package cmd import ( "fmt" "time" "" "" piperhttp "" "" "" "" "" ) func abapEnvironmentPullGitRepo(options abapEnvironmentPullGitRepoOptions, _ *telemetry.CustomData) { // for command execution use Command c := command.Command{} // reroute command output to logging framework c.Stdout(log.Writer()) c.Stderr(log.Writer()) var autils = abaputils.AbapUtils{ Exec: &c, } apiManager := abaputils.SoftwareComponentApiManager{ Client: &piperhttp.Client{}, PollIntervall: 5 * time.Second, } var reports []piperutils.Path logOutputManager := abaputils.LogOutputManager{ LogOutput: options.LogOutput, PiperStep: "pull", FileNameStep: "pull", StepReports: reports, } // error situations should stop execution through log.Entry().Fatal() call which leads to an os.Exit(1) in the end err := runAbapEnvironmentPullGitRepo(&options, &autils, &apiManager, &logOutputManager) if err != nil { log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("step execution failed") } } func runAbapEnvironmentPullGitRepo(options *abapEnvironmentPullGitRepoOptions, com abaputils.Communication, apiManager abaputils.SoftwareComponentApiManagerInterface, logOutputManager *abaputils.LogOutputManager) (err error) { subOptions := convertPullConfig(options) // Determine the host, user and password, either via the input parameters or via a cloud foundry service key connectionDetails, err := com.GetAbapCommunicationArrangementInfo(subOptions, "") if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Parameters for the ABAP Connection not available") } connectionDetails.CertificateNames = options.CertificateNames var repositories []abaputils.Repository err = checkPullRepositoryConfiguration(*options) if err != nil { return err } repositories, err = abaputils.GetRepositories(&abaputils.RepositoriesConfig{RepositoryNames: options.RepositoryNames, Repositories: options.Repositories, RepositoryName: options.RepositoryName, CommitID: options.CommitID}, false) handleIgnoreCommit(repositories, options.IgnoreCommit) if err != nil { return err } err = pullRepositories(repositories, connectionDetails, apiManager, logOutputManager) // Persist log archive abaputils.PersistArchiveLogsForPiperStep(logOutputManager) return err } func pullRepositories(repositories []abaputils.Repository, pullConnectionDetails abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP, apiManager abaputils.SoftwareComponentApiManagerInterface, logOutputManager *abaputils.LogOutputManager) (err error) { log.Entry().Infof("Start pulling %v repositories", len(repositories)) for _, repo := range repositories { err = handlePull(repo, pullConnectionDetails, apiManager, logOutputManager) if err != nil { break } } if err == nil { finishPullLogs() } return err } func handlePull(repo abaputils.Repository, con abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP, apiManager abaputils.SoftwareComponentApiManagerInterface, logOutputManager *abaputils.LogOutputManager) (err error) { logString := repo.GetPullLogString() errorString := "Pull of the " + logString + " failed on the ABAP system" abaputils.AddDefaultDashedLine(1) log.Entry().Info("Start pulling the " + logString) abaputils.AddDefaultDashedLine(1) api, errGetAPI := apiManager.GetAPI(con, repo) if errGetAPI != nil { return errors.Wrap(errGetAPI, "Could not initialize the connection to the system") } err = api.Pull() if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, errorString) } // set correct filename for archive file logOutputManager.FileNameStep = "pull" // Polling the status of the repository import on the ABAP Environment system status, errorPollEntity := abaputils.PollEntity(api, apiManager.GetPollIntervall(), logOutputManager) if errorPollEntity != nil { return errors.Wrapf(errorPollEntity, errorString) } if status == "E" { return errors.New(errorString) } log.Entry().Info(repo.Name + " was pulled successfully") return err } func checkPullRepositoryConfiguration(options abapEnvironmentPullGitRepoOptions) error { if (len(options.RepositoryNames) > 0 && options.Repositories != "") || (len(options.RepositoryNames) > 0 && options.RepositoryName != "") || (options.RepositoryName != "" && options.Repositories != "") { return fmt.Errorf("Checking configuration failed: %w", errors.New("Only one of the paramters `RepositoryName`,`RepositoryNames` or `Repositories` may be configured at the same time")) } if len(options.RepositoryNames) == 0 && options.Repositories == "" && options.RepositoryName == "" { return fmt.Errorf("Checking configuration failed: %w", errors.New("You have not specified any repository configuration to be pulled into the ABAP Environment System. Please make sure that you specified the repositories that should be pulled either in a dedicated file or via the parameter 'repositoryNames'. For more information please read the User documentation")) } return nil } func finishPullLogs() { abaputils.AddDefaultDashedLine(1) log.Entry().Info("All repositories were pulled successfully") } func convertPullConfig(config *abapEnvironmentPullGitRepoOptions) abaputils.AbapEnvironmentOptions { subOptions := abaputils.AbapEnvironmentOptions{} subOptions.CfAPIEndpoint = config.CfAPIEndpoint subOptions.CfServiceInstance = config.CfServiceInstance subOptions.CfServiceKeyName = config.CfServiceKeyName subOptions.CfOrg = config.CfOrg subOptions.CfSpace = config.CfSpace subOptions.Host = config.Host subOptions.Password = config.Password subOptions.Username = config.Username return subOptions } func handleIgnoreCommit(repositories []abaputils.Repository, ignoreCommit bool) { for i := range repositories { if ignoreCommit { repositories[i].CommitID = "" } } }