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package generator
import (
// DocuHelperData is used to transport the needed parameters and functions from the step generator to the docu generation.
type DocuHelperData struct {
DocTemplatePath string
OpenDocTemplateFile func(d string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
DocFileWriter func(f string, d []byte, p os.FileMode) error
OpenFile func(s string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
var stepParameterNames []string
var includeAzure bool
func readStepConfiguration(stepMetadata config.StepData, customDefaultFiles []string, docuHelperData DocuHelperData) config.StepConfig {
filters := stepMetadata.GetParameterFilters()
filters.All = append(filters.All, "collectTelemetryData")
filters.General = append(filters.General, "collectTelemetryData")
filters.Parameters = append(filters.Parameters, "collectTelemetryData")
defaultFiles := []io.ReadCloser{}
for _, projectDefaultFile := range customDefaultFiles {
fc, _ := docuHelperData.OpenFile(projectDefaultFile)
defer fc.Close()
defaultFiles = append(defaultFiles, fc)
configuration := config.Config{}
stepConfiguration, err := configuration.GetStepConfig(
return stepConfiguration
// GenerateStepDocumentation generates step coding based on step configuration provided in yaml files
func GenerateStepDocumentation(metadataFiles []string, customDefaultFiles []string, docuHelperData DocuHelperData, azure bool) error {
includeAzure = azure
for key := range metadataFiles {
stepMetadata := readStepMetadata(metadataFiles[key], docuHelperData)
stepConfiguration := readStepConfiguration(stepMetadata, customDefaultFiles, docuHelperData)
applyCustomDefaultValues(&stepMetadata, stepConfiguration)
fmt.Print(" Generate documentation.. ")
if err := generateStepDocumentation(stepMetadata, docuHelperData); err != nil {
} else {
return nil
// generates the step documentation and replaces the template with the generated documentation
func generateStepDocumentation(stepData config.StepData, docuHelperData DocuHelperData) error {
//create the file path for the template and open it.
docTemplateFilePath := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v.md", docuHelperData.DocTemplatePath, stepData.Metadata.Name)
docTemplate, err := docuHelperData.OpenDocTemplateFile(docTemplateFilePath)
if docTemplate != nil {
defer docTemplate.Close()
// check if there is an error during opening the template (true : skip docu generation for this meta data file)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error occurred: %v", err)
content := readAndAdjustTemplate(docTemplate)
if len(content) <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("error occurred: no content inside of the template")
// binding of functions and placeholder
tmpl, err := template.New("doc").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"StepName": createStepName,
"Description": createDescriptionSection,
"Parameters": createParametersSection,
// add secrets, context defaults to the step parameters
// write executed template data to the previously opened file
var docContent bytes.Buffer
err = tmpl.Execute(&docContent, &stepData)
// overwrite existing file
err = docuHelperData.DocFileWriter(docTemplateFilePath, docContent.Bytes(), 644)
return nil
func readContextInformation(contextDetailsPath string, contextDetails *config.StepData) {
contextDetailsFile, err := os.Open(contextDetailsPath)
defer contextDetailsFile.Close()
err = contextDetails.ReadPipelineStepData(contextDetailsFile)
func getContainerParameters(container config.Container, sidecar bool) map[string]interface{} {
containerParams := map[string]interface{}{}
if len(container.Command) > 0 {
containerParams[ifThenElse(sidecar, "sidecarCommand", "containerCommand")] = container.Command[0]
if len(container.EnvVars) > 0 {
containerParams[ifThenElse(sidecar, "sidecarEnvVars", "dockerEnvVars")] = config.EnvVarsAsMap(container.EnvVars)
containerParams[ifThenElse(sidecar, "sidecarImage", "dockerImage")] = container.Image
containerParams[ifThenElse(sidecar, "sidecarPullImage", "dockerPullImage")] = container.ImagePullPolicy != "Never"
if len(container.Name) > 0 {
containerParams[ifThenElse(sidecar, "sidecarName", "containerName")] = container.Name
containerParams["dockerName"] = container.Name
if len(container.Options) > 0 {
containerParams[ifThenElse(sidecar, "sidecarOptions", "dockerOptions")] = container.Options
if len(container.WorkingDir) > 0 {
containerParams[ifThenElse(sidecar, "sidecarWorkspace", "dockerWorkspace")] = container.WorkingDir
if sidecar {
if len(container.ReadyCommand) > 0 {
containerParams["sidecarReadyCommand"] = container.ReadyCommand
} else {
if len(container.Shell) > 0 {
containerParams["containerShell"] = container.Shell
//ToDo? add dockerVolumeBind, sidecarVolumeBind -> so far not part of config.Container
return containerParams
func handleStepParameters(stepData *config.StepData) {
stepParameterNames = stepData.GetParameterFilters().All
//add general options like script, verbose, etc.
//ToDo: add to context.yaml
//consolidate conditional parameters:
//- remove duplicate parameter entries
//- combine defaults (consider conditions)
//get the context defaults
//consolidate context defaults:
//- combine defaults (consider conditions)
func setDefaultAndPossisbleValues(stepData *config.StepData) {
for k, param := range stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters {
//fill default if not set
if param.Default == nil {
switch param.Type {
case "bool":
param.Default = false
case "int":
param.Default = 0
//add possible values where known for certain types
switch param.Type {
case "bool":
if param.PossibleValues == nil {
param.PossibleValues = []interface{}{true, false}
stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters[k] = param
func appendGeneralOptionsToParameters(stepData *config.StepData) {
script := config.StepParameters{
Name: "script", Type: "Jenkins Script", Mandatory: true,
Description: "The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline step is provided with the `this` parameter, as in `script: this`. This allows the function to access the `commonPipelineEnvironment` for retrieving, e.g. configuration parameters.",
verbose := config.StepParameters{
Name: "verbose", Type: "bool", Mandatory: false, Default: false, Scope: []string{"PARAMETERS", "GENERAL", "STEPS", "STAGES"},
Description: "verbose output",
stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters = append(stepData.Spec.Inputs.Parameters, script, verbose)
// GenerateStepDocumentation generates pipeline stage documentation based on pipeline configuration provided in a yaml file
func GenerateStageDocumentation(stageMetadataPath, stageTargetPath, relativeStepsPath string, utils piperutils.FileUtils) error {
if len(stageTargetPath) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("stageTargetPath cannot be empty")
if len(stageMetadataPath) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("stageMetadataPath cannot be empty")
if err := utils.MkdirAll(stageTargetPath, 0777); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create directory '%v': %w", stageTargetPath, err)
stageMetadataContent, err := utils.FileRead(stageMetadataPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read stage metadata file '%v': %w", stageMetadataPath, err)
stageRunConfig := config.RunConfigV1{}
err = yaml.Unmarshal(stageMetadataContent, &stageRunConfig.PipelineConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("format of configuration is invalid %q: %w", stageMetadataContent, err)
err = createPipelineDocumentation(&stageRunConfig, stageTargetPath, relativeStepsPath, utils)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create pipeline documentation: %w", err)
return nil
func createPipelineDocumentation(stageRunConfig *config.RunConfigV1, stageTargetPath, relativeStepsPath string, utils piperutils.FileUtils) error {
if err := createPipelineOverviewDocumentation(stageRunConfig, stageTargetPath, utils); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create pipeline overview: %w", err)
if err := createPipelineStageDocumentation(stageRunConfig, stageTargetPath, relativeStepsPath, utils); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create pipeline stage details: %w", err)
return nil
func createPipelineOverviewDocumentation(stageRunConfig *config.RunConfigV1, stageTargetPath string, utils piperutils.FileUtils) error {
overviewFileName := "overview.md"
overviewDoc := fmt.Sprintf("# %v\n\n", stageRunConfig.PipelineConfig.Metadata.DisplayName)
overviewDoc += fmt.Sprintf("%v\n\n", stageRunConfig.PipelineConfig.Metadata.Description)
overviewDoc += fmt.Sprintf("The %v comprises following stages\n\n", stageRunConfig.PipelineConfig.Metadata.DisplayName)
for _, stage := range stageRunConfig.PipelineConfig.Spec.Stages {
stageFilePath := filepath.Join(stageTargetPath, fmt.Sprintf("%v.md", stage.Name))
overviewDoc += fmt.Sprintf("* [%v Stage](%v)\n", stage.DisplayName, stageFilePath)
overviewFilePath := filepath.Join(stageTargetPath, overviewFileName)
fmt.Println("writing file", overviewFilePath)
return utils.FileWrite(overviewFilePath, []byte(overviewDoc), 0666)
const stepConditionDetails = `!!! note "Step condition details"
There are currently several conditions which can be checked.<br />**Important: It will be sufficient that any one condition per step is met.**
* ` + "`" + `config` + "`" + `: Checks if a configuration parameter has a defined value.
* ` + "`" + `config key` + "`" + `: Checks if a defined configuration parameter is set.
* ` + "`" + `file pattern` + "`" + `: Checks if files according a defined pattern exist in the project.
* ` + "`" + `file pattern from config` + "`" + `: Checks if files according a pattern defined in the custom configuration exist in the project.
* ` + "`" + `npm script` + "`" + `: Checks if a npm script exists in one of the package.json files in the repositories.
const overrulingStepActivation = `!!! note "Overruling step activation conditions"
It is possible to overrule the automatically detected step activation status.
* In case a step will be **active** you can add to your stage configuration ` + "`" + `<stepName>: false` + "`" + ` to explicitly **deactivate** the step.
* In case a step will be **inactive** you can add to your stage configuration ` + "`" + `<stepName>: true` + "`" + ` to explicitly **activate** the step.
func createPipelineStageDocumentation(stageRunConfig *config.RunConfigV1, stageTargetPath, relativeStepsPath string, utils piperutils.FileUtils) error {
for _, stage := range stageRunConfig.PipelineConfig.Spec.Stages {
stageDoc := fmt.Sprintf("# %v\n\n", stage.DisplayName)
stageDoc += fmt.Sprintf("%v\n\n", stage.Description)
if len(stage.Steps) > 0 {
stageDoc += "## Stage Content\n\nThis stage comprises following steps which are activated depending on your use-case/configuration:\n\n"
for i, step := range stage.Steps {
if i == 0 {
stageDoc += "| step | step description |\n"
stageDoc += "| ---- | ---------------- |\n"
orchestratorBadges := ""
for _, orchestrator := range step.Orchestrators {
orchestratorBadges += getBadge(orchestrator) + " "
stageDoc += fmt.Sprintf("| [%v](%v/%v.md) | %v%v |\n", step.Name, relativeStepsPath, step.Name, orchestratorBadges, step.Description)
stageDoc += "\n"
stageDoc += "## Stage & Step Activation\n\nThis stage will be active in case one of following conditions are met:\n\n"
stageDoc += "* One of the steps is explicitly activated by using `<stepName>: true` in the stage configuration\n"
stageDoc += "* At least one of the step conditions is met and steps are not explicitly deactivated by using `<stepName>: false` in the stage configuration\n\n"
stageDoc += stepConditionDetails
stageDoc += overrulingStepActivation
stageDoc += "Following conditions apply for activation of steps contained in the stage:\n\n"
stageDoc += "| step | active if one of following conditions is met |\n"
stageDoc += "| ---- | -------------------------------------------- |\n"
// add step condition details
for _, step := range stage.Steps {
stageDoc += fmt.Sprintf("| [%v](%v/%v.md) | %v |\n", step.Name, relativeStepsPath, step.Name, getStepConditionDetails(step))
stageFilePath := filepath.Join(stageTargetPath, fmt.Sprintf("%v.md", stage.Name))
fmt.Println("writing file", stageFilePath)
if err := utils.FileWrite(stageFilePath, []byte(stageDoc), 0666); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write stage file '%v': %w", stageFilePath, err)
return nil
func getBadge(orchestrator string) string {
orchestratorOnly := piperutils.Title(strings.ToLower(orchestrator)) + " only"
urlPath := &url.URL{Path: orchestratorOnly}
orchestratorOnlyString := urlPath.String()
return fmt.Sprintf("[![%v](https://img.shields.io/badge/-%v-yellowgreen)](#)", orchestratorOnly, orchestratorOnlyString)
func getStepConditionDetails(step config.Step) string {
stepConditions := ""
if step.Conditions == nil || len(step.Conditions) == 0 {
return "**active** by default - deactivate explicitly"
if len(step.Orchestrators) > 0 {
orchestratorBadges := ""
for _, orchestrator := range step.Orchestrators {
orchestratorBadges += getBadge(orchestrator) + " "
stepConditions = orchestratorBadges + "<br />"
for _, condition := range step.Conditions {
if condition.Config != nil && len(condition.Config) > 0 {
stepConditions += "<i>config:</i><ul>"
for param, activationValues := range condition.Config {
for _, activationValue := range activationValues {
stepConditions += fmt.Sprintf("<li>`%v`: `%v`</li>", param, activationValue)
// config condition only covers first entry
stepConditions += "</ul>"
if len(condition.ConfigKey) > 0 {
stepConditions += fmt.Sprintf("<i>config key:</i> `%v`<br />", condition.ConfigKey)
if len(condition.FilePattern) > 0 {
stepConditions += fmt.Sprintf("<i>file pattern:</i> `%v`<br />", condition.FilePattern)
if len(condition.FilePatternFromConfig) > 0 {
stepConditions += fmt.Sprintf("<i>file pattern from config:</i> `%v`<br />", condition.FilePatternFromConfig)
if len(condition.NpmScript) > 0 {
stepConditions += fmt.Sprintf("<i>npm script:</i> `%v`<br />", condition.NpmScript)
if condition.Inactive {
stepConditions += "**inactive** by default - activate explicitly"
return stepConditions