import static import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS import import import import import groovy.transform.Field @Field def STEP_NAME = getClass().getName() @Field Set TOOLS = [ /** * Allows to publish the check results. * @possibleValues `true`, `false`, `Map` */ 'aggregation', /** * Searches and publishes TODOs in files with the [Task Scanner Plugin]( * @possibleValues `true`, `false`, `Map` */ 'tasks', /** * Publishes PMD findings with the [PMD plugin]( * @possibleValues `true`, `false`, `Map` */ 'pmd', /** * Publishes CPD findings with the [DRY plugin]( * @possibleValues `true`, `false`, `Map` */ 'cpd', /** * Publishes Findbugs findings with the [Findbugs plugin]( * @possibleValues `true`, `false`, `Map` */ 'findbugs', /** * Publishes Checkstyle findings with the [Checkstyle plugin]( * @possibleValues `true`, `false`, `Map` */ 'checkstyle', /** * Publishes ESLint findings (in [JSLint format]( with the [Warnings plugin]( * @possibleValues `true`, `false`, `Map` */ 'eslint', /** * Publishes PyLint findings with the [Warnings plugin](, pylint needs to run with `--output-format=parseable` option. * @possibleValues `true`, `false`, `Map` */ 'pylint' ] @Field Set GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS = [] @Field Set STEP_CONFIG_KEYS =['archive']) @Field Set PARAMETER_KEYS = STEP_CONFIG_KEYS /** * This step can publish static check results from various sources. */ @GenerateDocumentation void call(Map parameters = [:]) { handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) { def script = checkScript(this, parameters) ?: this prepare(parameters) String stageName = parameters.stageName ?: env.STAGE_NAME // load default & individual configuration Map configuration = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this) .loadStepDefaults([:], stageName) .mixinGeneralConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixinStepConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixinStageConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, stageName, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS) .mixin(parameters, PARAMETER_KEYS) .use() new Utils().pushToSWA([ step: STEP_NAME, stepParamKey1: 'scriptMissing', stepParam1: parameters?.script == null ], configuration) // JAVA report('PmdPublisher', configuration.pmd, configuration.archive) report('DryPublisher', configuration.cpd, configuration.archive) report('FindBugsPublisher', configuration.findbugs, configuration.archive) report('CheckStylePublisher', configuration.checkstyle, configuration.archive) // JAVA SCRIPT reportWarnings('JSLint', configuration.eslint, configuration.archive) // PYTHON reportWarnings('PyLint', configuration.pylint, configuration.archive) // GENERAL reportTasks(configuration.tasks) aggregateReports(configuration.aggregation) } } def aggregateReports(settings){ if ( { def options = createCommonOptionsMap('AnalysisPublisher', settings) // publish step(options) } } def reportTasks(settings){ if ( { def options = createCommonOptionsMap('TasksPublisher', settings) options.put('pattern', settings.get('pattern')) options.put('high', settings.get('high')) options.put('normal', settings.get('normal')) options.put('low', settings.get('low')) // publish step(options) } } def report(publisherName, settings, doArchive){ if ( { def pattern = settings.get('pattern') def options = createCommonOptionsMap(publisherName, settings) options.put('pattern', pattern) // publish step(options) // archive check results archiveResults(doArchive && settings.get('archive'), pattern, true) } } def reportWarnings(parserName, settings, doArchive){ if ( { def pattern = settings.get('pattern') def options = createCommonOptionsMap('WarningsPublisher', settings) options.put('parserConfigurations', [[ parserName: parserName, pattern: pattern ]]) // publish step(options) // archive check results archiveResults(doArchive && settings.get('archive'), pattern, true) } } def archiveResults(archive, pattern, allowEmpty){ if(archive){ echo "[${STEP_NAME}] archive ${pattern}" archiveArtifacts artifacts: pattern, allowEmptyArchive: allowEmpty } } @NonCPS def createCommonOptionsMap(publisherName, settings){ Map result = [:] def thresholds = settings.get('thresholds', [:]) def fail = thresholds.get('fail', [:]) def unstable = thresholds.get('unstable', [:]) result.put('$class', publisherName) result.put('healthy', settings.get('healthy')) result.put('unHealthy', settings.get('unHealthy')) result.put('canRunOnFailed', true) result.put('failedTotalAll', fail.get('all')) result.put('failedTotalHigh', fail.get('high')) result.put('failedTotalNormal', fail.get('normal')) result.put('failedTotalLow', fail.get('low')) result.put('unstableTotalAll', unstable.get('all')) result.put('unstableTotalHigh', unstable.get('high')) result.put('unstableTotalNormal', unstable.get('normal')) result.put('unstableTotalLow', unstable.get('low')) // filter empty values result = result.findAll { return it.value != null && it.value != '' } return result } def prepare(parameters){ // ensure tool maps are initialized correctly for(String tool : TOOLS){ parameters[tool] = toMap(parameters[tool]) } return parameters } def toMap(parameter){ if(MapUtils.isMap(parameter)) parameter.put('active', == null? else if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(parameter)) parameter = [active: true] else if(Boolean.FALSE.equals(parameter)) parameter = [active: false] else parameter = [:] return parameter }