package piperenv import ( "encoding/json" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" ) // This file contains functions used to read/write pipeline environment data from/to disk. // The content of a written file is the value. For the custom parameters this could for example also be a JSON representation of a more complex value. // SetResourceParameter sets a resource parameter in the environment stored in the file system func SetResourceParameter(path, resourceName, paramName string, value interface{}) error { var content []byte paramPath := filepath.Join(path, resourceName, paramName) switch typedValue := value.(type) { case string: content = []byte(typedValue) default: var err error paramPath += ".json" content, err = json.Marshal(typedValue) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to marshal resource parameter value %v", typedValue) } } return writeToDisk(paramPath, content) } // GetResourceParameter reads a resource parameter from the environment stored in the file system func GetResourceParameter(path, resourceName, paramName string) string { //TODO: align JSON un/marshalling, currently done in pkg/congif/stepmeta.go#getParameterValue paramPath := filepath.Join(path, resourceName, paramName) return readFromDisk(paramPath) } // SetParameter sets any parameter in the pipeline environment or another environment stored in the file system func SetParameter(path, name, value string) error { paramPath := filepath.Join(path, name) return writeToDisk(paramPath, []byte(value)) } // GetParameter reads any parameter from the pipeline environment or another environment stored in the file system func GetParameter(path, name string) string { paramPath := filepath.Join(path, name) return readFromDisk(paramPath) } func writeToDisk(filename string, data []byte) error { if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Dir(filename)); os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Entry().Debugf("Creating directory: %v", filepath.Dir(filename)) os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), 0755) } //ToDo: make sure to not overwrite file but rather add another file? Create error if already existing? if len(data) > 0 { log.Entry().Debugf("Writing file to disk: %v", filename) return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, data, 0755) } return nil } func readFromDisk(filename string) string { //ToDo: if multiple files exist, read from latest file log.Entry().Debugf("Reading file from disk: %v", filename) v, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) val := string(v) if err != nil { val = "" } return strings.TrimSpace(val) }