mirror of https://github.com/SAP/jenkins-library.git synced 2025-02-07 13:42:23 +02:00

292 lines
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package checkmarxOne
import (
// ConvertCxJSONToSarif is the entrypoint for the Parse function
func ConvertCxJSONToSarif(sys System, serverURL string, scanResults *[]ScanResult, scanMeta *ScanMetadata, scan *Scan) (format.SARIF, error) {
// Process sarif
start := time.Now()
var sarif format.SARIF
sarif.Schema = "https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/cos02/schemas/sarif-schema-2.1.0.json"
sarif.Version = "2.1.0"
var checkmarxRun format.Runs
checkmarxRun.ColumnKind = "utf16CodeUnits"
checkmarxRun.Results = make([]format.Results, 0)
sarif.Runs = append(sarif.Runs, checkmarxRun)
rulesArray := []format.SarifRule{}
baseURL := serverURL + "/results/" + scanMeta.ScanID + "/" + scanMeta.ProjectID
cweIdsForTaxonomies := make(map[int]int) //use a map to avoid duplicates
cweCounter := 0
//maxretries := 5
//JSON contains a ScanResultData > Query object, which represents a broken rule or type of vuln
//This Query object contains a list of Result objects, each representing an occurence
//Each Result object contains a ResultPath, which represents the exact location of the occurence (the "Snippet")
log.Entry().Debug("[SARIF] Now handling results.")
for _, r := range *scanResults {
_, haskey := cweIdsForTaxonomies[r.VulnerabilityDetails.CweId]
if !haskey {
cweIdsForTaxonomies[r.VulnerabilityDetails.CweId] = cweCounter
simidString := fmt.Sprintf("%d", r.SimilarityID)
var apiDescription string
result := *new(format.Results)
result.RuleID = fmt.Sprintf("checkmarxOne-%v/%d", r.Data.LanguageName, r.Data.QueryID)
result.RuleIndex = cweIdsForTaxonomies[r.VulnerabilityDetails.CweId]
result.Level = "none"
msg := new(format.Message)
if apiDescription != "" {
msg.Text = apiDescription
} else {
msg.Text = r.Data.QueryName
result.Message = msg
codeflow := *new(format.CodeFlow)
threadflow := *new(format.ThreadFlow)
locationSaved := false
for k := 0; k < len(r.Data.Nodes); k++ {
loc := *new(format.Location)
loc.PhysicalLocation.ArtifactLocation.URI = r.Data.Nodes[0].FileName
loc.PhysicalLocation.Region.StartLine = r.Data.Nodes[k].Line
loc.PhysicalLocation.Region.EndLine = r.Data.Nodes[k].Line
loc.PhysicalLocation.Region.StartColumn = r.Data.Nodes[k].Column
snip := new(format.SnippetSarif)
snip.Text = r.Data.Nodes[k].Name
loc.PhysicalLocation.Region.Snippet = snip
if !locationSaved { // To avoid overloading log file, we only save the 1st location, or source, as in the webview
result.Locations = append(result.Locations, loc)
locationSaved = true
//Related Locations
relatedLocation := *new(format.RelatedLocation)
relatedLocation.ID = k + 1
relatedLocation.PhysicalLocation = *new(format.RelatedPhysicalLocation)
relatedLocation.PhysicalLocation.ArtifactLocation = loc.PhysicalLocation.ArtifactLocation
relatedLocation.PhysicalLocation.Region = *new(format.RelatedRegion)
relatedLocation.PhysicalLocation.Region.StartLine = loc.PhysicalLocation.Region.StartLine
relatedLocation.PhysicalLocation.Region.StartColumn = r.Data.Nodes[k].Column
result.RelatedLocations = append(result.RelatedLocations, relatedLocation)
threadFlowLocation := *new(format.Locations)
tfloc := new(format.Location)
tfloc.PhysicalLocation.ArtifactLocation.URI = r.Data.Nodes[0].FileName
tfloc.PhysicalLocation.Region.StartLine = r.Data.Nodes[k].Line
tfloc.PhysicalLocation.Region.EndLine = r.Data.Nodes[k].Line
tfloc.PhysicalLocation.Region.StartColumn = r.Data.Nodes[k].Column
tfloc.PhysicalLocation.Region.Snippet = snip
threadFlowLocation.Location = tfloc
threadflow.Locations = append(threadflow.Locations, threadFlowLocation)
codeflow.ThreadFlows = append(codeflow.ThreadFlows, threadflow)
result.CodeFlows = append(result.CodeFlows, codeflow)
result.PartialFingerprints.CheckmarxSimilarityID = simidString
result.PartialFingerprints.PrimaryLocationLineHash = simidString
props := new(format.SarifProperties)
props.Audited = false
props.CheckmarxSimilarityID = simidString
props.InstanceID = r.ResultID // no more PathID in cx1
props.ToolSeverity = r.Severity
// classify into audit groups
switch r.Severity {
case "HIGH":
props.AuditRequirement = format.AUDIT_REQUIREMENT_GROUP_1_DESC
props.AuditRequirementIndex = format.AUDIT_REQUIREMENT_GROUP_1_INDEX
props.ToolSeverityIndex = 3
case "MEDIUM":
props.AuditRequirement = format.AUDIT_REQUIREMENT_GROUP_1_DESC
props.AuditRequirementIndex = format.AUDIT_REQUIREMENT_GROUP_1_INDEX
props.ToolSeverityIndex = 2
case "LOW":
props.AuditRequirement = format.AUDIT_REQUIREMENT_GROUP_2_DESC
props.AuditRequirementIndex = format.AUDIT_REQUIREMENT_GROUP_2_INDEX
props.ToolSeverityIndex = 1
props.AuditRequirement = format.AUDIT_REQUIREMENT_GROUP_3_DESC
props.AuditRequirementIndex = format.AUDIT_REQUIREMENT_GROUP_3_INDEX
props.ToolSeverityIndex = 0
switch r.State {
props.ToolState = "NOT_EXPLOITABLE"
props.ToolStateIndex = 1
props.Audited = true
props.ToolState = "CONFIRMED"
props.ToolStateIndex = 2
props.Audited = true
case "URGENT", "URGENT ":
props.ToolState = "URGENT"
props.ToolStateIndex = 3
props.Audited = true
props.ToolStateIndex = 4
props.Audited = true
props.ToolState = "TO_VERIFY" // Includes case 0
props.ToolStateIndex = 0
props.ToolAuditMessage = ""
// currently disabled due to the extra load (one api call per finding)
/*predicates, err := sys.GetResultsPredicates(r.SimilarityID, scanMeta.ProjectID)
if err == nil {
log.Entry().Infof("Retrieved %d results predicates", len(predicates))
messageCandidates := []string{}
for _, p := range predicates {
messageCandidates = append([]string{strings.Trim(p.Comment, "\r\n")}, messageCandidates...) //Append in reverse order, trim to remove extra \r
log.Entry().Info(strings.Join(messageCandidates, "; "))
props.ToolAuditMessage = strings.Join(messageCandidates, " \n ")
} else {
log.Entry().Warningf("Error while retrieving result predicates: %s", err)
props.RuleGUID = fmt.Sprintf("%d", r.Data.QueryID)
props.UnifiedAuditState = ""
result.Properties = props
sarif.Runs[0].Results = append(sarif.Runs[0].Results, result)
//handle the rules array
rule := *new(format.SarifRule)
rule.ID = fmt.Sprintf("checkmarxOne-%v/%d", r.Data.LanguageName, r.Data.QueryID)
words := strings.Split(r.Data.QueryName, "_")
for w := 0; w < len(words); w++ {
words[w] = piperutils.Title(strings.ToLower(words[w]))
rule.Name = strings.Join(words, "")
rule.HelpURI = fmt.Sprintf("%v/sast/description/%v/%v", baseURL, r.VulnerabilityDetails.CweId, r.Data.QueryID)
rule.Help = new(format.Help)
rule.Help.Text = rule.HelpURI
rule.ShortDescription = new(format.Message)
rule.ShortDescription.Text = r.Data.QueryName
rule.Properties = new(format.SarifRuleProperties)
if len(r.VulnerabilityDetails.Compliances) > 0 {
rule.FullDescription = new(format.Message)
rule.FullDescription.Text = strings.Join(r.VulnerabilityDetails.Compliances[:], ";")
for cat := 0; cat < len(r.VulnerabilityDetails.Compliances); cat++ {
rule.Properties.Tags = append(rule.Properties.Tags, r.VulnerabilityDetails.Compliances[cat])
switch r.Severity {
rule.Properties.SecuritySeverity = "0.0"
case "LOW":
rule.Properties.SecuritySeverity = "2.0"
case "MEDIUM":
rule.Properties.SecuritySeverity = "5.0"
case "HIGH":
rule.Properties.SecuritySeverity = "7.0"
rule.Properties.SecuritySeverity = "10.0"
if r.VulnerabilityDetails.CweId != 0 {
rule.Properties.Tags = append(rule.Properties.Tags, fmt.Sprintf("external/cwe/cwe-%d", r.VulnerabilityDetails.CweId))
match := false
for _, r := range rulesArray {
if r.ID == rule.ID {
match = true
if !match {
rulesArray = append(rulesArray, rule)
// Handle driver object
log.Entry().Debug("[SARIF] Now handling driver object.")
tool := *new(format.Tool)
tool.Driver = *new(format.Driver)
tool.Driver.Name = "CheckmarxOne SCA"
// TODO: a way to fetch/store the version
tool.Driver.Version = "1" //strings.Split(cxxml.CheckmarxVersion, "V ")
tool.Driver.InformationUri = "https://checkmarx.com/resource/documents/en/34965-165898-results-details-per-scanner.html"
tool.Driver.Rules = rulesArray
sarif.Runs[0].Tool = tool
//handle automationDetails
sarif.Runs[0].AutomationDetails = &format.AutomationDetails{Id: fmt.Sprintf("%v/sast", baseURL)} // Use deeplink to pass a maximum of information
//handle taxonomies
//Only one exists apparently: CWE. It is fixed
taxonomy := *new(format.Taxonomies)
taxonomy.Name = "CWE"
taxonomy.Organization = "MITRE"
taxonomy.ShortDescription.Text = "The MITRE Common Weakness Enumeration"
taxonomy.Taxa = make([]format.Taxa, 0)
for key := range cweIdsForTaxonomies {
taxa := *new(format.Taxa)
taxa.Id = fmt.Sprintf("%d", key)
taxonomy.Taxa = append(taxonomy.Taxa, taxa)
sarif.Runs[0].Taxonomies = append(sarif.Runs[0].Taxonomies, taxonomy)
// Add a conversion object to highlight this isn't native SARIF
conversion := new(format.Conversion)
conversion.Tool.Driver.Name = "Piper CheckmarxOne JSON to SARIF converter"
conversion.Tool.Driver.InformationUri = "https://github.com/SAP/jenkins-library"
conversion.Invocation.ExecutionSuccessful = true
conversion.Invocation.StartTimeUtc = fmt.Sprintf("%s", start.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z")) // "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ" on 2006-01-02 15:04:05
conversion.Invocation.Account = scan.Initiator
sarif.Runs[0].Conversion = conversion
return sarif, nil
func getQuery(queries []Query, queryID uint64) *Query {
for id := range queries {
if queries[id].QueryID == queryID {
return &queries[id]
return nil