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package protecode
import (
piperHttp "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/http"
// ReportsDirectory defines the subfolder for the Protecode reports which are generated
const ReportsDirectory = "protecode"
// ProductData holds the product information of the protecode product
type ProductData struct {
Products []Product `json:"products,omitempty"`
// Product holds the id of the protecode product
type Product struct {
ProductID int `json:"product_id,omitempty"`
FileName string `json:"name,omitempty"`
//ResultData holds the information about the protecode result
type ResultData struct {
Result Result `json:"results,omitempty"`
//Result holds the detail information about the protecode result
type Result struct {
ProductID int `json:"product_id,omitempty"`
ReportURL string `json:"report_url,omitempty"`
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
Components []Component `json:"components,omitempty"`
//Component the protecode component information
type Component struct {
Vulns []Vulnerability `json:"vulns,omitempty"`
//Vulnerability the protecode vulnerability information
type Vulnerability struct {
Exact bool `json:"exact,omitempty"`
Vuln Vuln `json:"vuln,omitempty"`
Triage []Triage `json:"triage,omitempty"`
//Vuln holds the inforamtion about the vulnerability
type Vuln struct {
Cve string `json:"cve,omitempty"`
Cvss float64 `json:"cvss,omitempty"`
Cvss3Score string `json:"cvss3_score,omitempty"`
//Triage holds the triaging information
type Triage struct {
ID int `json:"id,omitempty"`
VulnID string `json:"vuln_id,omitempty"`
Component string `json:"component,omitempty"`
Vendor string `json:"vendor,omitempty"`
Codetype string `json:"codetype,omitempty"`
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
Modified string `json:"modified,omitempty"`
Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
User User `json:"user,omitempty"`
//User holds the user information
type User struct {
ID int `json:"id,omitempty"`
Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
Girstname string `json:"firstname,omitempty"`
Lastname string `json:"lastname,omitempty"`
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
//Protecode ist the protecode client which is used by the step
type Protecode struct {
serverURL string
client piperHttp.Uploader
duration time.Duration
logger *logrus.Entry
// Just calls SetOptions which makes sure logger is set.
// Added to make test code more resilient
func makeProtecode(opts Options) Protecode {
ret := Protecode{}
return ret
//Options struct which can be used to configure the Protecode struct
type Options struct {
ServerURL string
Duration time.Duration
Username string
Password string
Logger *logrus.Entry
//SetOptions setter function to set the internal properties of the protecode
func (pc *Protecode) SetOptions(options Options) {
pc.serverURL = options.ServerURL
pc.client = &piperHttp.Client{}
pc.duration = options.Duration
if options.Logger != nil {
pc.logger = options.Logger
} else {
pc.logger = log.Entry().WithField("package", "SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/protecode")
httpOptions := piperHttp.ClientOptions{MaxRequestDuration: options.Duration, Username: options.Username, Password: options.Password, Logger: options.Logger}
//SetHttpClient setter function to set the http client
func (pc *Protecode) SetHttpClient(client piperHttp.Uploader) {
pc.client = client
func (pc *Protecode) createURL(path string, pValue string, fParam string) string {
protecodeURL, err := url.Parse(pc.serverURL)
if err != nil {
//TODO: bubble up error
pc.logger.WithError(err).Fatal("Malformed URL")
if len(path) > 0 {
protecodeURL.Path += fmt.Sprintf("%v", path)
if len(pValue) > 0 {
protecodeURL.Path += fmt.Sprintf("%v", pValue)
// Prepare Query Parameters
if len(fParam) > 0 {
// encodedFParam := url.QueryEscape(fParam)
params := url.Values{}
params.Add("q", fmt.Sprintf("file:%v", fParam))
// Add Query Parameters to the URL
protecodeURL.RawQuery = params.Encode() // Escape Query Parameters
return protecodeURL.String()
func (pc *Protecode) mapResponse(r io.ReadCloser, response interface{}) {
defer r.Close()
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
newStr := buf.String()
if len(newStr) > 0 {
unquoted, err := strconv.Unquote(newStr)
if err != nil {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(newStr), response)
if err != nil {
//TODO: bubble up error
pc.logger.WithError(err).Fatalf("Error during unqote response: %v", newStr)
} else {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(unquoted), response)
if err != nil {
//TODO: bubble up error
pc.logger.WithError(err).Fatalf("Error during decode response: %v", newStr)
func (pc *Protecode) sendAPIRequest(method string, url string, headers map[string][]string) (*io.ReadCloser, int, error) {
r, err := pc.client.SendRequest(method, url, nil, headers, nil)
if err != nil {
if r != nil {
return nil, r.StatusCode, err
return nil, 400, err
//return &r.Body, nil
return &r.Body, r.StatusCode, nil
// ParseResultForInflux parses the result from the scan into the internal format
func (pc *Protecode) ParseResultForInflux(result Result, excludeCVEs string) (map[string]int, []Vuln) {
var vulns []Vuln
var m map[string]int = make(map[string]int)
m["count"] = 0
m["cvss2GreaterOrEqualSeven"] = 0
m["cvss3GreaterOrEqualSeven"] = 0
m["historical_vulnerabilities"] = 0
m["triaged_vulnerabilities"] = 0
m["excluded_vulnerabilities"] = 0
m["minor_vulnerabilities"] = 0
m["major_vulnerabilities"] = 0
m["vulnerabilities"] = 0
for _, components := range result.Components {
for _, vulnerability := range components.Vulns {
exact := isExact(vulnerability)
countVulnerability := isExact(vulnerability) && !isExcluded(vulnerability, excludeCVEs) && !isTriaged(vulnerability)
if exact && isExcluded(vulnerability, excludeCVEs) {
if exact && isTriaged(vulnerability) {
if countVulnerability {
//collect all vulns here
vulns = append(vulns, vulnerability.Vuln)
if countVulnerability && isSevereCVSS3(vulnerability) {
if countVulnerability && isSevereCVSS2(vulnerability) {
if countVulnerability && !isSevereCVSS3(vulnerability) && !isSevereCVSS2(vulnerability) {
if !exact {
return m, vulns
func isExact(vulnerability Vulnerability) bool {
return vulnerability.Exact
func isExcluded(vulnerability Vulnerability, excludeCVEs string) bool {
return strings.Contains(excludeCVEs, vulnerability.Vuln.Cve)
func isTriaged(vulnerability Vulnerability) bool {
return len(vulnerability.Triage) > 0
func isSevereCVSS3(vulnerability Vulnerability) bool {
threshold := 7.0
cvss3, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(vulnerability.Vuln.Cvss3Score, 64)
return cvss3 >= threshold
func isSevereCVSS2(vulnerability Vulnerability) bool {
threshold := 7.0
cvss3, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(vulnerability.Vuln.Cvss3Score, 64)
return cvss3 == 0 && vulnerability.Vuln.Cvss >= threshold
// DeleteScan deletes if configured the scan on the protecode server
func (pc *Protecode) DeleteScan(cleanupMode string, productID int) {
switch cleanupMode {
case "none":
case "binary":
case "complete":
pc.logger.Info("Deleting scan from server.")
protecodeURL := pc.createURL("/api/product/", fmt.Sprintf("%v/", productID), "")
headers := map[string][]string{}
pc.sendAPIRequest("DELETE", protecodeURL, headers)
//TODO: bubble up error
pc.logger.Fatalf("Unknown cleanup mode %v", cleanupMode)
// LoadReport loads the report of the protecode scan
func (pc *Protecode) LoadReport(reportFileName string, productID int) *io.ReadCloser {
protecodeURL := pc.createURL("/api/product/", fmt.Sprintf("%v/pdf-report", productID), "")
headers := map[string][]string{
"Cache-Control": {"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"},
"Pragma": {"no-cache"},
"Outputfile": {reportFileName},
readCloser, _, err := pc.sendAPIRequest(http.MethodGet, protecodeURL, headers)
if err != nil {
//TODO: bubble up error
pc.logger.WithError(err).Fatalf("It is not possible to load report %v", protecodeURL)
return readCloser
// UploadScanFile upload the scan file to the protecode server
func (pc *Protecode) UploadScanFile(cleanupMode, group, filePath, fileName, version string, productID int, replaceBinary bool) *ResultData {
log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> UploadScanFile started.....")
deleteBinary := (cleanupMode == "binary" || cleanupMode == "complete")
var headers = make(map[string][]string)
if (replaceBinary) && (version != "") {
log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> replaceBinary && version != empty ")
headers = map[string][]string{"Group": {group}, "Delete-Binary": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", deleteBinary)}, "Replace": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", productID)}, "Version": {version}}
} else if replaceBinary {
log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> replaceBinary")
headers = map[string][]string{"Group": {group}, "Delete-Binary": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", deleteBinary)}, "Replace": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", productID)}}
} else if version != "" {
log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> version != empty ")
headers = map[string][]string{"Group": {group}, "Delete-Binary": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", deleteBinary)}, "Version": {version}}
} else {
log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> replaceBinary is false and version == empty")
headers = map[string][]string{"Group": {group}, "Delete-Binary": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", deleteBinary)}}
// log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Headers for UploadScanFile upload: %v", headers)
uploadURL := fmt.Sprintf("%v/api/upload/%v", pc.serverURL, fileName)
r, err := pc.client.UploadRequest(http.MethodPut, uploadURL, filePath, "file", headers, nil, "binary")
if err != nil {
//TODO: bubble up error
pc.logger.WithError(err).Fatalf("Error during upload request %v", uploadURL)
} else {
pc.logger.Info("Upload successful")
// log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Upload request r: %v", r)
// log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Upload request r.StatusCode: %v", r.StatusCode)
// For replaceBinary option response doesn't contain any result but just a message saying that product successfully replaced.
if replaceBinary && r.StatusCode == 201 {
result := new(ResultData)
result.Result.ProductID = productID
// log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Return 'replaceBinary && r.StatusCode == 201' from 'UploadScanFile' : %v", result)
return result
} else {
result := new(ResultData)
pc.mapResponse(r.Body, result)
// log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Return '!replaceBinary' from 'UploadScanFile' : %v", result)
return result
//return result
// DeclareFetchURL configures the fetch url for the protecode scan
func (pc *Protecode) DeclareFetchURL(cleanupMode, group, fetchURL, version string, productID int, replaceBinary bool) *ResultData {
deleteBinary := (cleanupMode == "binary" || cleanupMode == "complete")
var headers = make(map[string][]string)
if (replaceBinary) && (version != "") {
log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG][FETCH_URL] ===> replaceBinary && version != empty ")
headers = map[string][]string{"Group": {group}, "Delete-Binary": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", deleteBinary)}, "Replace": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", productID)}, "Version": {version}, "Url": {fetchURL}, "Content-Type": {"application/json"}}
} else if replaceBinary {
log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG][FETCH_URL] ===> replaceBinary")
headers = map[string][]string{"Group": {group}, "Delete-Binary": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", deleteBinary)}, "Replace": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", productID)}, "Url": {fetchURL}, "Content-Type": {"application/json"}}
} else if version != "" {
log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG][FETCH_URL] ===> version != empty ")
headers = map[string][]string{"Group": {group}, "Delete-Binary": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", deleteBinary)}, "Version": {version}, "Url": {fetchURL}, "Content-Type": {"application/json"}}
} else {
log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG][FETCH_URL] ===> replaceBinary is false and version == empty")
headers = map[string][]string{"Group": {group}, "Delete-Binary": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", deleteBinary)}, "Url": {fetchURL}, "Content-Type": {"application/json"}}
// log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Headers for fetch upload: %v", headers)
//headers := map[string][]string{"Group": {group}, "Delete-Binary": {fmt.Sprintf("%v", deleteBinary)}, "Url": {fetchURL}, "Content-Type": {"application/json"}}
protecodeURL := fmt.Sprintf("%v/api/fetch/", pc.serverURL)
r, statusCode, err := pc.sendAPIRequest(http.MethodPost, protecodeURL, headers)
if err != nil {
//TODO: bubble up error
pc.logger.WithError(err).Fatalf("Error during declare fetch url: %v", protecodeURL)
// log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Fetch request r: %v", r)
// log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Fetch request r.StatusCode: %v", statusCode)
// For replaceBinary option response doesn't contain any result but just a message saying that product successfully replaced.
if replaceBinary && statusCode == 201 {
result := new(ResultData)
result.Result.ProductID = productID
// log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Fetch Return 'replaceBinary && statusCode == 201' from 'DeclareFetchURL' : %v", result)
return result
} else {
result := new(ResultData)
pc.mapResponse(*r, result)
// log.Entry().Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Fetch Return '!replaceBinary' from 'DeclareFetchURL' : %v", result)
return result
// return result
// 2021-04-20 d :
// Found, via web search, an announcement that the set of status codes is expanding from
// B, R, F
// to
// B, R, F, S, D, P.
// Only R and F indicate work has completed.
func scanInProgress(status string) bool {
return status != statusReady && status != statusFailed
//PollForResult polls the protecode scan for the result scan
func (pc *Protecode) PollForResult(productID int, timeOutInMinutes string) ResultData {
var response ResultData
var err error
ticker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
var ticks int64 = 6
if len(timeOutInMinutes) > 0 {
parsedTimeOutInMinutes, _ := strconv.ParseInt(timeOutInMinutes, 10, 64)
ticks = parsedTimeOutInMinutes * 6
pc.logger.Infof("Poll for result %v times", ticks)
for i := ticks; i > 0; i-- {
response, err = pc.pullResult(productID)
if err != nil {
i = 0
return response
if !scanInProgress(response.Result.Status) {
i = 0
select {
case t := <-ticker.C:
pc.logger.Debugf("Tick : %v Processing status for productID %v", t, productID)
if scanInProgress(response.Result.Status) {
response, err = pc.pullResult(productID)
if len(response.Result.Components) < 1 {
// 2020-04-20 d :
// We are required to scan all images including 3rd party ones.
// We have found that Crossplane makes use docker images that contain no
// executable code.
// So we can no longer treat an empty Components list as an error.
pc.logger.Warn("Protecode scan did not identify any components.")
if err != nil || response.Result.Status == statusBusy {
//TODO: bubble up error
pc.logger.Fatalf("No result after polling err: %v protecode status: %v", err, response.Result.Status)
return response
func (pc *Protecode) pullResult(productID int) (ResultData, error) {
protecodeURL := pc.createURL("/api/product/", fmt.Sprintf("%v/", productID), "")
headers := map[string][]string{
"acceptType": {"application/json"},
r, _, err := pc.sendAPIRequest(http.MethodGet, protecodeURL, headers)
if err != nil {
return *new(ResultData), err
result := new(ResultData)
pc.mapResponse(*r, result)
return *result, nil
// verify provided product id
func (pc *Protecode) VerifyProductID(ProductID int) bool {
// pc.logger.Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Verification of product id started ..... : %v", ProductID)
pc.logger.Infof("Verification of product id (%v) started ... ", ProductID)
// TODO: Optimise product id verification
_, err := pc.pullResult(ProductID)
// If response has an error then we assume this product id doesn't exist or user has no access
if err != nil {
return false
// Otherwise product exists
return true
// LoadExistingProduct loads the existing product from protecode service
func (pc *Protecode) LoadExistingProduct(group string, fileName string) int {
var productID int = -1
protecodeURL := pc.createURL("/api/apps/", fmt.Sprintf("%v/", group), fileName)
headers := map[string][]string{
"acceptType": {"application/json"},
pc.logger.Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> LoadExistingProduct searching a product (%v) with URL: %v", fileName, protecodeURL)
// pc.logger.Infof("[DEBUG] ===> LoadExistingProduct searching a product (%v) with URL: %v", fileName, protecodeURL)
response := pc.loadExisting(protecodeURL, headers)
// pc.logger.Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> LoadExistingProduct response obj: %v", response)
if len(response.Products) > 0 {
// pc.logger.Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> LoadExistingProduct: response.Product obj: %v", response.Products)
// Highest product id means the latest scan for this particular product, therefore we take a product id with the highest number
for i := 0; i < len(response.Products); i++ {
// Check filename, it should be the same as we searched
if response.Products[i].FileName == fileName {
if productID < response.Products[i].ProductID {
productID = response.Products[i].ProductID
//productID = response.Products[0].ProductID
pc.logger.Debugf("[DEBUG] ===> Re-use existing Protecode scan - group: %v, productID: %v", group, productID)
// pc.logger.Infof("Automatic product id detection completed: %v", productID)
return productID
func (pc *Protecode) loadExisting(protecodeURL string, headers map[string][]string) *ProductData {
r, _, err := pc.sendAPIRequest(http.MethodGet, protecodeURL, headers)
if err != nil {
//TODO: bubble up error
pc.logger.WithError(err).Fatalf("Error during load existing product: %v", protecodeURL)
result := new(ProductData)
pc.mapResponse(*r, result)
return result