbortException | IOException e) { echo "${e.getMessage()}" } } private void unstashWorkspace(config, prefix) { try { unstash "${prefix}-${config.uniqueId}" } catch (AbortException | IOException e) { echo "${e.getMessage()}" } } private List getContainerList(config) { def envVars = getContainerEnvs(config) result = [] result.push(containerTemplate(name: 'jnlp', image: config.jenkinsKubernetes.jnlpAgent)) config.containerMap.each { imageName, containerName -> result.push(containerTemplate(name: containerName.toLowerCase(), image: imageName, alwaysPullImage: true, command: '/usr/bin/tail -f /dev/null', envVars: envVars)) } return result } /** * Returns a list of envVar object consisting of set * environment variables, params (Parametrized Build) and working directory. * (Kubernetes-Plugin only!) * @param config Map with configurations */ private List getContainerEnvs(config) { def containerEnv = [] def dockerEnvVars = config.dockerEnvVars ?: [:] def dockerWorkspace = config.dockerWorkspace ?: '' if (dockerEnvVars) { for (String k : dockerEnvVars.keySet()) { containerEnv << envVar(key: k, value: dockerEnvVars[k].toString()) } } if (dockerWorkspace) { containerEnv << envVar(key: "HOME", value: dockerWorkspace) } // Inherit the proxy information from the master to the container SystemEnv systemEnv = new SystemEnv() for (String env : systemEnv.getEnv().keySet()) { containerEnv << envVar(key: env, value: systemEnv.get(env)) } // ContainerEnv array can't be empty. Using a stub to avoid failure. if (!containerEnv) { containerEnv << envVar(key: "EMPTY_VAR", value: " ") } return containerEnv }