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synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
Co-authored-by: Stephan Aßmus <stephan.assmus@sap.com> Co-authored-by: Florian Wilhelm <florian.wilhelm02@sap.com>
161 lines
7.2 KiB
161 lines
7.2 KiB
import static com.sap.piper.Prerequisites.checkScript
import com.sap.piper.GenerateDocumentation
import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationHelper
import com.sap.piper.Utils
import com.sap.piper.analytics.InfluxData
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field String STEP_NAME = getClass().getName()
/** */
/** Credentials (username and password) used to download custom defaults if access is secured.*/
@Field Set STEP_CONFIG_KEYS = []
/** Path to the pipeline configuration file defining project specific settings.*/
/** A list of file names which will be extracted from library resources and which serve as source for
* default values for the pipeline configuration. These are merged with and override built-in defaults, with
* a parameter supplied by the last resource file taking precedence over the same parameter supplied in an
* earlier resource file or built-in default.*/
/** A list of file paths or URLs which must point to YAML content. These work exactly like
* `customDefaults`, but from local or remote files instead of library resources. They are merged with and
* take precedence over `customDefaults`.*/
* Initializes the [`commonPipelineEnvironment`](commonPipelineEnvironment.md), which is used throughout the complete pipeline.
* !!! tip
* This step needs to run at the beginning of a pipeline right after the SCM checkout.
* Then subsequent pipeline steps consume the information from `commonPipelineEnvironment`; it does not need to be passed to pipeline steps explicitly.
void call(Map parameters = [:]) {
handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) {
def script = checkScript(this, parameters)
String configFile = parameters.get('configFile')
loadConfigurationFromFile(script, configFile)
// Copy custom defaults from library resources to include them in the 'pipelineConfigAndTests' stash
List customDefaultsResources = Utils.appendParameterToStringList(
['default_pipeline_environment.yml'], parameters, 'customDefaults')
customDefaultsResources.each {
cd ->
writeFile file: ".pipeline/${cd}", text: libraryResource(cd)
List customDefaultsFiles = Utils.appendParameterToStringList(
[], parameters, 'customDefaultsFromFiles')
if (script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.customDefaults) {
if (!script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.customDefaults in List) {
// Align with Go side on supported parameter type.
error "You have defined the parameter 'customDefaults' in your project configuration " +
"but it is of an unexpected type. Please make sure that it is a list of strings, i.e. " +
"customDefaults = ['...']. See https://sap.github.io/jenkins-library/configuration/ for " +
"more details."
customDefaultsFiles = Utils.appendParameterToStringList(
customDefaultsFiles, script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration as Map, 'customDefaults')
String customDefaultsCredentialsId = script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.general?.customDefaultsCredentialsId
customDefaultsFiles = copyOrDownloadCustomDefaultsIntoPipelineEnv(script, customDefaultsFiles, customDefaultsCredentialsId)
script: script,
customDefaults: parameters.customDefaults,
customDefaultsFromFiles: customDefaultsFiles ])
piperLoadGlobalExtensions script: script, customDefaults: parameters.customDefaults, customDefaultsFromFiles: customDefaultsFiles
stash name: 'pipelineConfigAndTests', includes: '.pipeline/**', allowEmpty: true
Map config = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this)
.mixinGeneralConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS)
(parameters.utils ?: new Utils()).pushToSWA([
step: STEP_NAME,
stepParamKey4: 'customDefaults',
stepParam4: parameters.customDefaults?'true':'false'
], config)
InfluxData.addField('step_data', 'build_url', env.BUILD_URL)
InfluxData.addField('pipeline_data', 'build_url', env.BUILD_URL)
private static loadConfigurationFromFile(script, String configFile) {
if (!configFile) {
String defaultYmlConfigFile = '.pipeline/config.yml'
String defaultYamlConfigFile = '.pipeline/config.yaml'
if (script.fileExists(defaultYmlConfigFile)) {
configFile = defaultYmlConfigFile
} else if (script.fileExists(defaultYamlConfigFile)) {
configFile = defaultYamlConfigFile
// A file passed to the function is not checked for existence in order to fail the pipeline.
if (configFile) {
script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = script.readYaml(file: configFile)
script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configurationFile = configFile
private static List copyOrDownloadCustomDefaultsIntoPipelineEnv(script, List customDefaults, String credentialsId) {
List fileList = []
int urlCount = 0
for (int i = 0; i < customDefaults.size(); i++) {
// copy retrieved file to .pipeline/ to make sure they are in the pipelineConfigAndTests stash
if (!(customDefaults[i] in CharSequence) || customDefaults[i] == '') {
script.echo "WARNING: Ignoring invalid entry in custom defaults from files: '${customDefaults[i]}'"
String fileName
if (customDefaults[i].startsWith('http://') || customDefaults[i].startsWith('https://')) {
fileName = "custom_default_from_url_${urlCount}.yml"
Map httpRequestParameters = [
url: customDefaults[i],
validResponseCodes: '100:399,404' // Allow a more specific error message for 404 case
if (credentialsId) {
httpRequestParameters.authentication = credentialsId
def response = script.httpRequest(httpRequestParameters)
if (response.status == 404) {
error "URL for remote custom defaults (${customDefaults[i]}) appears to be incorrect. " +
"Server returned HTTP status code 404. " +
"Please make sure that the path is correct and no authentication is required to retrieve the file."
script.writeFile file: ".pipeline/$fileName", text: response.content
} else if (script.fileExists(customDefaults[i])) {
fileName = customDefaults[i]
script.writeFile file: ".pipeline/$fileName", text: script.readFile(file: fileName)
} else {
script.echo "WARNING: Custom default entry not found: '${customDefaults[i]}', it will be ignored"
return fileList