mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
411 lines
9.7 KiB
411 lines
9.7 KiB
package cmd
import (
piperhttp "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/http"
const templateMtaYml = `_schema-version: "3.1"
ID: "{{.ID}}"
version: {{.Version}}
hcp-deployer-version: "1.1.0"
- name: {{.ApplicationName}}
type: html5
path: .
version: {{.Version}}-${timestamp}
name: {{.ApplicationName}}
builder: grunt
build-result: dist`
// for mocking
var downloadAndCopySettingsFiles = maven.DownloadAndCopySettingsFiles
// MTABuildTarget ...
type MTABuildTarget int
const (
// NEO ...
NEO MTABuildTarget = iota
// CF ...
CF MTABuildTarget = iota
//XSA ...
XSA MTABuildTarget = iota
// ValueOfBuildTarget ...
func ValueOfBuildTarget(str string) (MTABuildTarget, error) {
switch str {
case "NEO":
return NEO, nil
case "CF":
return CF, nil
case "XSA":
return XSA, nil
return -1, fmt.Errorf("Unknown BuildTarget/Platform: '%s'", str)
// String ...
func (m MTABuildTarget) String() string {
return [...]string{
func mtaBuild(config mtaBuildOptions,
telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData,
commonPipelineEnvironment *mtaBuildCommonPipelineEnvironment) {
log.Entry().Debugf("Launching mta build")
files := piperutils.Files{}
httpClient := piperhttp.Client{}
e := command.Command{}
npmExecutorOptions := npm.ExecutorOptions{DefaultNpmRegistry: config.DefaultNpmRegistry, SapNpmRegistry: config.SapNpmRegistry, ExecRunner: &e}
npmExecutor := npm.NewExecutor(npmExecutorOptions)
err := runMtaBuild(config, commonPipelineEnvironment, &e, &files, &httpClient, npmExecutor)
if err != nil {
Fatal("failed to execute mta build")
func runMtaBuild(config mtaBuildOptions,
commonPipelineEnvironment *mtaBuildCommonPipelineEnvironment,
e command.ExecRunner,
p piperutils.FileUtils,
httpClient piperhttp.Downloader,
npmExecutor npm.Executor) error {
e.Stdout(log.Writer()) // not sure if using the logging framework here is a suitable approach. We handover already log formatted
e.Stderr(log.Writer()) // entries to a logging framework again. But this is considered to be some kind of project standard.
var err error
err = handleSettingsFiles(config, p, httpClient)
if err != nil {
return err
err = npmExecutor.SetNpmRegistries()
mtaYamlFile := "mta.yaml"
mtaYamlFileExists, err := p.FileExists(mtaYamlFile)
if err != nil {
return err
if !mtaYamlFileExists {
if err = createMtaYamlFile(mtaYamlFile, config.ApplicationName, p); err != nil {
return err
} else {
log.Entry().Infof("\"%s\" file found in project sources", mtaYamlFile)
if err = setTimeStamp(mtaYamlFile, p); err != nil {
return err
mtarName, err := getMtarName(config, mtaYamlFile, p)
if err != nil {
return err
var call []string
switch config.MtaBuildTool {
case "classic":
mtaJar := getMarJarName(config)
buildTarget, err := ValueOfBuildTarget(config.BuildTarget)
if err != nil {
return err
call = append(call, "java", "-jar", mtaJar, "--mtar", mtarName, fmt.Sprintf("--build-target=%s", buildTarget), "build")
if len(config.Extensions) != 0 {
call = append(call, fmt.Sprintf("--extension=%s", config.Extensions))
case "cloudMbt":
platform, err := ValueOfBuildTarget(config.Platform)
if err != nil {
return err
call = append(call, "mbt", "build", "--mtar", mtarName, "--platform", platform.String())
if len(config.Extensions) != 0 {
call = append(call, fmt.Sprintf("--extensions=%s", config.Extensions))
call = append(call, "--target", "./")
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown mta build tool: \"%s\"", config.MtaBuildTool)
if err = addNpmBinToPath(e); err != nil {
return err
if len(config.M2Path) > 0 {
absolutePath, err := p.Abs(config.M2Path)
if err != nil {
return err
e.AppendEnv([]string{"MAVEN_OPTS=-Dmaven.repo.local=" + absolutePath})
log.Entry().Infof("Executing mta build call: \"%s\"", strings.Join(call, " "))
if err := e.RunExecutable(call[0], call[1:]...); err != nil {
return err
commonPipelineEnvironment.mtarFilePath = mtarName
if config.InstallArtifacts {
// install maven artifacts in local maven repo because `mbt build` executes `mvn package -B`
err = installMavenArtifacts(e, config)
if err != nil {
return err
// mta-builder executes 'npm install --production', therefore we need 'npm ci/install' to install the dev-dependencies
err = npmExecutor.InstallAllDependencies(npmExecutor.FindPackageJSONFiles())
if err != nil {
return err
return err
func installMavenArtifacts(e command.ExecRunner, config mtaBuildOptions) error {
pomXMLExists, err := piperutils.FileExists("pom.xml")
if err != nil {
return err
if pomXMLExists {
err = maven.InstallMavenArtifacts(e, maven.EvaluateOptions{M2Path: config.M2Path})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func getMarJarName(config mtaBuildOptions) string {
mtaJar := "mta.jar"
if len(config.MtaJarLocation) > 0 {
mtaJar = config.MtaJarLocation
return mtaJar
func addNpmBinToPath(e command.ExecRunner) error {
dir, _ := os.Getwd()
newPath := path.Join(dir, "node_modules", ".bin")
oldPath := os.Getenv("PATH")
if len(oldPath) > 0 {
newPath = newPath + ":" + oldPath
e.SetEnv([]string{"PATH=" + newPath})
return nil
func getMtarName(config mtaBuildOptions, mtaYamlFile string, p piperutils.FileUtils) (string, error) {
mtarName := config.MtarName
if len(mtarName) == 0 {
log.Entry().Debugf("mtar name not provided via config. Extracting from file \"%s\"", mtaYamlFile)
mtaID, err := getMtaID(mtaYamlFile, p)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(mtaID) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid mtar ID. Was empty")
log.Entry().Debugf("mtar name extracted from file \"%s\": \"%s\"", mtaYamlFile, mtaID)
mtarName = mtaID + ".mtar"
return mtarName, nil
func setTimeStamp(mtaYamlFile string, p piperutils.FileUtils) error {
mtaYaml, err := p.FileRead(mtaYamlFile)
if err != nil {
return err
mtaYamlStr := string(mtaYaml)
timestampVar := "${timestamp}"
if strings.Contains(mtaYamlStr, timestampVar) {
if err := p.FileWrite(mtaYamlFile, []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(mtaYamlStr, timestampVar, getTimestamp())), 0644); err != nil {
return err
log.Entry().Infof("Timestamp replaced in \"%s\"", mtaYamlFile)
} else {
log.Entry().Infof("No timestamp contained in \"%s\". File has not been modified.", mtaYamlFile)
return nil
func getTimestamp() string {
t := time.Now()
return fmt.Sprintf("%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d\n", t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), t.Hour(), t.Minute(), t.Second())
func createMtaYamlFile(mtaYamlFile, applicationName string, p piperutils.FileUtils) error {
log.Entry().Debugf("mta yaml file not found in project sources.")
if len(applicationName) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("'%[1]s' not found in project sources and 'applicationName' not provided as parameter - cannot generate '%[1]s' file", mtaYamlFile)
packageFileExists, err := p.FileExists("package.json")
if !packageFileExists {
return fmt.Errorf("package.json file does not exist")
var result map[string]interface{}
pContent, err := p.FileRead("package.json")
if err != nil {
return err
json.Unmarshal(pContent, &result)
version, ok := result["version"].(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Version not found in \"package.json\" (or wrong type)")
name, ok := result["name"].(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Name not found in \"package.json\" (or wrong type)")
mtaConfig, err := generateMta(name, applicationName, version)
if err != nil {
return err
p.FileWrite(mtaYamlFile, []byte(mtaConfig), 0644)
log.Entry().Infof("\"%s\" created.", mtaYamlFile)
return nil
func handleSettingsFiles(config mtaBuildOptions,
p piperutils.FileUtils,
httpClient piperhttp.Downloader) error {
return downloadAndCopySettingsFiles(config.GlobalSettingsFile, config.ProjectSettingsFile, p, httpClient)
func generateMta(id, applicationName, version string) (string, error) {
if len(id) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Generating mta file: ID not provided")
if len(applicationName) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Generating mta file: ApplicationName not provided")
if len(version) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Generating mta file: Version not provided")
tmpl, e := template.New("mta.yaml").Parse(templateMtaYml)
if e != nil {
return "", e
type properties struct {
ID string
ApplicationName string
Version string
props := properties{ID: id, ApplicationName: applicationName, Version: version}
var script bytes.Buffer
tmpl.Execute(&script, props)
return script.String(), nil
func getMtaID(mtaYamlFile string, fileUtils piperutils.FileUtils) (string, error) {
var result map[string]interface{}
p, err := fileUtils.FileRead(mtaYamlFile)
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = yaml.Unmarshal(p, &result)
if err != nil {
return "", err
id, ok := result["ID"].(string)
if !ok || len(id) == 0 {
fmt.Errorf("Id not found in mta yaml file (or wrong type)")
return id, nil