import static import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.empty import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo import static import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat import static import static util.StepHelper.getSteps import import import java.lang.reflect.Field import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MethodSelectionException import org.hamcrest.Matchers import org.junit.Assert import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException import org.junit.rules.RuleChain import import hudson.AbortException import util.BasePiperTest import util.JenkinsReadYamlRule import util.JenkinsStepRule import util.Rules /* * Intended for collecting generic checks applied to all steps. */ public class CommonStepsTest extends BasePiperTest{ @Rule public RuleChain ruleChain = Rules.getCommonRules(this) .around(new JenkinsReadYamlRule(this)) /* * With that test we ensure the very first action inside a method body of a call method * for a not white listed step is the check for the script handed over properly. * Actually we assert for the exception type (AbortException) and for the exception message. * In case a new step is added this step will fail. It is the duty of the author of the * step to either follow the pattern of checking the script first or to add the step * to the white list. */ @Test public void scriptReferenceNotHandedOverTest() { // all steps not adopting the usual pattern of working with the script. def whitelistScriptReference = [ 'abapEnvironmentPipeline', 'buildSetResult', 'commonPipelineEnvironment', 'handlePipelineStepErrors', 'pipelineExecute', 'piperExecuteBin', 'piperPipeline', 'prepareDefaultValues', 'runClosures', 'setupCommonPipelineEnvironment', ] List steps = getSteps().stream() .filter {! whitelistScriptReference.contains(it)} .forEach {checkReference(it)} } private void checkReference(step) { try { def script = loadScript("${step}.groovy") try { System.setProperty('', 'true') try {[:]) } catch(AbortException | MissingMethodException e) { throw e } catch(Exception e) { fail "Unexpected exception ${e.getClass().getName()} caught from step '${step}': ${e.getMessage()}" } fail("Expected AbortException not raised by step '${step}'") } catch(MissingMethodException e) { // can be improved: exception handling as some kind of control flow. // we can also check for the methods and call the appropriate one. try {[:]) {} } catch(AbortException e1) { throw e1 } catch(Exception e1) { fail "Unexpected exception ${e1.getClass().getName()} caught from step '${step}': ${e1.getMessage()}" } fail("Expected AbortException not raised by step '${step}'") } } catch(AbortException e) { assertThat("Step ''${step} does not fail with expected error message in case mandatory parameter 'script' is not provided.", e.getMessage() ==~ /.*\[ERROR\]\[.*\] No reference to surrounding script provided with key 'script', e.g. 'script: this'./, is(equalTo(true))) } finally { System.clearProperty('') } } private static fieldRelatedWhitelist = [ 'abapAddonAssemblyKitCheckCVs', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapAddonAssemblyKitCheckPV', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapAddonAssemblyKitCreateTargetVector', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapAddonAssemblyKitPublishTargetVector', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapAddonAssemblyKitRegisterPackages', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapAddonAssemblyKitReleasePackages', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapAddonAssemblyKitReserveNextPackages', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapEnvironmentBuild', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapEnvironmentAssemblePackages', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapEnvironmentAssembleConfirm', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranch', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapEnvironmentCloneGitRepo', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapEnvironmentPullGitRepo', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapEnvironmentPipeline', // special step (infrastructure) 'abapEnvironmentRunATCCheck', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapEnvironmentRunAUnitTest', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'abapEnvironmentCreateSystem', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'artifactPrepareVersion', 'cloudFoundryCreateService', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'cloudFoundryCreateServiceKey', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'cloudFoundryCreateSpace', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'cloudFoundryDeleteService', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'cloudFoundryDeleteSpace', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'cloudFoundryDeploy', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'cnbBuild', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'durationMeasure', // only expects parameters via signature 'prepareDefaultValues', // special step (infrastructure) 'piperPipeline', // special step (infrastructure) 'pipelineStashFilesAfterBuild', // intended to be called from pipelineStashFiles 'pipelineStashFilesBeforeBuild', // intended to be called from pipelineStashFiles 'pipelineStashFiles', // only forwards to before/after step 'pipelineExecute', // special step (infrastructure) 'commonPipelineEnvironment', // special step (infrastructure) 'handlePipelineStepErrors', // special step (infrastructure) 'piperStageWrapper', //intended to be called from within stages 'buildSetResult', 'runClosures', 'checkmarxExecuteScan', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'githubCreateIssue', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'githubPublishRelease', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'githubCheckBranchProtection', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'githubCommentIssue', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'githubSetCommitStatus', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'kubernetesDeploy', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'piperExecuteBin', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'protecodeExecuteScan', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'xsDeploy', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'npmExecuteScripts', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'npmExecuteLint', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'malwareExecuteScan', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'mavenBuild', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'mavenExecute', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'mavenExecuteIntegration', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'mavenExecuteStaticCodeChecks', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'mtaBuild', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'nexusUpload', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'piperPipelineStageArtifactDeployment', //stage without step flags 'pipelineCreateScanSummary', //stage without step flags 'sonarExecuteScan', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'gctsCreateRepository', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'gctsRollback', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'gctsExecuteABAPUnitTests', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'gctsCloneRepository', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'fortifyExecuteScan', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'gctsDeploy', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'containerSaveImage', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'detectExecuteScan', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'kanikoExecute', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'karmaExecuteTests', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'gitopsUpdateDeployment', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'vaultRotateSecretId', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'deployIntegrationArtifact', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'newmanExecute', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'terraformExecute', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'whitesourceExecuteScan', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'uiVeri5ExecuteTests', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'integrationArtifactDeploy', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'integrationArtifactUpdateConfiguration', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'integrationArtifactGetMplStatus', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'integrationArtifactGetServiceEndpoint', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'integrationArtifactDownload', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'integrationArtifactUpload', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'integrationArtifactTriggerIntegrationTest', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'integrationArtifactUnDeploy', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'integrationArtifactResource', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'containerExecuteStructureTests', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'transportRequestUploadSOLMAN', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'transportRequestReqIDFromGit', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'transportRequestDocIDFromGit', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'gaugeExecuteTests', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'batsExecuteTests', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'transportRequestUploadRFC', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'writePipelineEnv', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'readPipelineEnv', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'transportRequestUploadCTS', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'isChangeInDevelopment', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'golangBuild', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'apiProxyDownload', //implementing new golang pattern without fields 'apiKeyValueMapDownload', //implementing new golang pattern without fields ] @Test public void generalConfigKeysSetPresentTest() { def fieldName = 'GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS' // the steps added to the fieldRelatedWhitelist do not take the general config at all def stepsWithoutGeneralConfigKeySet = fieldCheck(fieldName,['gaugeExecuteTests', 'pipelineRestartSteps'])) assertThat("Steps without ${fieldName} field (or that field is not a Set): ${stepsWithoutGeneralConfigKeySet}", stepsWithoutGeneralConfigKeySet, is(empty())) } @Test public void stepConfigKeysSetPresentTest() { def fieldName = 'STEP_CONFIG_KEYS' def stepsWithoutStepConfigKeySet = fieldCheck(fieldName,'setupCommonPipelineEnvironment')) assertThat("Steps without ${fieldName} field (or that field is not a Set): ${stepsWithoutStepConfigKeySet}", stepsWithoutStepConfigKeySet, is(empty())) } @Test public void parametersKeysSetPresentTest() { def fieldName = 'PARAMETER_KEYS' def stepsWithoutParametersKeySet = fieldCheck(fieldName,'setupCommonPipelineEnvironment')) assertThat("Steps without ${fieldName} field (or that field is not a Set): ${stepsWithoutParametersKeySet}", stepsWithoutParametersKeySet, is(empty())) } private fieldCheck(fieldName, whitelist) { def stepsWithoutGeneralConfigKeySet = [] for(def step in getSteps()) { if(whitelist.contains(step)) continue def fields = loadScript("${step}.groovy").getClass().getDeclaredFields() as Set Field generalConfigKeyField = fields.find{ it.getName() == fieldName} if(! generalConfigKeyField || ! generalConfigKeyField .getType() .isAssignableFrom(Set.class)) { stepsWithoutGeneralConfigKeySet.add(step) } } return stepsWithoutGeneralConfigKeySet } @Test public void stepsWithWrongFieldNameTest() { def whitelist = [ 'abapEnvironmentPipeline', 'commonPipelineEnvironment', 'piperPipeline', 'piperExecuteBin', 'buildSetResult', 'runClosures' ] def stepsWithWrongStepName = [] for(def step in getSteps()) { if(whitelist.contains(step)) continue def script = loadScript("${step}.groovy") def fields = script.getClass().getDeclaredFields() as Set Field stepNameField = fields.find { it.getName() == 'STEP_NAME'} if(! stepNameField) { stepsWithWrongStepName.add(step) continue } boolean notAccessible = false def fieldName if(!stepNameField.isAccessible()) { stepNameField.setAccessible(true) notAccessible = true } try { fieldName = stepNameField.get(script) } finally { if(notAccessible) stepNameField.setAccessible(false) } if(fieldName != step) { stepsWithWrongStepName.add(step) } } assertThat("Steps with wrong step name or without STEP_NAME field.: ${stepsWithWrongStepName}", stepsWithWrongStepName, is(empty())) } /* * With that test we ensure that all return types of the call methods of all the steps * are void. Return types other than void are not possible when running inside declarative * pipelines. Parameters shared between several steps needs to be shared via the commonPipelineEnvironment. */ @Test public void returnTypeForCallMethodsIsVoidTest() { def stepsWithCallMethodsOtherThanVoid = [] def whitelist = [ 'durationMeasure', 'mavenExecute' ] for(def step in getSteps()) { def methods = loadScript("${step}.groovy").getClass().getDeclaredMethods() as List Collection callMethodsWithReturnTypeOtherThanVoid = .filter { ! whitelist.contains(step) } .filter { it.getName() == 'call' && it.getReturnType() != Void.TYPE } .collect(toList()) if(!callMethodsWithReturnTypeOtherThanVoid.isEmpty()) stepsWithCallMethodsOtherThanVoid << step } assertThat("Steps with call methods with return types other than void: ${stepsWithCallMethodsOtherThanVoid}", stepsWithCallMethodsOtherThanVoid, is(empty())) } }