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import com.sap.piper.SidecarUtils
import static com.sap.piper.Prerequisites.checkScript
import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationHelper
import com.sap.piper.GenerateDocumentation
import com.sap.piper.JenkinsUtils
import com.sap.piper.Utils
import com.sap.piper.k8s.SystemEnv
import com.sap.piper.JsonUtils
import groovy.transform.Field
import hudson.AbortException
@Field def STEP_NAME = getClass().getName()
@Field def PLUGIN_ID_KUBERNETES = 'kubernetes'
* Print more detailed information into the log.
* @possibleValues `true`, `false`
* Allows to specify start command for container created with dockerImage parameter to overwrite Piper default (`/usr/bin/tail -f /dev/null`).
* Specifies start command for containers to overwrite Piper default (`/usr/bin/tail -f /dev/null`).
* If container's defaultstart command should be used provide empty string like: `['selenium/standalone-chrome': '']`.
* Specifies environment variables per container. If not provided `dockerEnvVars` will be used.
* A map of docker image to the name of the container. The pod will be created with all the images from this map and they are labled based on the value field of each map entry.
* Example: `['maven:3.5-jdk-8-alpine': 'mavenExecute', 'selenium/standalone-chrome': 'selenium', 'famiko/jmeter-base': 'checkJMeter', 'ppiper/cf-cli': 'cloudfoundry']`
* Optional configuration in combination with containerMap to define the container where the commands should be executed in.
* Map which defines per docker image the port mappings, e.g. `containerPortMappings: ['selenium/standalone-chrome': [[name: 'selPort', containerPort: 4444, hostPort: 4444]]]`.
* Specifies the pullImage flag per container.
* Allows to specify the shell to be executed for container with containerName.
* Specifies a dedicated user home directory per container which will be passed as value for environment variable `HOME`. If not provided `dockerWorkspace` will be used.
* Environment variables to set in the container, e.g. [http_proxy:'proxy:8080'].
* Name of the docker image that should be used. If empty, Docker is not used.
* Set this to 'false' to bypass a docker image pull.
* Usefull during development process. Allows testing of images which are available in the local registry only.
* Specifies a dedicated user home directory for the container which will be passed as value for environment variable `HOME`.
* as `dockerImage` for the sidecar container
* SideCar only:
* Name of the container in local network.
* Set this to 'false' to bypass a docker image pull.
* Usefull during development process. Allows testing of images which are available in the local registry only.
* Command executed inside the container which returns exit code 0 when the container is ready to be used.
* as `dockerEnvVars` for the sidecar container
* as `dockerWorkspace` for the sidecar container
* as `dockerVolumeBind` for the sidecar container
* as `dockerOptions` for the sidecar container
/** Defines the Kubernetes nodeSelector as per [https://github.com/jenkinsci/kubernetes-plugin](https://github.com/jenkinsci/kubernetes-plugin).*/
* Kubernetes Security Context used for the pod.
* Can be used to specify uid and fsGroup.
* See: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/
* Specific stashes that should be considered for the step execution.
* In the Kubernetes case the workspace is only available to the respective Jenkins slave but not to the containers running inside the pod.<br />
* This configuration defines exclude pattern for stashing from Jenkins workspace to working directory in container and back.
* Following excludes can be set:
* * `workspace`: Pattern for stashing towards container
* * `stashBack`: Pattern for bringing data from container back to Jenkins workspace. If not set: defaults to setting for `workspace`.
* In the Kubernetes case the workspace is only available to the respective Jenkins slave but not to the containers running inside the pod.<br />
* This configuration defines include pattern for stashing from Jenkins workspace to working directory in container and back.
* Following includes can be set:
* * `workspace`: Pattern for stashing towards container
* * `stashBack`: Pattern for bringing data from container back to Jenkins workspace. If not set: defaults to setting for `workspace`.
* Executes a closure inside a container in a kubernetes pod.
* Proxy environment variables defined on the Jenkins machine are also available in the container.
* By default jnlp agent defined for kubernetes-plugin will be used (see https://github.com/jenkinsci/kubernetes-plugin#pipeline-support).
* It is possible to define a custom jnlp agent image by
* 1. Defining the jnlp image via environment variable JENKINS_JNLP_IMAGE in the Kubernetes landscape
* 2. Defining the image via config (`jenkinsKubernetes.jnlpAgent`)
* Option 1 will take precedence over option 2.
void call(Map parameters = [:], body) {
handlePipelineStepErrors(stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters, failOnError: true) {
final script = checkScript(this, parameters) ?: this
if (!JenkinsUtils.isPluginActive(PLUGIN_ID_KUBERNETES)) {
error("[ERROR][${STEP_NAME}] not supported. Plugin '${PLUGIN_ID_KUBERNETES}' is not installed or not active.")
def utils = parameters?.juStabUtils ?: new Utils()
ConfigurationHelper configHelper = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this)
.mixinGeneralConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS)
.mixinStepConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS)
.mixinStageConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, parameters.stageName ?: env.STAGE_NAME, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS)
.mixin(parameters, PARAMETER_KEYS)
.addIfEmpty('uniqueId', UUID.randomUUID().toString())
Map config = configHelper.use()
new Utils().pushToSWA([
step : STEP_NAME,
stepParamKey1: 'scriptMissing',
stepParam1 : parameters?.script == null
], config)
if (!config.containerMap) {
config.containerName = 'container-exec'
config.containerMap = [(config.get('dockerImage')): config.containerName]
config.containerCommands = config.containerCommand ? [(config.get('dockerImage')): config.containerCommand] : null
executeOnPod(config, utils, body, script)
def getOptions(config) {
def namespace = config.jenkinsKubernetes.namespace
def options = [
name : 'dynamic-agent-' + config.uniqueId,
label: config.uniqueId,
yaml : generatePodSpec(config)
if (namespace) {
options.namespace = namespace
if (config.nodeSelector) {
options.nodeSelector = config.nodeSelector
if (!config.verbose) {
options.showRawYaml = false
return options
void executeOnPod(Map config, utils, Closure body, Script script) {
* There could be exceptions thrown by
- The podTemplate
- The container method
- The body
* We use nested exception handling in this case.
* In the first 2 cases, the 'container' stash is not created because the inner try/finally is not reached.
* However, the workspace has not been modified and don't need to be restored.
* In case third case, we need to create the 'container' stash to bring the modified content back to the host.
try {
SidecarUtils sidecarUtils = new SidecarUtils(script)
def stashContent = config.stashContent
if (config.containerName && stashContent.isEmpty()) {
stashContent = [stashWorkspace(config, 'workspace')]
podTemplate(getOptions(config)) {
node(config.uniqueId) {
if (config.sidecarReadyCommand) {
sidecarUtils.waitForSidecarReadyOnKubernetes(config.sidecarName, config.sidecarReadyCommand)
if (config.containerName) {
Map containerParams = [name: config.containerName]
if (config.containerShell) {
containerParams.shell = config.containerShell
echo "ContainerConfig: ${containerParams}"
container(containerParams) {
try {
} finally {
stashWorkspace(config, 'container', true, true)
} else {
} finally {
if (config.containerName)
unstashWorkspace(config, 'container')
private String generatePodSpec(Map config) {
def containers = getContainerList(config)
def podSpec = [
apiVersion: "v1",
kind : "Pod",
metadata : [
lables: config.uniqueId
spec : [
containers: containers
podSpec.spec.securityContext = getSecurityContext(config)
return new JsonUtils().groovyObjectToPrettyJsonString(podSpec)
private String stashWorkspace(config, prefix, boolean chown = false, boolean stashBack = false) {
def stashName = "${prefix}-${config.uniqueId}"
try {
if (chown) {
def securityContext = getSecurityContext(config)
def runAsUser = securityContext?.runAsUser ?: 1000
def fsGroup = securityContext?.fsGroup ?: 1000
sh """#!${config.containerShell ?: '/bin/sh'}
chown -R ${runAsUser}:${fsGroup} ."""
def includes, excludes
if (stashBack) {
includes = config.stashIncludes.stashBack ?: config.stashIncludes.workspace
excludes = config.stashExcludes.stashBack ?: config.stashExcludes.workspace
} else {
includes = config.stashIncludes.workspace
excludes = config.stashExcludes.workspace
name: stashName,
includes: includes,
excludes: excludes
//inactive due to negative side-effects, we may require a dedicated git stash to be used
//useDefaultExcludes: false)
return stashName
} catch (AbortException | IOException e) {
echo "${e.getMessage()}"
return null
private Map getSecurityContext(Map config) {
return config.securityContext ?: config.jenkinsKubernetes.securityContext ?: [:]
private void unstashWorkspace(config, prefix) {
try {
unstash "${prefix}-${config.uniqueId}"
} catch (AbortException | IOException e) {
echo "${e.getMessage()}"
private List getContainerList(config) {
//If no custom jnlp agent provided as default jnlp agent (jenkins/jnlp-slave) as defined in the plugin, see https://github.com/jenkinsci/kubernetes-plugin#pipeline-support
def result = []
//allow definition of jnlp image via environment variable JENKINS_JNLP_IMAGE in the Kubernetes landscape or via config as fallback
if (env.JENKINS_JNLP_IMAGE || config.jenkinsKubernetes.jnlpAgent) {
name : 'jnlp',
image: env.JENKINS_JNLP_IMAGE ?: config.jenkinsKubernetes.jnlpAgent
config.containerMap.each { imageName, containerName ->
def containerPullImage = config.containerPullImageFlags?.get(imageName)
boolean pullImage = containerPullImage != null ? containerPullImage : config.dockerPullImage
def containerSpec = [
name : containerName.toLowerCase(),
image : imageName,
imagePullPolicy: pullImage ? "Always" : "IfNotPresent",
env : getContainerEnvs(config, imageName)
def configuredCommand = config.containerCommands?.get(imageName)
def shell = config.containerShell ?: '/bin/sh'
if (configuredCommand == null) {
containerSpec['command'] = [
} else if (configuredCommand != "") {
// apparently "" is used as a flag for not settings container commands !?
containerSpec['command'] =
(configuredCommand in List) ? configuredCommand : [
if (config.containerPortMappings?.get(imageName)) {
def ports = []
def portCounter = 0
config.containerPortMappings.get(imageName).each { mapping ->
def name = "${containerName}${portCounter}".toString()
if (mapping.containerPort != mapping.hostPort) {
echo("[WARNING][${STEP_NAME}]: containerPort and hostPort are different for container '${containerName}'. "
+ "The hostPort will be ignored.")
ports.add([name: name, containerPort: mapping.containerPort])
containerSpec.ports = ports
if (config.sidecarImage) {
def containerSpec = [
name : config.sidecarName.toLowerCase(),
image : config.sidecarImage,
imagePullPolicy: config.sidecarPullImage ? "Always" : "IfNotPresent",
env : getContainerEnvs(config, config.sidecarImage),
command : []
return result
* Returns a list of envVar object consisting of set
* environment variables, params (Parametrized Build) and working directory.
* (Kubernetes-Plugin only!)
* @param config Map with configurations
private List getContainerEnvs(config, imageName) {
def containerEnv = []
def dockerEnvVars = config.containerEnvVars?.get(imageName) ?: config.dockerEnvVars ?: [:]
def dockerWorkspace = config.containerWorkspaces?.get(imageName) != null ? config.containerWorkspaces?.get(imageName) : config.dockerWorkspace ?: ''
def envVar = { e ->
[name: e.key, value: e.value]
if (dockerEnvVars) {
for (String k : dockerEnvVars.keySet()) {
containerEnv << envVar(key: k, value: dockerEnvVars[k].toString())
if (dockerWorkspace) {
containerEnv << envVar(key: "HOME", value: dockerWorkspace)
// Inherit the proxy information from the master to the container
SystemEnv systemEnv = new SystemEnv()
for (String env : systemEnv.getEnv().keySet()) {
containerEnv << envVar(key: env, value: systemEnv.get(env))
return containerEnv