package maven import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "strings" piperhttp "" "" "" ) // ExecuteOptions are used by Execute() to construct the Maven command line. type ExecuteOptions struct { PomPath string `json:"pomPath,omitempty"` ProjectSettingsFile string `json:"projectSettingsFile,omitempty"` GlobalSettingsFile string `json:"globalSettingsFile,omitempty"` M2Path string `json:"m2Path,omitempty"` Goals []string `json:"goals,omitempty"` Defines []string `json:"defines,omitempty"` Flags []string `json:"flags,omitempty"` LogSuccessfulMavenTransfers bool `json:"logSuccessfulMavenTransfers,omitempty"` ReturnStdout bool `json:"returnStdout,omitempty"` } // EvaluateOptions are used by Evaluate() to construct the Maven command line. // In contrast to ExecuteOptions, fewer settings are required for Evaluate and thus a separate type is needed. type EvaluateOptions struct { PomPath string `json:"pomPath,omitempty"` ProjectSettingsFile string `json:"projectSettingsFile,omitempty"` GlobalSettingsFile string `json:"globalSettingsFile,omitempty"` M2Path string `json:"m2Path,omitempty"` } type mavenExecRunner interface { Stdout(out io.Writer) Stderr(err io.Writer) RunExecutable(e string, p ...string) error } type mavenUtils interface { FileExists(path string) (bool, error) DownloadFile(url, filename string, header http.Header, cookies []*http.Cookie) error } type utilsBundle struct { *piperhttp.Client *piperutils.Files } func newUtils() *utilsBundle { return &utilsBundle{ Client: &piperhttp.Client{}, Files: &piperutils.Files{}, } } const mavenExecutable = "mvn" // Execute constructs a mvn command line from the given options, and uses the provided // mavenExecRunner to execute it. func Execute(options *ExecuteOptions, command mavenExecRunner) (string, error) { stdOutBuf, stdOut := evaluateStdOut(options) command.Stdout(stdOut) command.Stderr(log.Writer()) parameters, err := getParametersFromOptions(options, newUtils()) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to construct parameters from options: %w", err) } err = command.RunExecutable(mavenExecutable, parameters...) if err != nil { commandLine := append([]string{mavenExecutable}, parameters...) return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to run executable, command: '%s', error: %w", commandLine, err) } if stdOutBuf == nil { return "", nil } return string(stdOutBuf.Bytes()), nil } // Evaluate constructs ExecuteOptions for using the maven-help-plugin's 'evaluate' goal to // evaluate a given expression from a pom file. This allows to retrieve the value of - for // example - 'project.version' from a pom file exactly as Maven itself evaluates it. func Evaluate(options *EvaluateOptions, expression string, command mavenExecRunner) (string, error) { expressionDefine := "-Dexpression=" + expression executeOptions := ExecuteOptions{ PomPath: options.PomPath, M2Path: options.M2Path, ProjectSettingsFile: options.ProjectSettingsFile, GlobalSettingsFile: options.GlobalSettingsFile, Goals: []string{"org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:3.1.0:evaluate"}, Defines: []string{expressionDefine, "-DforceStdout", "-q"}, ReturnStdout: true, } value, err := Execute(&executeOptions, command) if err != nil { return "", err } if strings.HasPrefix(value, "null object or invalid expression") { return "", fmt.Errorf("expression '%s' in file '%s' could not be resolved", expression, options.PomPath) } return value, nil } func evaluateStdOut(options *ExecuteOptions) (*bytes.Buffer, io.Writer) { var stdOutBuf *bytes.Buffer stdOut := log.Writer() if options.ReturnStdout { stdOutBuf = new(bytes.Buffer) stdOut = io.MultiWriter(stdOut, stdOutBuf) } return stdOutBuf, stdOut } func getParametersFromOptions(options *ExecuteOptions, utils mavenUtils) ([]string, error) { var parameters []string if options.GlobalSettingsFile != "" { globalSettingsFileName, err := downloadSettingsIfURL(options.GlobalSettingsFile, ".pipeline/mavenGlobalSettings.xml", utils) if err != nil { return nil, err } parameters = append(parameters, "--global-settings", globalSettingsFileName) } if options.ProjectSettingsFile != "" { projectSettingsFileName, err := downloadSettingsIfURL(options.ProjectSettingsFile, ".pipeline/mavenProjectSettings.xml", utils) if err != nil { return nil, err } parameters = append(parameters, "--settings", projectSettingsFileName) } if options.M2Path != "" { parameters = append(parameters, "-Dmaven.repo.local="+options.M2Path) } if options.PomPath != "" { parameters = append(parameters, "--file", options.PomPath) } if options.Flags != nil { parameters = append(parameters, options.Flags...) } if options.Defines != nil { parameters = append(parameters, options.Defines...) } if !options.LogSuccessfulMavenTransfers { parameters = append(parameters, "") } parameters = append(parameters, "--batch-mode") parameters = append(parameters, options.Goals...) return parameters, nil } func downloadSettingsIfURL(settingsFileOption, settingsFile string, utils mavenUtils) (string, error) { result := settingsFileOption if strings.HasPrefix(settingsFileOption, "http:") || strings.HasPrefix(settingsFileOption, "https:") { err := downloadSettingsFromURL(settingsFileOption, settingsFile, utils) if err != nil { return "", err } result = settingsFile } return result, nil } // ToDo replace with pkg/maven/settings GetSettingsFile func downloadSettingsFromURL(url, filename string, utils mavenUtils) error { exists, _ := utils.FileExists(filename) if exists { log.Entry().Infof("Not downloading maven settings file, because it already exists at '%s'", filename) return nil } err := utils.DownloadFile(url, filename, nil, nil) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to download maven settings from URL '%s' to file '%s': %w", url, filename, err) } return nil } func GetTestModulesExcludes() []string { return getTestModulesExcludes(newUtils()) } func getTestModulesExcludes(utils mavenUtils) []string { var excludes []string exists, _ := utils.FileExists("unit-tests/pom.xml") if exists { excludes = append(excludes, "-pl", "!unit-tests") } exists, _ = utils.FileExists("integration-tests/pom.xml") if exists { excludes = append(excludes, "-pl", "!integration-tests") } return excludes }