import static import import import import import import import groovy.transform.Field @Field String METADATA_FILE = 'metadata/xsDeploy.yaml' @Field String PIPER_DEFAULTS = 'default_pipeline_environment.yml' @Field String STEP_NAME = getClass().getName() @Field String METADATA_FOLDER = '.pipeline' // metadata file contains already the "metadata" folder level, hence we end up in a folder ".pipeline/metadata" @Field String ADDITIONAL_CONFIGS_FOLDER='.pipeline/additionalConfigs' enum DeployMode { DEPLOY, BG_DEPLOY, NONE String toString() { name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replaceAll('_', '-') } } enum Action { RESUME, ABORT, RETRY, NONE String toString() { name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) } } void call(Map parameters = [:]) { handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) { final script = checkScript(this, parameters) ?: null if(! script) { error "Reference to surrounding pipeline script not provided (script: this)." } def utils = parameters.juStabUtils ?: new Utils() def piperGoUtils = parameters.piperGoUtils ?: new PiperGoUtils(utils) // // The parameters map in provided from outside. That map might be used elsewhere in the pipeline // hence we should not modify it here. So we create a new map based on the parameters map. parameters = [:] << parameters // hard to predict how these parameters looks like in its serialized form. Anyhow it is better // not to have these parameters forwarded somehow to the go layer. parameters.remove('juStabUtils') parameters.remove('piperGoUtils') parameters.remove('script') piperGoUtils.unstashPiperBin() // // Printing the piper-go version. Should not be done here, but somewhere during materializing // the piper binary. As long as we don't have it elsewhere we should keep it here. def piperGoVersion = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "./piper version") echo "PiperGoVersion: ${piperGoVersion}" // // since there is no valid config provided (... null) telemetry is disabled (same for other go releated steps at the moment). utils.pushToSWA([ step: STEP_NAME, ], null) String configFiles = prepareConfigurations([PIPER_DEFAULTS].plus(script.commonPipelineEnvironment.getCustomDefaults()), ADDITIONAL_CONFIGS_FOLDER) writeFile(file: "${METADATA_FOLDER}/${METADATA_FILE}", text: libraryResource(METADATA_FILE)) withEnv([ "PIPER_parametersJSON=${groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(parameters)}", ]) { // // context config gives us e.g. the docker image name. --> How does this work for customer maintained images? // There is a name provided in the metadata file. But we do not provide a docker image for that. // The user has to build that for her/his own. How do we expect to configure this? String projectConfigScript = "./piper getConfig --stepMetadata '${METADATA_FOLDER}/${METADATA_FILE}' --defaultConfig ${configFiles}" String contextConfigScript = projectConfigScript + " --contextConfig" Map projectConfig = readJSON (text: sh(returnStdout: true, script: projectConfigScript)) Map contextConfig = readJSON (text: sh(returnStdout: true, script: contextConfigScript)) Map dockerOptions = getDockerOptions(script.commonPipelineEnvironment) def dockerImage = dockerOptions.dockerImage def dockerPullImage = dockerOptions.dockerPullImage if(dockerImage == null || dockerImage.toString().trim().isEmpty()) dockerImage = contextConfig.dockerImage if(dockerPullImage == null || dockerPullImage.toString().trim().isEmpty()) dockerPullImage = contextConfig.dockerPullImage Action action = projectConfig.action DeployMode mode = projectConfig.mode if(parameters.verbose) { echo "[INFO] ContextConfig: ${contextConfig}" echo "[INFO] ProjectConfig: ${projectConfig}" } def mtaFilePath = script.commonPipelineEnvironment.mtarFilePath def operationId = parameters.operationId if(! operationId && mode == DeployMode.BG_DEPLOY && action != Action.NONE) { operationId = script.commonPipelineEnvironment.xsDeploymentId if (! operationId) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('No operationId provided. Was there a deployment before?') } } def xsDeployStdout lock(getLockIdentifier(projectConfig)) { withCredentials([usernamePassword( credentialsId: contextConfig.credentialsId, passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME')]) { dockerExecute([script: this].plus([dockerImage: dockerImage, dockerPullImage: dockerPullImage])) { xsDeployStdout = sh returnStdout: true, script: """#!/bin/bash ./piper xsDeploy --defaultConfig ${configFiles} --user \${USERNAME} --password \${PASSWORD} ${mtaFilePath ? '--mtaPath ' + mtaFilePath : ''} ${operationId ? '--operationId ' + operationId : ''} """ } } } if(mode == DeployMode.BG_DEPLOY && action == Action.NONE) { script.commonPipelineEnvironment.xsDeploymentId = readJSON(text: xsDeployStdout).operationId if (!script.commonPipelineEnvironment.xsDeploymentId) { error "No Operation id returned from xs deploy step. This is required for mode '${mode}' and action '${action}'." } echo "[INFO] OperationId for subsequent resume or abort: '${script.commonPipelineEnvironment.xsDeploymentId}'." } } } } String getLockIdentifier(Map config) { "$STEP_NAME:${config.apiUrl}:${}:${}" } /* * The returned string can be used directly in the command line for retrieving the configuration via go */ String prepareConfigurations(List configs, String configCacheFolder) { for(def customDefault : configs) { writeFile(file: "${ADDITIONAL_CONFIGS_FOLDER}/${customDefault}", text: libraryResource(customDefault)) } joinAndQuote(configs.reverse(), configCacheFolder) } /* * prefix is supposed to be provided without trailing slash */ String joinAndQuote(List l, String prefix = '') { _l = [] if(prefix == null) { prefix = '' } if(prefix.endsWith('/') || prefix.endsWith('\\')) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provide prefix (${prefix}) without trailing slash") for(def e : l) { def _e = '' if(prefix.length() > 0) { _e += prefix _e += '/' } _e += e _l << '"' + _e + '"' } _l.join(' ') } // // ugly backward compatibility handling // retrieves docker options from project config or from landscape config layer(s) // Map getDockerOptions(def cpe) { Set configKeys = ['docker'] Map config = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this) .loadStepDefaults() .mixinGeneralConfig(cpe, configKeys) .mixinStepConfig(cpe, configKeys) .mixinStageConfig(cpe, env.STAGE_NAME, configKeys) .use() [dockerImage: config?.docker.dockerImage, dockerPullImage: config?.docker.dockerPullImage] }