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synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
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import com.sap.piper.GitUtils
import groovy.transform.Field
import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationMerger
import com.sap.piper.cm.ChangeManagement
import com.sap.piper.cm.ChangeManagementException
import hudson.AbortException
@Field def STEP_NAME = 'transportRequestUploadFile'
@Field Set parameterKeys = [
@Field Set generalConfigurationKeys = [
def call(parameters = [:]) {
handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) {
def script = parameters?.script ?: [commonPipelineEnvironment: commonPipelineEnvironment]
ChangeManagement cm = new ChangeManagement(script)
Map configuration = ConfigurationMerger.merge(parameters.script, STEP_NAME,
parameters, parameterKeys,
def changeId = configuration.changeId
if(!changeId) throw new AbortException("Change id not provided (parameter: 'changeId').")
def transportRequestId = configuration.transportRequestId
if(!transportRequestId) throw new AbortException("Transport Request id not provided (parameter: 'transportRequestId').")
def applicationId = configuration.applicationId
if(!applicationId) throw new AbortException("Application id not provided (parameter: 'applicationId').")
def filePath = configuration.filePath
if(!filePath) throw new AbortException("File path not provided (parameter: 'filePath').")
def cmCredentialsId = configuration.cmCredentialsId
if(!cmCredentialsId) throw new AbortException("Credentials id not provided (parameter: 'cmCredentialsId').")
def cmEndpoint = configuration.cmEndpoint
if(!cmEndpoint) throw new AbortException("Solution Manager endpoint not provided (parameter: 'cmEndpoint').")
echo "[INFO] Uploading file '$filePath' to transport request '$transportRequestId' of change document '$changeId'."
credentialsId: cmCredentialsId,
passwordVariable: 'password',
usernameVariable: 'username')]) {
try {
cm.uploadFileToTransportRequest(changeId, transportRequestId, applicationId, filePath, cmEndpoint, username, password)
} catch(ChangeManagementException ex) {
throw new AbortException(ex.getMessage())
echo "[INFO] File '$filePath' has been successfully uploaded to transport request '$transportRequestId' of change document '$changeId'."