import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS import import import import import import groovy.transform.Field import static @Field String STEP_NAME = getClass().getName() @Field String TECHNICAL_STAGE_NAME = 'init' @Field Set GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS = [ /** * Defines the build tool used. * @possibleValues `docker`, `kaniko`, `maven`, `mta, ``npm` */ 'buildTool', /** * Defines the main branch for your pipeline. **Typically this is the `master` branch, which does not need to be set explicitly.** Only change this in exceptional cases */ 'productiveBranch', /** * Defines the library resource containing the stash settings to be performed before and after each stage. **Caution: changing the default will break the standard behavior of the pipeline - thus only relevant when including `Init` stage into custom pipelines!** */ 'stashSettings', /** * Whether verbose output should be produced. * @possibleValues `true`, `false` */ 'verbose' ] @Field STAGE_STEP_KEYS = [] @Field Set STEP_CONFIG_KEYS = @Field Set PARAMETER_KEYS = STEP_CONFIG_KEYS /** * This stage initializes the pipeline run and prepares further execution. * * It will check out your repository and perform some steps to initialize your pipeline run. */ @GenerateStageDocumentation(defaultStageName = 'Init') void call(Map parameters = [:]) { def script = checkScript(this, parameters) ?: this def utils = parameters.juStabUtils ?: new Utils() def stageName = StageNameProvider.instance.getStageName(script, parameters, this) piperStageWrapper (script: script, stageName: stageName, stashContent: [], ordinal: 1, telemetryDisabled: true) { def scmInfo = checkout scm setupCommonPipelineEnvironment script: script, customDefaults: parameters.customDefaults Map config = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this) .loadStepDefaults() .mixinGeneralConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixinStageConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, stageName, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixin(parameters, PARAMETER_KEYS) .addIfEmpty('stageConfigResource', '') .addIfEmpty('stashSettings', '') .withMandatoryProperty('buildTool') .use() //perform stashing based on libray resource piper-stash-settings.yml if not configured otherwise initStashConfiguration(script, config) setGitUrlsOnCommonPipelineEnvironment(script, scmInfo.GIT_URL) script.commonPipelineEnvironment.setGitCommitId(scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT) if (config.verbose) { echo "piper-lib-os configuration: ${script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration}" } // telemetry reporting utils.pushToSWA([step: STEP_NAME], config) checkBuildTool(config) piperInitRunStageConfiguration script: script, stageConfigResource: config.stageConfigResource // CHANGE_ID is set only for pull requests if (env.CHANGE_ID) { List prActions = [] //get trigger action from comment like /piper action def jenkinsUtils = new JenkinsUtils() def commentTriggerAction = jenkinsUtils.getIssueCommentTriggerAction() if (commentTriggerAction != null) prActions.add(commentTriggerAction) try { prActions.addAll(pullRequest.getLabels().asList()) } catch (ex) { echo "[${STEP_NAME}] GitHub labels could not be retrieved from Pull Request, please make sure that credentials are maintained on multi-branch job." } setPullRequestStageStepActivation(script, config, prActions) } if (env.BRANCH_NAME == config.productiveBranch) { if (parameters.script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStep?.get('Init')?.slackSendNotification) { slackSendNotification script: script, message: "STARTED: Job <${env.BUILD_URL}|${URLDecoder.decode(env.JOB_NAME,} ${env.BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME}>", color: 'WARNING' } artifactSetVersion script: script } pipelineStashFilesBeforeBuild script: script } } private void checkBuildTool(config) { def buildDescriptorPattern = '' switch (config.buildTool) { case 'maven': buildDescriptorPattern = 'pom.xml' break case 'npm': buildDescriptorPattern = 'package.json' break case 'mta': buildDescriptorPattern = 'mta.yaml' break } if (buildDescriptorPattern && !findFiles(glob: buildDescriptorPattern)) { error "[${STEP_NAME}] buildTool configuration '${config.buildTool}' does not fit to your project, please set buildTool as genereal setting in your .pipeline/config.yml correctly, see also" } } private void initStashConfiguration (script, config) { Map stashConfiguration = readYaml(text: libraryResource(config.stashSettings)) if (config.verbose) echo "Stash config: ${stashConfiguration}" script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.stageStashes = stashConfiguration } private void setGitUrlsOnCommonPipelineEnvironment(script, String gitUrl) { Map url = parseUrl(gitUrl) if (url.protocol in ['http', 'https']) { script.commonPipelineEnvironment.setGitSshUrl("git@${}:${url.path}") script.commonPipelineEnvironment.setGitHttpsUrl(gitUrl) } else if (url.protocol in [ null, 'ssh', 'git']) { script.commonPipelineEnvironment.setGitSshUrl(gitUrl) script.commonPipelineEnvironment.setGitHttpsUrl("https://${}/${url.path}") } List gitPathParts = url.path.replaceAll('.git', '').split('/') def gitFolder = 'N/A' def gitRepo = 'N/A' switch (gitPathParts.size()) { case 1: gitRepo = gitPathParts[0] break case 2: gitFolder = gitPathParts[0] gitRepo = gitPathParts[1] break case { it > 3 }: gitRepo = gitPathParts[gitPathParts.size()-1] gitPathParts.remove(gitPathParts.size()-1) gitFolder = gitPathParts.join('/') break } script.commonPipelineEnvironment.setGithubOrg(gitFolder) script.commonPipelineEnvironment.setGithubRepo(gitRepo) } /* * Returns the parts of an url. * Valid keys for the retured map are: * - protocol * - auth * - host * - port * - path */ @NonCPS /* private */ Map parseUrl(String url) { def urlMatcher = url =~ /^((http|https|git|ssh):\/\/)?((.*)@)?([^:\/]+)(:([\d]*))?(\/?(.*))$/ return [ protocol: urlMatcher[0][2], auth: urlMatcher[0][4], host: urlMatcher[0][5], port: urlMatcher[0][7], path: urlMatcher[0][9], ] } private void setPullRequestStageStepActivation(script, config, List actions) { if (script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStep == null) script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStep = [:] if (script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStep[config.pullRequestStageName] == null) script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStep[config.pullRequestStageName] = [:] actions.each {action -> if (action.startsWith(config.labelPrefix)) action = action.minus(config.labelPrefix) def stepName = config.stepMappings[action] if (stepName) { script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStep."${config.pullRequestStageName}"."${stepName}" = true } } }