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import com.sap.piper.Utils
* mtaBuild
* Builds Fiori app with Multitarget Archiver
* Prerequisite: InitializeNpm needs to be called beforehand
def call(Map parameters = [:]) {
handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: 'mtaBuild', stepParameters: parameters) {
def utils = new Utils()
def buildTarget = utils.getMandatoryParameter(parameters, 'buildTarget', null)
def script = parameters.script
if (script == null){
script = [commonPipelineEnvironment: commonPipelineEnvironment]
def mtaYaml = readYaml file: "${pwd()}/mta.yaml"
//[Q]: Why not yaml.dump()? [A]: This reformats the whole file.
sh "sed -ie \"s/\\\${timestamp}/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`/g\" ${pwd()}/mta.yaml"
def id = mtaYaml.ID
if (!id) {
error "Property 'ID' not found in mta.yaml file at: '${pwd()}'"
def mtarFileName = "${id}.mtar"
def mtaJar = getMtaJar(parameters)
sh """#!/bin/bash
export PATH=./node_modules/.bin:${PATH}
java -jar ${mtaJar} --mtar ${mtarFileName} --build-target=${buildTarget} build
def mtarFilePath = "${pwd()}/${mtarFileName}"
return mtarFilePath
private getMtaJar(parameters) {
def mtaJarLocation = 'mta.jar' //default, maybe it is in current working directory
mtaJarLocation = "${parameters.mtaJarLocation}/mta.jar"
echo "[mtaBuild] MTA JAR \"${mtaJarLocation}\" retrieved from parameters."
return mtaJarLocation
mtaJarLocation = "${env.MTA_JAR_LOCATION}/mta.jar"
echo "[mtaBuild] MTA JAR \"${mtaJarLocation}\" retrieved from environment."
return mtaJarLocation
echo "[mtaBuild] Using MTA JAR from current working directory."
return mtaJarLocation