package cmd import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "" "" piperhttp "" "" "" "" ) func integrationArtifactGetMplStatus(config integrationArtifactGetMplStatusOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, commonPipelineEnvironment *integrationArtifactGetMplStatusCommonPipelineEnvironment) { // Utils can be used wherever the command.ExecRunner interface is expected. // It can also be used for example as a mavenExecRunner. httpClient := &piperhttp.Client{} // For HTTP calls import piperhttp "" // and use a &piperhttp.Client{} in a custom system // Example: step checkmarxExecuteScan.go // Error situations should be bubbled up until they reach the line below which will then stop execution // through the log.Entry().Fatal() call leading to an os.Exit(1) in the end. err := runIntegrationArtifactGetMplStatus(&config, telemetryData, httpClient, commonPipelineEnvironment) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("step execution failed") } } func runIntegrationArtifactGetMplStatus( config *integrationArtifactGetMplStatusOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, httpClient piperhttp.Sender, commonPipelineEnvironment *integrationArtifactGetMplStatusCommonPipelineEnvironment) error { serviceKey, err := cpi.ReadCpiServiceKey(config.APIServiceKey) if err != nil { return err } clientOptions := piperhttp.ClientOptions{} httpClient.SetOptions(clientOptions) header := make(http.Header) header.Add("Accept", "application/json") mplStatusEncodedURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/v1/MessageProcessingLogs?$filter=IntegrationArtifact/Id"+url.QueryEscape(" eq ")+"'%s'"+ url.QueryEscape(" and Status ne ")+"'DISCARDED'"+"&$orderby="+url.QueryEscape("LogEnd desc")+"&$top=1", serviceKey.OAuth.Host, config.IntegrationFlowID) tokenParameters := cpi.TokenParameters{TokenURL: serviceKey.OAuth.OAuthTokenProviderURL, Username: serviceKey.OAuth.ClientID, Password: serviceKey.OAuth.ClientSecret, Client: httpClient} token, err := cpi.CommonUtils.GetBearerToken(tokenParameters) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to fetch Bearer Token") } clientOptions.Token = fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", token) httpClient.SetOptions(clientOptions) httpMethod := "GET" mplStatusResp, httpErr := httpClient.SendRequest(httpMethod, mplStatusEncodedURL, nil, header, nil) if httpErr != nil { return errors.Wrapf(httpErr, "HTTP %v request to %v failed with error", httpMethod, mplStatusEncodedURL) } if mplStatusResp != nil && mplStatusResp.Body != nil { defer mplStatusResp.Body.Close() } if mplStatusResp == nil { return errors.Errorf("did not retrieve a HTTP response: %v", httpErr) } if mplStatusResp.StatusCode == 200 { bodyText, readErr := ioutil.ReadAll(mplStatusResp.Body) if readErr != nil { return errors.Wrap(readErr, "HTTP response body could not be read") } jsonResponse, parsingErr := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(bodyText)) if parsingErr != nil { return errors.Wrapf(parsingErr, "HTTP response body could not be parsed as JSON: %v", string(bodyText)) } if jsonResponse == nil { return errors.Errorf("Empty json response: %v", string(bodyText)) } if jsonResponse.Exists("d", "results", "0") { mplStatus := jsonResponse.Path("d.results.0.Status").Data().(string) commonPipelineEnvironment.custom.integrationFlowMplStatus = mplStatus //if error, then return immediately with the error details if mplStatus == "FAILED" { mplID := jsonResponse.Path("d.results.0.MessageGuid").Data().(string) resp, err := getIntegrationArtifactMPLError(commonPipelineEnvironment, mplID, httpClient, serviceKey.OAuth.Host) if err != nil { return err } return errors.New(resp) } } return nil } responseBody, readErr := ioutil.ReadAll(mplStatusResp.Body) if readErr != nil { return errors.Wrapf(readErr, "HTTP response body could not be read, Response status code: %v", mplStatusResp.StatusCode) } log.Entry().Errorf("a HTTP error occurred! Response body: %v, Response status code: %v", string(responseBody), mplStatusResp.StatusCode) return errors.Errorf("Unable to get integration flow MPL status, Response Status code: %v", mplStatusResp.StatusCode) } //getIntegrationArtifactMPLError - Get integration artifact MPL error details func getIntegrationArtifactMPLError(commonPipelineEnvironment *integrationArtifactGetMplStatusCommonPipelineEnvironment, mplID string, httpClient piperhttp.Sender, apiHost string) (string, error) { httpMethod := "GET" header := make(http.Header) header.Add("content-type", "application/json") errorStatusURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/v1/MessageProcessingLogs('%s')/ErrorInformation/$value", apiHost, mplID) errorStatusResp, httpErr := httpClient.SendRequest(httpMethod, errorStatusURL, nil, header, nil) if errorStatusResp != nil && errorStatusResp.Body != nil { defer errorStatusResp.Body.Close() } if errorStatusResp == nil { return "", errors.Errorf("did not retrieve a HTTP response: %v", httpErr) } if errorStatusResp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { log.Entry(). WithField("MPLID", mplID). Info("Successfully retrieved Integration Flow artefact message processing error") responseBody, readErr := ioutil.ReadAll(errorStatusResp.Body) if readErr != nil { return "", errors.Wrapf(readErr, "HTTP response body could not be read, response status code: %v", errorStatusResp.StatusCode) } mplErrorDetails := string(responseBody) commonPipelineEnvironment.custom.integrationFlowMplError = mplErrorDetails return mplErrorDetails, nil } if httpErr != nil { return getHTTPErrorMessage(httpErr, errorStatusResp, httpMethod, errorStatusURL) } return "", errors.Errorf("failed to get Integration Flow artefact message processing error, response Status code: %v", errorStatusResp.StatusCode) }