Build and Deploy SAP Fiori Applications on SAP HANA XS Advanced
Build an application based on SAPUI5 or SAP Fiori with Jenkins and deploy the build result into an SAP Cloud Platform account in the Neo environment.
- Docker environment
- All artifacts refereneced during the build are available either on Service Market Place or via public repositories
- You have set up Project “Piper”. See guided tour.
- Docker image for xs deployment available. Due to legal reasons there is no pre-build docker image. How to create the docker image is explained here.
Project Prerequisites
This scenario requires additional files in your project and in the execution environment on your Jenkins instance. For details see: XSA developer quick start guide.
This scenario combines various different steps to create a complete pipeline.
In this scenario, we want to show how to build a Multitarget Application (MTA) and deploy the build result into an on-prem SAP HANA XS advances system. This document comprises the mtaBuild and the xsDeploy steps.
Screenshot: Build and Deploy Process in Jenkins
Following the convention for pipeline definitions, use a Jenkinsfile
, which resides in the root directory of your development sources.
@Library('piper-lib-os') _
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("prepare") {
steps {
checkout scm
setupCommonPipelineEnvironment script: this
stage('build') {
steps {
mtaBuild script: this
stage('deploy') {
steps {
xsDeploy script: this
Configuration (.pipeline/config.yml
This is a basic configuration example, which is also located in the sources of the project.
buildTarget: 'XSA'
apiUrl: '<API_URL>' # e.g. ''
# credentialsId: 'XS' omitted, 'XS' is the default
dockerImage: '<ID_OF_THE_DOCKER_IMAGE' # for legal reasons no docker image is provided.
# dockerPullImage: true # default: 'false'. Needs to be set to 'true' in case the image is served from a docker registry
loginOpts: '' # during setup for non-productive builds we might set here. '--skip-ssl-validation'
org: '<ORG_NAME>'
space: '<SPACE>'
Configuration for the MTA Build
Parameter | Description |
buildTarget |
The target platform to which the mtar can be deployed. In this case, the target platform is XSA . |
Configuration for the Deployment to XSA
Parameter | Description |
credentialsId |
The Jenkins credentials that contain user and password required for the deployment on SAP Cloud Platform. |
mode |
DeployMode. See stepDocu for more details. |
org |
The org. See stepDocu for more details. |
space |
The space. See stepDocu for more details. |
For the detailed description of the relevant parameters, see: