mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
scanning for ChangeDocumentId/TransportRequestId failed when the commit message used CR/LF as line separator
83 lines
2.7 KiB
83 lines
2.7 KiB
package com.sap.piper
boolean insideWorkTree() {
return sh(returnStatus: true, script: 'git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 1>/dev/null 2>&1') == 0
boolean isWorkTreeDirty() {
if(!insideWorkTree()) error 'Method \'isWorkTreeClean\' called outside a git work tree.'
def gitCmd = 'git diff --quiet HEAD'
def rc = sh(returnStatus: true, script: gitCmd)
// from git man page:
// "it exits with 1 if there were differences and 0 means no differences"
// in case of general git trouble, e.g. outside work tree this is indicated by
// a return code higher than 1.
if(rc == 0) return false
else if (rc == 1) return true
else error "git command '${gitCmd}' return with code '${rc}'. This indicates general trouble with git."
String getGitCommitIdOrNull() {
if ( insideWorkTree() ) {
return getGitCommitId()
} else {
return null
String getGitCommitId() {
return sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim()
String[] extractLogLines(
String filter = '',
String from = 'origin/master',
String to = 'HEAD',
String format = '%b'
) {
// Checks below: there was an value provided from outside, but the value was null.
// Throwing an exception is more transparent than making a fallback to the defaults
// used in case the paramter is omitted in the signature.
if(filter == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException('Parameter \'filter\' not provided.')
if(! from?.trim()) throw new IllegalArgumentException('Parameter \'from\' not provided.')
if(! to?.trim()) throw new IllegalArgumentException('Parameter \'to\' not provided.')
if(! format?.trim()) throw new IllegalArgumentException('Parameter \'format\' not provided.')
def gitLogLines = sh ( returnStdout: true,
script: """#!/bin/bash
git log --pretty=format:${format} ${from}..${to}
// spread not supported here (CPS)
if(gitLogLines) {
def trimmedGitLogLines = []
for(def gitLogLine : gitLogLines) {
trimmedGitLogLines << gitLogLine.trim()
return trimmedGitLogLines.findAll { line -> line ==~ /${filter}/ }
return new String[0]
static String handleTestRepository(Script steps, Map config){
def stashName = "testContent-${UUID.randomUUID()}".toString()
def options = [url: config.testRepository]
if (config.gitSshKeyCredentialsId)
options.put('credentialsId', config.gitSshKeyCredentialsId)
if (config.gitBranch)
options.put('branch', config.gitBranch)
// checkout test repository
steps.git options
// stash test content
steps.stash stashName
// return stash name
return stashName