* If a step declares a parameter of type string, depending on how the config is written, it is no longer ignored, if it is interpreted by the yaml parser as integer or float value. * If an expected parameter is present in the configuration, step execution will consistently fail if the parameter has the wrong type, no sensible conversion can take place, and it is known that the parameter will be ignored. * For all type-mismatches that have no implemented conversion, a warning is logged. (It isn't known whether the conversion actually works, since it depends on both the yaml and json packages and future changes there.) * Entries in the evaluated config with a value of nil are ignored.
Project Piper Repository
The Project "Piper" offers default pipelines to easily implement CI/CD processes integrating SAP systems. The corresponding "Shared Library" provides a set of "steps" to build your own scenarios beyond defaults.
User Documentation
If you want to view the User Documentation of Project Piper please follow this Piper Pages Link.
Known Issues
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How to obtain support
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Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file