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synced 2024-12-14 11:03:09 +02:00
read yaml rule is a very frequently used rule. But having the rule in the common rules means we cannot register text or files to that rule, which makes it less handy to work with yaml files in the tests.
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271 lines
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import org.apache.commons.exec.*
import hudson.AbortException
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException
import org.junit.rules.RuleChain
import util.BasePiperTest
import util.JenkinsLoggingRule
import util.JenkinsReadYamlRule
import util.JenkinsStepRule
import util.Rules
class ToolValidateTest extends BasePiperTest {
private ExpectedException thrown = new ExpectedException().none()
private JenkinsLoggingRule jlr = new JenkinsLoggingRule(this)
private JenkinsStepRule jsr = new JenkinsStepRule(this)
public RuleChain ruleChain = Rules
.around(new JenkinsReadYamlRule(this))
def home = 'home'
void nullHomeTest() {
thrown.expectMessage("The parameter 'home' can not be null or empty.")
jsr.step.call(tool: 'java')
void emptyHomeTest() {
thrown.expectMessage("The parameter 'home' can not be null or empty.")
jsr.step.call(tool: 'java', home: '')
void nullToolTest() {
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> return 0 })
thrown.expectMessage("The parameter 'tool' can not be null or empty.")
jsr.step.call(tool: null, home: home)
void emptyToolTest() {
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> return 0 })
thrown.expectMessage("The parameter 'tool' can not be null or empty.")
jsr.step.call(tool: '', home: home)
void invalidToolTest() {
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> return 0 })
thrown.expectMessage("The tool 'test' is not supported.")
jsr.step.call(tool: 'test', home: home)
void unableToValidateJavaTest() {
thrown.expectMessage('The verification of Java failed.')
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getNoVersion(m) })
jsr.step.call(tool: 'java', home: home)
void unableToValidateMtaTest() {
thrown.expectMessage('The verification of SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder failed.')
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getNoVersion(m) })
jsr.step.call(tool: 'mta', home: home)
void unableToValidateNeoTest() {
thrown.expectMessage('The verification of SAP Cloud Platform Console Client failed.')
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getNoVersion(m) })
jsr.step.call(tool: 'neo', home: home)
void unableToValidateCmTest() {
thrown.expectMessage('The verification of Change Management Command Line Interface failed.')
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getNoVersion(m) })
jsr.step.call(tool: 'cm', home: home)
void validateIncompatibleVersionJavaTest() {
thrown.expectMessage('The installed version of Java is 1.7.0.')
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getIncompatibleVersion(m) })
jsr.step.call(tool: 'java', home: home)
void validateIncompatibleVersionMtaTest() {
thrown.expectMessage('The installed version of SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder is 1.0.5.')
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getIncompatibleVersion(m) })
jsr.step.call(tool: 'mta', home: home)
void validateCmIncompatibleVersionTest() {
thrown.expectMessage('The installed version of Change Management Command Line Interface is 0.0.0.')
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getIncompatibleVersion(m) })
binding.setVariable('tool', 'cm')
jsr.step.call(tool: 'cm', home: home)
void validateJavaTest() {
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getVersion(m) })
jsr.step.call(tool: 'java', home: home)
assert jlr.log.contains('Verifying Java version 1.8.0 or compatible version.')
assert jlr.log.contains('Java version 1.8.0 is installed.')
void validateMtaTest() {
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getVersion(m) })
jsr.step.call(tool: 'mta', home: home)
assert jlr.log.contains('Verifying SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder version 1.0.6 or compatible version.')
assert jlr.log.contains('SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder version 1.0.6 is installed.')
void validateNeoTest() {
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getVersion(m) })
jsr.step.call(tool: 'neo', home: home)
void validateCmTest() {
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getVersion(m) })
jsr.step.call(tool: 'cm', home: home)
assert jlr.log.contains('Verifying Change Management Command Line Interface version 0.0.1 or compatible version.')
assert jlr.log.contains('Change Management Command Line Interface version 0.0.1 is installed.')
private getToolHome(Map m) {
if(m.script.contains('JAVA_HOME')) {
return '/env/java'
} else if(m.script.contains('MTA_JAR_LOCATION')) {
return '/env/mta/mta.jar'
} else if(m.script.contains('NEO_HOME')) {
return '/env/neo'
} else if(m.script.contains('CM_CLI_HOME')) {
return '/env/cmclient'
} else {
return 0
private getNoVersion(Map m) {
if(m.script.contains('java -version')) {
throw new AbortException('script returned exit code 127')
} else if(m.script.contains('mta.jar -v')) {
throw new AbortException('script returned exit code 127')
} else if(m.script.contains('neo.sh version')) {
throw new AbortException('script returned exit code 127')
} else if(m.script.contains('cmclient -v')) {
throw new AbortException('script returned exit code 127')
} else {
return getToolHome(m)
private getVersion(Map m) {
if(m.script.contains('java -version')) {
return '''openjdk version \"1.8.0_121\"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-8u121-b13-1~bpo8+1-b13)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)'''
} else if(m.script.contains('mta.jar -v')) {
return '1.0.6'
} else if(m.script.contains('neo.sh version')) {
return '''SAP Cloud Platform Console Client
SDK version : 3.39.10
Runtime : neo-java-web'''
} else if(m.script.contains('cmclient -v')) {
return '0.0.1-beta-2 : fc9729964a6acf5c1cad9c6f9cd6469727625a8e'
} else {
return getToolHome(m)
private getIncompatibleVersion(Map m) {
if(m.script.contains('java -version')) {
return '''openjdk version \"1.7.0_121\"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_121-8u121-b13-1~bpo8+1-b13)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)'''
} else if(m.script.contains('mta.jar -v')) {
return '1.0.5'
} else if(m.script.contains('neo.sh version')) {
return '''SAP Cloud Platform Console Client
SDK version : 1.126.51
Runtime : neo-java-web'''
} else if(m.script.contains('cmclient -v')) {
return '0.0.0-beta-1 : fc9729964a6acf5c1cad9c6f9cd6469727625a8e'
} else {
return getToolHome(m)