mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 15:15:44 +02:00
* Add AUnit stage * Add AUnit stage to ABAP Pipeline * Add Groovy Tests * surround header with space line * correct class name * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * adapt Pipeline Tests * Update tests & docu * adapt tests * Fix Pipeline Tests * adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * docu fixes * Adapt tests * Improve Tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt host config * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * Adapt tests * adapt docu links * adapt docu links * adapt docu links * adapt docu links * Add example to config docu * change docu * Change host check * Adapt tests * Add Prepare System defaults * Change Prepare System defaults * return after writing xml results * change logging * return after results have been persisted * Change host check * echo test * echo test * echo test * echo test * echo test * config host checker working * Enable host groovy test * remove duplicates * docu extension AUnit extension stage * Remove trailing spaces * package restrictions added to docu * correct to type * correct type aunit tests * add capital letters to docu examples * remove escape * adapt unit tests Co-authored-by: Daniel Mieg <daniel.mieg@sap.com> Co-authored-by: Oliver Nocon <33484802+OliverNocon@users.noreply.github.com>
296 lines
11 KiB
296 lines
11 KiB
package templates
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.rules.RuleChain
import util.BasePiperTest
import util.JenkinsReadYamlRule
import util.JenkinsStepRule
import util.PipelineWhenException
import util.Rules
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat
class AbapEnvironmentPipelineTest extends BasePiperTest {
private JenkinsStepRule jsr = new JenkinsStepRule(this)
public RuleChain rules = Rules
.around(new JenkinsReadYamlRule(this))
private skipDefaultCheckout = false
private timestamps = false
private stagesExecuted = []
private stepsCalled = []
void init() {
helper.registerAllowedMethod('library', [String.class], null)
helper.registerAllowedMethod('pipeline', [Closure.class], null)
helper.registerAllowedMethod('agent', [Closure.class], null)
binding.setVariable('any', {})
binding.setVariable('none', {})
helper.registerAllowedMethod('options', [Closure.class], null)
helper.registerAllowedMethod('skipDefaultCheckout', [], {skipDefaultCheckout = true})
helper.registerAllowedMethod('stages', [Closure.class], null)
helper.registerAllowedMethod('stage', [String.class, Closure.class], {stageName, body ->
def stageResult
binding.variables.env.STAGE_NAME = stageName
helper.registerAllowedMethod('when', [Closure.class], {cWhen ->
helper.registerAllowedMethod('allOf', [Closure.class], {cAllOf ->
def branchResult = false
helper.registerAllowedMethod('branch', [String.class], {branchName ->
if (!branchResult)
branchResult = (branchName == env.BRANCH_NAME)
if( !branchResult) {
throw new PipelineWhenException("Stage '${stageName}' skipped - expression: '${branchResult}'")
helper.registerAllowedMethod('expression', [Closure.class], { Closure cExp ->
def result = cExp()
if(!result) {
throw new PipelineWhenException("Stage '${stageName}' skipped - expression: '${result}'")
return result
return cAllOf()
helper.registerAllowedMethod('anyOf', [Closure.class], {cAnyOf ->
def result = false
helper.registerAllowedMethod('branch', [String.class], {branchName ->
if (!result)
result = (branchName == env.BRANCH_NAME)
return result
helper.registerAllowedMethod('expression', [Closure.class], { Closure cExp ->
if (!result)
result = cExp()
return result
if(!result) {
throw new PipelineWhenException("Stage '${stageName}' skipped - anyOf: '${result}'")
return cAnyOf()
helper.registerAllowedMethod('branch', [String.class], {branchName ->
def result = (branchName == env.BRANCH_NAME)
if(result == false) {
throw new PipelineWhenException("Stage '${stageName}' skipped - expected branch: '${branchName}' while current branch: '${env.BRANCH_NAME}'")
return result
helper.registerAllowedMethod('expression', [Closure.class], { Closure cExp ->
def result = cExp()
if(!result) {
throw new PipelineWhenException("Stage '${stageName}' skipped - expression: '${result}'")
return result
return cWhen()
// Stage is not executed if build fails or aborts
def status = currentBuild.result
switch (status) {
case 'FAILURE':
case 'ABORTED':
try {
stageResult = body()
catch (PipelineWhenException pwe) {
//skip stage due to not met when expression
catch (Exception e) {
throw e
return stageResult
helper.registerAllowedMethod('steps', [Closure], null)
helper.registerAllowedMethod('parallel', [Closure], null)
helper.registerAllowedMethod('post', [Closure], {c -> c()})
helper.registerAllowedMethod('success', [Closure], {c -> c()})
helper.registerAllowedMethod('failure', [Closure], {c -> c()})
helper.registerAllowedMethod('aborted', [Closure], {c -> c()})
helper.registerAllowedMethod('unstable', [Closure], {c -> c()})
helper.registerAllowedMethod('unsuccessful', [Closure], {c -> c()})
helper.registerAllowedMethod('cleanup', [Closure], {c -> c()})
helper.registerAllowedMethod('input', [Map], {m -> return null})
helper.registerAllowedMethod('abapEnvironmentPipelineStageInit', [Map.class], {m ->
helper.registerAllowedMethod('abapEnvironmentPipelineStagePrepareSystem', [Map.class], {m ->
helper.registerAllowedMethod('abapEnvironmentPipelineStageCloneRepositories', [Map.class], {m ->
helper.registerAllowedMethod('abapEnvironmentPipelineStageAUnit', [Map.class], {m ->
helper.registerAllowedMethod('abapEnvironmentPipelineStageATC', [Map.class], {m ->
helper.registerAllowedMethod('abapEnvironmentPipelineStagePost', [Map.class], {m ->
helper.registerAllowedMethod('abapEnvironmentPipelineStageBuild', [Map.class], {m ->
helper.registerAllowedMethod('abapEnvironmentPipelineStageInitialChecks', [Map.class], {m ->
helper.registerAllowedMethod('abapEnvironmentPipelineStagePublish', [Map.class], {m ->
helper.registerAllowedMethod('abapEnvironmentPipelineStageConfirm', [Map.class], {m ->
helper.registerAllowedMethod('abapEnvironmentPipelineStageIntegrationTests', [Map.class], {m ->
nullScript.prepareDefaultValues(script: nullScript)
void testAbapEnvironmentPipelineNoPrepareNoCleanup() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage = [
'Clone Repositories': true,
'Tests': true,
'ATC': true,
'AUnit': true,
jsr.step.abapEnvironmentPipeline(script: nullScript)
assertThat(stepsCalled, hasItems(
assertThat(stepsCalled, not(hasItem('abapEnvironmentPipelineStagePrepareSystem')))
void testAbapEnvironmentPipelineNoCloneNoRunTests() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage = [
'Prepare System': true,
jsr.step.abapEnvironmentPipeline(script: nullScript)
assertThat(stepsCalled, hasItems(
assertThat(stepsCalled, not(hasItem('abapEnvironmentPipelineStageCloneRepositories')))
assertThat(stepsCalled, not(hasItem('abapEnvironmentPipelineStageATC')))
assertThat(stepsCalled, not(hasItem('abapEnvironmentPipelineStageAUnit')))
void testAbapEnvironmentPipelineAllOn() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage = [
'Prepare System': true,
'Clone Repositories': true,
'Tests': true,
'ATC': true,
'AUnit': true,
'Build': true,
'Integration Tests': true,
'Publish': true
jsr.step.abapEnvironmentPipeline(script: nullScript)
assertThat(stepsCalled, hasItems(
void testAbapEnvironmentPipelineATCOnly() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage = [
'ATC': true,
jsr.step.abapEnvironmentPipeline(script: nullScript)
assertThat(stepsCalled, hasItems(
assertThat(stepsCalled, not(hasItems(
void testAbapEnvironmentPipelineAunitOnly() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage = [
'AUnit': true,
jsr.step.abapEnvironmentPipeline(script: nullScript)
assertThat(stepsCalled, hasItems(
assertThat(stepsCalled, not(hasItems(