mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
* Changed gcts deploy step to include create, clone and switching branches * Added create only flag for repository * Changed the logic of Rollback * Added more logs to deployCommitToAbapSystem * Changes to deploy to abap system * Changes to deploy to abap system * Changes to condition for pullbycommit * Added Current commit deploy scope handling * Changed VCS_NO_IMPORT to take abap bool * Added delete config functionality * Functionality to parse boolean configuration * Fix to get config metadata url * Added additional error messages for switch branch * Better error dump handling * Better error dump handling contd * Added dump errors to all http requests * Error logging changes * More Unit Tests * Added more logs * Updated docs for gCTS deploy * Added scope in documentation * Removal of some nested loops, fix of unit tests * Documentation changes and more comments in the code Co-authored-by: Christopher Fenner <26137398+CCFenner@users.noreply.github.com>
807 lines
30 KiB
807 lines
30 KiB
package cmd
import (
piperhttp "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/http"
const repoStateExists = "RepoExists"
const repoStateNew = "RepoNew"
func gctsDeploy(config gctsDeployOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData) {
// for command execution use Command
c := command.Command{}
// reroute command output to logging framework
// for http calls import piperhttp "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/http"
// and use a &piperhttp.Client{} in a custom system
// Example: step checkmarxExecuteScan.go
httpClient := &piperhttp.Client{}
// error situations should stop execution through log.Entry().Fatal() call which leads to an os.Exit(1) in the end
err := gctsDeployRepository(&config, telemetryData, &c, httpClient)
if err != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("step execution failed")
func gctsDeployRepository(config *gctsDeployOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, command command.ExecRunner, httpClient piperhttp.Sender) error {
cookieJar, cookieErr := cookiejar.New(nil)
repoState := repoStateExists
branchRollbackRequired := false
if cookieErr != nil {
return errors.Wrap(cookieErr, "creating a cookie jar failed")
clientOptions := piperhttp.ClientOptions{
CookieJar: cookieJar,
Username: config.Username,
Password: config.Password,
log.Entry().Infof("Start of gCTS Deploy Step with Configuration Values: %v", config)
configurationMetadata, getConfigMetadataErr := getConfigurationMetadata(config, httpClient)
if getConfigMetadataErr != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(getConfigMetadataErr).Error("step execution failed at configuration metadata retrieval. Please Check if system is up!.")
return getConfigMetadataErr
createRepoOptions := gctsCreateRepositoryOptions{
Username: config.Username,
Password: config.Password,
Repository: config.Repository,
Host: config.Host,
Client: config.Client,
RemoteRepositoryURL: config.RemoteRepositoryURL,
Role: config.Role,
VSID: config.VSID,
Type: config.Type,
log.Entry().Infof("gCTS Deploy : Checking if repository %v already exists", config.Repository)
repoMetadataInitState, getRepositoryErr := getRepository(config, httpClient)
currentBranch := repoMetadataInitState.Result.Branch
// If Repository does not exist in the system then Create and Clone Repository
if getRepositoryErr != nil {
// If scope is set for a new repository then creation/cloning of the repository cannot be done
if config.Scope != "" {
log.Entry().Error("Error during deploy : deploy scope cannot be provided while deploying a new repo")
return errors.New("Error in config file")
// State of the repository set for further processing during the step
repoState = repoStateNew
log.Entry().Infof("gCTS Deploy : Creating Repository Step for repository : %v", config.Repository)
// Parse the configuration parameter to a format that is accepted by the gcts api
configurations, _ := splitConfigurationToMap(config.Configuration, *configurationMetadata)
createErr := createRepositoryForDeploy(&createRepoOptions, telemetryData, command, httpClient, configurations)
if createErr != nil {
//Dump error log (Log it)
log.Entry().WithError(createErr).Error("step execution failed at Create Repository")
return createErr
cloneRepoOptions := gctsCloneRepositoryOptions{
Username: config.Username,
Password: config.Password,
Repository: config.Repository,
Host: config.Host,
Client: config.Client,
// No Import has to be set when there is a commit or branch parameter set
// This is required so that during the clone of the repo it is not imported into the system
// The import would be done at a later stage with the help of gcts deploy api call
if config.Branch != "" || config.Commit != "" {
setNoImportAndCloneRepoErr := setNoImportAndCloneRepo(config, &cloneRepoOptions, httpClient, telemetryData)
if setNoImportAndCloneRepoErr != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(setNoImportAndCloneRepoErr).Error("step execution failed")
return setNoImportAndCloneRepoErr
} else {
// Clone Repository and Exit the step since there is no commit or branch parameters provided
cloneErr := cloneRepository(&cloneRepoOptions, telemetryData, httpClient)
if cloneErr != nil {
// Dump Error Log
log.Entry().WithError(cloneErr).Error("step execution failed at Clone Repository")
return cloneErr
log.Entry().Infof("gCTS Deploy : Step has completed for the repository %v : ", config.Repository)
// End of the step.
return nil
log.Entry().Infof("gCTS Deploy : Reading repo information after cloning repository %v : ", config.Repository)
// Get the repository information for further processing of the step.
repoMetadataInitState, getRepositoryErr = getRepository(config, httpClient)
if getRepositoryErr != nil {
// Dump Error Log
log.Entry().WithError(getRepositoryErr).Error("step execution failed at get repository after clone")
return getRepositoryErr
currentBranch = repoMetadataInitState.Result.Branch
} else {
log.Entry().Infof("Repository %v already exists in the system, Checking for deploy scope", config.Repository)
// If deploy scope provided for an existing repository then deploy api is called and then execution ends
if config.Scope != "" {
log.Entry().Infof("Deploy scope exists for the repository in the configuration file")
log.Entry().Infof("gCTS Deploy: Deploying Commit to ABAP System for Repository %v with scope %v", config.Repository, config.Scope)
deployErr := deployCommitToAbapSystem(config, httpClient)
if deployErr != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(deployErr).Error("step execution failed at Deploying Commit to ABAP system.")
return deployErr
return nil
log.Entry().Infof("Deploy scope not set in the configuration file for repository : %v", config.Repository)
// branch to which the switching has to be done to
targetBranch := config.Branch
if config.Branch != "" {
// switch to a target branch, and if it fails rollback to the previous working state
_, switchBranchWithRollbackErr := switchBranchWithRollback(config, httpClient, currentBranch, targetBranch, repoState, repoMetadataInitState)
if switchBranchWithRollbackErr != nil {
return switchBranchWithRollbackErr
currentBranch = config.Branch
branchRollbackRequired = true
if config.Commit != "" {
// switch to a target commit and if it fails rollback to the previous working state
pullByCommitWithRollbackErr := pullByCommitWithRollback(config, telemetryData, command, httpClient, repoState, repoMetadataInitState, currentBranch, targetBranch, branchRollbackRequired)
if pullByCommitWithRollbackErr != nil {
return pullByCommitWithRollbackErr
} else {
// if commit parameter is not provided and its a new repo , then set config scope to "Current Commit" to be used with deploy api
if repoState == repoStateNew && (config.Commit != "" || config.Branch != "") {
log.Entry().Infof("Setting deploy scope as current commit")
config.Scope = "CRNTCOMMIT"
if config.Scope != "" {
removeNoImportAndDeployToSystemErr := removeNoImportAndDeployToSystem(config, httpClient)
if removeNoImportAndDeployToSystemErr != nil {
return removeNoImportAndDeployToSystemErr
// Step Execution Ends here
return nil
pullByCommitWithRollbackErr := pullByCommitWithRollback(config, telemetryData, command, httpClient, repoState, repoMetadataInitState, currentBranch, targetBranch, branchRollbackRequired)
if pullByCommitWithRollbackErr != nil {
return pullByCommitWithRollbackErr
// A deploy is done with scope current commit if the repository is a new repo and
// branch and a commit parameters where also provided
// This is required so that the code base is imported into the system because during the
// switch branch and pull by commit the no import flag was set as true
if repoState == repoStateNew {
log.Entry().Infof("Setting deploy scope as current commit")
config.Scope = "CRNTCOMMIT"
removeNoImportAndDeployToSystemErr := removeNoImportAndDeployToSystem(config, httpClient)
if removeNoImportAndDeployToSystemErr != nil {
return removeNoImportAndDeployToSystemErr
return nil
// Function to remove the VCS_NO_IMPORT flag and do deploy into the abap system
func removeNoImportAndDeployToSystem(config *gctsDeployOptions, httpClient piperhttp.Sender) error {
log.Entry().Infof("Removing VCS_NO_IMPORT configuration")
configToDelete := "VCS_NO_IMPORT"
deleteConfigKeyErr := deleteConfigKey(config, httpClient, configToDelete)
if deleteConfigKeyErr != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(deleteConfigKeyErr).Error("step execution failed at Set Config key for VCS_NO_IMPORT")
return deleteConfigKeyErr
// Get deploy scope and gctsDeploy
log.Entry().Infof("gCTS Deploy: Deploying Commit to ABAP System for Repository %v with scope %v", config.Repository, config.Scope)
deployErr := deployCommitToAbapSystem(config, httpClient)
if deployErr != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(deployErr).Error("step execution failed at Deploying Commit to ABAP system.")
return deployErr
return nil
// Function to pull by commit, it also does a rollback incase of errors during the pull
func pullByCommitWithRollback(config *gctsDeployOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, command command.ExecRunner,
httpClient piperhttp.Sender, repoState string, repoMetadataInitState *getRepositoryResponseBody,
currentBranch string, targetBranch string, branchRollbackRequired bool) error {
log.Entry().Infof("gCTS Deploy: Pull by Commit step execution to commit %v", config.Commit)
pullByCommitErr := pullByCommit(config, telemetryData, command, httpClient)
if pullByCommitErr != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(pullByCommitErr).Error("step execution failed at Pull By Commit. Trying to rollback to last commit")
if config.Rollback {
//Rollback to last commit.
rollbackOptions := gctsRollbackOptions{
Username: config.Username,
Password: config.Password,
Repository: config.Repository,
Host: config.Host,
Client: config.Client,
rollbackErr := rollback(&rollbackOptions, telemetryData, command, httpClient)
if rollbackErr != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(rollbackErr).Error("step execution failed while rolling back commit")
return rollbackErr
if repoState == repoStateNew && branchRollbackRequired {
// Rollback branch
// Rollback branch. Resetting branches
targetBranch = repoMetadataInitState.Result.Branch
currentBranch = config.Branch
log.Entry().Errorf("Rolling Back from %v to %v", currentBranch, targetBranch)
switchBranch(config, httpClient, currentBranch, targetBranch)
return pullByCommitErr
return nil
// Function to switch branches, it also does a rollback incase of errors during the switch
func switchBranchWithRollback(config *gctsDeployOptions, httpClient piperhttp.Sender, currentBranch string, targetBranch string, repoState string, repoMetadataInitState *getRepositoryResponseBody) (*switchBranchResponseBody, error) {
var response *switchBranchResponseBody
response, switchBranchErr := switchBranch(config, httpClient, currentBranch, targetBranch)
if switchBranchErr != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(switchBranchErr).Error("step execution failed at Switch Branch")
if repoState == repoStateNew && config.Rollback {
// Rollback branch. Resetting branches
targetBranch = repoMetadataInitState.Result.Branch
currentBranch = config.Branch
log.Entry().WithError(switchBranchErr).Errorf("Rolling Back from %v to %v", currentBranch, targetBranch)
switchBranch(config, httpClient, currentBranch, targetBranch)
return nil, switchBranchErr
return response, nil
// Set VCS_NO_IMPORT flag to true and do a clone of the repo. This disables the repository objects to be pulled in to the system
func setNoImportAndCloneRepo(config *gctsDeployOptions, cloneRepoOptions *gctsCloneRepositoryOptions, httpClient piperhttp.Sender, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData) error {
log.Entry().Infof("Setting VCS_NO_IMPORT to true")
noImportConfig := setConfigKeyBody{
Value: "X",
setConfigKeyErr := setConfigKey(config, httpClient, &noImportConfig)
if setConfigKeyErr != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(setConfigKeyErr).Error("step execution failed at Set Config key for VCS_NO_IMPORT")
return setConfigKeyErr
cloneErr := cloneRepository(cloneRepoOptions, telemetryData, httpClient)
if cloneErr != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(cloneErr).Error("step execution failed at Clone Repository")
return cloneErr
return nil
// Function to switch branch
func switchBranch(config *gctsDeployOptions, httpClient piperhttp.Sender, currentBranch string, targetBranch string) (*switchBranchResponseBody, error) {
var response switchBranchResponseBody
log.Entry().Infof("gCTS Deploy : Switching branch for repository : %v, from branch: %v to %v", config.Repository, currentBranch, targetBranch)
requestURL := config.Host +
"/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/" + config.Repository + "/branches/" + currentBranch +
"/switch?branch=" + targetBranch + "&sap-client=" + config.Client
resp, httpErr := httpClient.SendRequest("GET", requestURL, nil, nil, nil)
defer func() {
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
if httpErr != nil {
_, errorDumpParseErr := parseErrorDumpFromResponseBody(resp)
if errorDumpParseErr != nil {
return nil, errorDumpParseErr
return &response, httpErr
} else if resp == nil {
return &response, errors.New("did not retrieve a HTTP response")
parsingErr := piperhttp.ParseHTTPResponseBodyJSON(resp, &response)
if parsingErr != nil {
return &response, parsingErr
log.Entry().Infof("Switched branches from %v to %v. The commits where switched from %v to %v", currentBranch, config.Branch, response.Result.FromCommit, response.Result.ToCommit)
return &response, nil
func deployCommitToAbapSystem(config *gctsDeployOptions, httpClient piperhttp.Sender) error {
var response getRepositoryResponseBody
deployRequestBody := deployCommitToAbapSystemBody{
Scope: config.Scope,
log.Entry().Info("gCTS Deploy : Start of deploying commit to ABAP System.")
requestURL := config.Host +
"/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/" + config.Repository +
"/deploy?sap-client=" + config.Client
reqBody := deployRequestBody
jsonBody, marshalErr := json.Marshal(reqBody)
if marshalErr != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(marshalErr, "Deploying repository to abap system failed json body marshalling")
header := make(http.Header)
header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
header.Add("Accept", "application/json")
resp, httpErr := httpClient.SendRequest("POST", requestURL, bytes.NewBuffer(jsonBody), header, nil)
defer func() {
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
if httpErr != nil {
_, errorDumpParseErr := parseErrorDumpFromResponseBody(resp)
if errorDumpParseErr != nil {
return errorDumpParseErr
log.Entry().Error("Failed During Deploy to Abap system")
return httpErr
parsingErr := piperhttp.ParseHTTPResponseBodyJSON(resp, &response)
if parsingErr != nil {
return parsingErr
log.Entry().Infof("Response for deploy command : %v", response.Result)
return nil
// Uses the repository details to check if the repository already exists in the system or not
func getRepository(config *gctsDeployOptions, httpClient piperhttp.Sender) (*getRepositoryResponseBody, error) {
var response getRepositoryResponseBody
requestURL := config.Host +
"/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/" + config.Repository +
"?sap-client=" + config.Client
resp, httpErr := httpClient.SendRequest("GET", requestURL, nil, nil, nil)
defer func() {
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
if httpErr != nil {
_, errorDumpParseErr := parseErrorDumpFromResponseBody(resp)
if errorDumpParseErr != nil {
return nil, errorDumpParseErr
log.Entry().Infof("Error while repository Check : %v", httpErr)
return &response, httpErr
} else if resp == nil {
return &response, errors.New("did not retrieve a HTTP response")
parsingErr := piperhttp.ParseHTTPResponseBodyJSON(resp, &response)
if parsingErr != nil {
return &response, parsingErr
return &response, nil
// Function to delete configuration key for repositories
func deleteConfigKey(deployConfig *gctsDeployOptions, httpClient piperhttp.Sender, configToDelete string) error {
log.Entry().Infof("gCTS Deploy : Delete configuration key %v", configToDelete)
requestURL := deployConfig.Host +
"/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/" + deployConfig.Repository +
"/config/" + configToDelete + "?sap-client=" + deployConfig.Client
header := make(http.Header)
header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
header.Add("Accept", "application/json")
resp, httpErr := httpClient.SendRequest("DELETE", requestURL, nil, header, nil)
defer func() {
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
if httpErr != nil {
_, errorDumpParseErr := parseErrorDumpFromResponseBody(resp)
if errorDumpParseErr != nil {
return errorDumpParseErr
log.Entry().Error("Failure during deletion of configuration value")
return httpErr
log.Entry().Infof("gCTS Deploy : Delete configuration key %v successful", configToDelete)
return nil
// Function to set configuration key for repositories
func setConfigKey(deployConfig *gctsDeployOptions, httpClient piperhttp.Sender, configToSet *setConfigKeyBody) error {
log.Entry().Infof("gCTS Deploy : Start of set configuration key %v and value %v", configToSet.Key, configToSet.Value)
requestURL := deployConfig.Host +
"/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/" + deployConfig.Repository +
"/config?sap-client=" + deployConfig.Client
reqBody := configToSet
jsonBody, marshalErr := json.Marshal(reqBody)
if marshalErr != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(marshalErr, "Setting config key: %v and value: %v on the ABAP system %v failed", configToSet.Key, configToSet.Value, deployConfig.Host)
header := make(http.Header)
header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
header.Add("Accept", "application/json")
resp, httpErr := httpClient.SendRequest("POST", requestURL, bytes.NewBuffer(jsonBody), header, nil)
defer func() {
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
if httpErr != nil {
_, errorDumpParseErr := parseErrorDumpFromResponseBody(resp)
if errorDumpParseErr != nil {
return errorDumpParseErr
log.Entry().Error("Failure during setting configuration value")
return httpErr
WithField("repository", deployConfig.Repository).
Infof("successfully set configuration value key %v and value %v", configToSet.Key, configToSet.Value)
return nil
func pullByCommit(config *gctsDeployOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, command command.ExecRunner, httpClient piperhttp.Sender) error {
cookieJar, cookieErr := cookiejar.New(nil)
if cookieErr != nil {
return errors.Wrap(cookieErr, "creating a cookie jar failed")
clientOptions := piperhttp.ClientOptions{
CookieJar: cookieJar,
Username: config.Username,
Password: config.Password,
requestURL := config.Host +
"/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository/" + config.Repository +
"/pullByCommit?sap-client=" + config.Client + "&request=" + config.Commit
if config.Commit != "" {
log.Entry().Infof("preparing to deploy specified commit %v", config.Commit)
params := url.Values{}
params.Add("request", config.Commit)
requestURL = requestURL + "&" + params.Encode()
resp, httpErr := httpClient.SendRequest("GET", requestURL, nil, nil, nil)
defer func() {
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
if httpErr != nil {
_, errorDumpParseErr := parseErrorDumpFromResponseBody(resp)
if errorDumpParseErr != nil {
return errorDumpParseErr
return httpErr
} else if resp == nil {
return errors.New("did not retrieve a HTTP response")
bodyText, readErr := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if readErr != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(readErr, "HTTP response body could not be read")
response, parsingErr := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(bodyText))
if parsingErr != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(parsingErr, "HTTP response body could not be parsed as JSON: %v", string(bodyText))
WithField("repository", config.Repository).
Infof("successfully deployed commit %v (previous commit was %v)", response.Path("toCommit").Data().(string), response.Path("fromCommit").Data().(string))
return nil
func createRepositoryForDeploy(config *gctsCreateRepositoryOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, command command.ExecRunner, httpClient piperhttp.Sender, repositoryConfig []repositoryConfiguration) error {
cookieJar, cookieErr := cookiejar.New(nil)
if cookieErr != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(cookieErr, "creating repository on the ABAP system %v failed", config.Host)
clientOptions := piperhttp.ClientOptions{
CookieJar: cookieJar,
Username: config.Username,
Password: config.Password,
type repoData struct {
RID string `json:"rid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Role string `json:"role"`
Type string `json:"type"`
VSID string `json:"vsid"`
RemoteRepositoryURL string `json:"url"`
Config []repositoryConfiguration `json:"config"`
type createRequestBody struct {
Repository string `json:"repository"`
Data repoData `json:"data"`
reqBody := createRequestBody{
Repository: config.Repository,
Data: repoData{
RID: config.Repository,
Name: config.Repository,
Role: config.Role,
Type: config.Type,
VSID: config.VSID,
RemoteRepositoryURL: config.RemoteRepositoryURL,
Config: repositoryConfig,
jsonBody, marshalErr := json.Marshal(reqBody)
if marshalErr != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(marshalErr, "creating repository on the ABAP system %v failed", config.Host)
header := make(http.Header)
header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
header.Add("Accept", "application/json")
url := config.Host + "/sap/bc/cts_abapvcs/repository?sap-client=" + config.Client
resp, httpErr := httpClient.SendRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewBuffer(jsonBody), header, nil)
defer func() {
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
if resp == nil {
return errors.Errorf("creating repository on the ABAP system %v failed: %v", config.Host, httpErr)
if httpErr != nil {
response, errorDumpParseErr := parseErrorDumpFromResponseBody(resp)
if errorDumpParseErr != nil {
return errorDumpParseErr
if resp.StatusCode == 500 {
if response.Exception == "Repository already exists" {
WithField("repository", config.Repository).
Infof("the repository already exists on the ABAP system %v", config.Host)
return nil
log.Entry().Errorf("a HTTP error occurred! Response body: %v", response)
return errors.Wrapf(httpErr, "creating repository on the ABAP system %v failed", config.Host)
WithField("repository", config.Repository).
Infof("successfully created the repository on ABAP system %v", config.Host)
return nil
func getConfigurationMetadata(config *gctsDeployOptions, httpClient piperhttp.Sender) (*configurationMetadataBody, error) {
var response configurationMetadataBody
log.Entry().Infof("Starting to retrieve configuration metadata from the system")
requestURL := config.Host +
resp, httpErr := httpClient.SendRequest("GET", requestURL, nil, nil, nil)
defer func() {
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
if httpErr != nil {
_, errorDumpParseErr := parseErrorDumpFromResponseBody(resp)
if errorDumpParseErr != nil {
return nil, errorDumpParseErr
log.Entry().Infof("Error while repository Check : %v", httpErr)
return &response, httpErr
} else if resp == nil {
return &response, errors.New("did not retrieve a HTTP response")
parsingErr := piperhttp.ParseHTTPResponseBodyJSON(resp, &response)
if parsingErr != nil {
return &response, parsingErr
log.Entry().Infof("System Available for further step processing. The configuration metadata was successfully retrieved.")
return &response, nil
func splitConfigurationToMap(inputConfigMap map[string]interface{}, configMetadataInSystem configurationMetadataBody) ([]repositoryConfiguration, error) {
log.Entry().Infof("Parsing the configurations from the yml file")
var configurations []repositoryConfiguration
for key, value := range inputConfigMap {
foundConfigMetadata, _ := findConfigurationMetadata(key, configMetadataInSystem)
configValue := fmt.Sprint(value)
if (configMetadata{}) != foundConfigMetadata {
if foundConfigMetadata.Datatype == "BOOLEAN" && foundConfigMetadata.Example == "X" {
if configValue == "false" || configValue == "" {
configValue = ""
} else if configValue == "true" || configValue == "X" {
configValue = "X"
configuration := repositoryConfiguration{
Key: key,
Value: configValue,
configurations = append(configurations, configuration)
log.Entry().Infof("The Configurations for the repoistory creation are : %v", configurations)
return configurations, nil
func findConfigurationMetadata(configToFind string, configurationsAvailable configurationMetadataBody) (configMetadata, error) {
var configStruct configMetadata
for _, config := range configurationsAvailable.Config {
if config.Ckey == configToFind {
return config, nil
return configStruct, nil
// Error handling for failure responses from the gcts api calls
func parseErrorDumpFromResponseBody(responseBody *http.Response) (*errorLogBody, error) {
var errorDump errorLogBody
parsingErr := piperhttp.ParseHTTPResponseBodyJSON(responseBody, &errorDump)
if parsingErr != nil {
return &errorDump, parsingErr
for _, errorLogData := range errorDump.ErrorLog {
log.Entry().Errorf("Time: %v, User: %v, Section: %v, Action: %v, Severity: %v, Message: %v",
errorLogData.Time, errorLogData.User, errorLogData.Section,
errorLogData.Action, errorLogData.Severity, errorLogData.Message)
for _, protocolErrorData := range errorLogData.Protocol {
log.Entry().Errorf("Type: %v", protocolErrorData.Type)
for _, protocols := range protocolErrorData.Protocol {
if strings.Contains(protocols, "4 ETW000 ") {
protocols = strings.ReplaceAll(protocols, "4 ETW000 ", "")
} else if strings.Contains(protocols, "4EETW000 ") {
protocols = strings.ReplaceAll(protocols, "4EETW000 ", "ERROR: ")
return &errorDump, nil
type repositoryConfiguration struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Value string `json:"value"`
type getRepositoryResponseBody struct {
Result struct {
Rid string `json:"rid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Role string `json:"role"`
Vsid string `json:"vsid"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Branch string `json:"branch"`
Url string `json:"url"`
Config []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Value string `json:"value"`
Category string `json:"category"`
} `json:"config"`
Objects int64 `json:"objects"`
CurrentCommit string `json:"currentCommit"`
Connection string `json:"connection"`
} `json:"result"`
type setConfigKeyBody struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Value string `json:"value"`
type switchBranchResponseBody struct {
Result struct {
FromCommit string `json:"fromCommit"`
ToCommit string `json:"ToCommit"`
} `json:"result"`
Log []struct {
Time string `json:"time"`
User string `json:"user"`
Section string `json:"section"`
Action string `json:"Action"`
Severity string `json:"Severity"`
Message string `json:"Message"`
} `json:"log"`
type deployCommitToAbapSystemBody struct {
Repository string `json:"repository"`
Scope string `json:"scope"`
Commit string `json:"commit"`
Objects []struct {
Object string `json:"object"`
Type string `json:"type"`
User string `json:"user"`
Pgmid string `json:"pgmid"`
Keys []struct {
Tabname string `json:"tabname"`
Columns []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Field string `json:"field"`
Value string `json:"value"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Inttype string `json:"inttype"`
Length string `json:"length"`
} `json:"objects"`
type configMetadata struct {
Ckey string `json:"ckey"`
Ctype string `json:"ctype"`
Cvisible string `json:"cvisible"`
Datatype string `json:"datatype"`
DefaultValue string `json:"defaultValue"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Category string `json:"category"`
UiElement string `json:"uiElement"`
Example string `json:"example"`
type configurationMetadataBody struct {
Config []configMetadata `json:"config"`
type errorProtocolbody struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Protocol []string `json:"protocol"`
type errorLog struct {
Time int `json:"time"`
User string `json:"user"`
Section string `json:"section"`
Action string `json:"action"`
Severity string `json:"severity"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Protocol []errorProtocolbody `json:"protocol"`
type errorLogBody struct {
ErrorLog []errorLog `json:"errorLog"`
Exception string `json:"exception"`