mirror of https://github.com/SAP/jenkins-library.git synced 2025-01-06 04:13:55 +02:00

375 lines
17 KiB

import com.sap.piper.DefaultValueCache
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException
import org.junit.rules.RuleChain
import util.BasePiperTest
import util.JenkinsStepRule
import util.Rules
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
class CheckForLegacyConfigurationTest extends BasePiperTest {
private ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none()
private JenkinsStepRule stepRule = new JenkinsStepRule(this)
String echoOutput = ""
public RuleChain ruleChain = Rules
void init() {
steps: [
customStep: [
param: 'test'
helper.registerAllowedMethod('addBadge', [Map], {return})
helper.registerAllowedMethod('createSummary', [Map], {return})
helper.registerAllowedMethod("echo", [String.class], { s ->
if (echoOutput) {
echoOutput += "\n"
echoOutput += s
helper.registerAllowedMethod('findFiles', [Map], {m ->
if(m.glob == '**/package.json') {
return [new File("package.json")].toArray()
} else {
return []
helper.registerAllowedMethod('readJSON', [Map], { m ->
if (m.file.contains('package.json')) {
return [scripts: [oldNpmScriptName: "echo test",
npmScript2: "echo test"]]
} else {
return [:]
void testCheckForRemovedConfigKeys() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [someStep: [oldConfigKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [oldConfigKey: [steps: ['someStep'], customMessage: "test"]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRemovedOrReplacedConfigKeys(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains the configuration key oldConfigKey for the step someStep. " +
"This configuration option was removed. test"])
void testCheckForReplacedConfigKeys() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [someStep: [oldConfigKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [oldConfigKey: [steps: ['someStep'], newConfigKey: "newConfigKey", customMessage: "test"]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRemovedOrReplacedConfigKeys(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains the configuration key oldConfigKey for the step someStep. " +
"This configuration option was removed. Please use the parameter newConfigKey instead. test"])
void testCheckForRemovedConfigKeysWithWarning() {
String expectedWarning = "[WARNING] Your pipeline configuration contains the configuration key oldConfigKey for the step someStep. " +
"This configuration option was removed. test"
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [someStep: [oldConfigKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [oldConfigKey: [steps: ['someStep'], warnInsteadOfError: true, customMessage: "test"]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRemovedOrReplacedConfigKeys(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(expectedWarning, echoOutput)
assertEquals(errors, [])
void testCheckForRemovedStageConfigKeys() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [stages: [someStage: [oldConfigKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [oldConfigKey: [stages: ['someStage']]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRemovedOrReplacedConfigKeys(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains the configuration key oldConfigKey for the stage someStage. " +
"This configuration option was removed. "])
void testCheckForRemovedGeneralConfigKeys() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [general: [oldConfigKey: false]]
Map configChanges = [oldConfigKey: [general: true]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRemovedOrReplacedConfigKeys(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains the configuration key oldConfigKey in the general section. " +
"This configuration option was removed. "])
void testCheckForRemovedPostActionConfigKeys() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [postActions: [oldConfigKey: false]]
Map configChanges = [oldConfigKey: [postAction: true]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRemovedOrReplacedConfigKeys(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains the configuration key oldConfigKey in the postActions section. " +
"This configuration option was removed. "])
void testCheckForReplacedStep() {
String oldStep = "oldStep"
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [oldStep: [configKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [oldStep: [newStepName: 'newStep', customMessage: "test"]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRemovedOrReplacedSteps(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains configuration for the step $oldStep. " +
"This step has been removed. Please configure the step newStep instead. test"])
void testCheckForRemovedStep() {
String oldStep = "oldStep"
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [oldStep: [configKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [oldStep: [customMessage: "test"]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRemovedOrReplacedSteps(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains configuration for the step $oldStep. " +
"This step has been removed. test"])
void testCheckForRemovedStepOnlyProjectConfig() {
steps: [
oldStep: [
configKey: false
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [newStep: [configKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [oldStep: [onlyCheckProjectConfig: true]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRemovedOrReplacedSteps(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, [])
void testCheckForReplacedStage() {
String oldStage = "oldStage"
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [stages: [oldStage: [configKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [oldStage: [newStageName: 'newStage', customMessage: "test"]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRemovedOrReplacedStages(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains configuration for the stage $oldStage. " +
"This stage has been removed. Please configure the stage newStage instead. test"])
void testCheckForRemovedStage() {
String oldStage = "oldStage"
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [stages: [oldStage: [configKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [oldStage: []]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRemovedOrReplacedStages(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains configuration for the stage $oldStage. " +
"This stage has been removed. "])
void testCheckForStageParameterTypeChanged() {
String stageName = "productionDeployment"
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [stages: [productionDeployment: [configKeyOldType: "string"]]]
Map configChanges = [configKeyOldType: [oldType: "String", newType: "List", stages: ["productionDeployment", "endToEndTests"], customMessage: "test"]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForParameterTypeChanged(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains the configuration key configKeyOldType for the stage $stageName. " +
"The type of this configuration parameter was changed from String to List. test"])
void testCheckForStepParameterTypeChanged() {
String stepName = "testStep"
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [testStep: [configKeyOldType: "string"]]]
Map configChanges = [configKeyOldType: [oldType: "String", newType: "List", steps: ["testStep"], customMessage: "test"]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForParameterTypeChanged(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains the configuration key configKeyOldType for the step $stepName. " +
"The type of this configuration parameter was changed from String to List. test"])
void testCheckForGeneralParameterTypeChanged() {
String key = "configKeyOldType"
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [general: [configKeyOldType: "string"]]
Map configChanges = [configKeyOldType: [oldType: "String", newType: "List", general: true, customMessage: "test"]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForParameterTypeChanged(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your pipeline configuration contains the configuration key $key in the general section. " +
"The type of this configuration parameter was changed from String to List. test"])
void testCheckForUnsupportedParameterTypeChanged() {
String expectedWarning = "Your legacy config settings contain an entry for parameterTypeChanged with the key configKeyOldType with the unsupported type Map. " +
"Currently only the type 'String' is supported."
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [testStep: [configKeyOldType: [test: true]]]]
Map configChanges = [configKeyOldType: [oldType: "Map", newType: "List", steps: ["testStep"], customMessage: "test"]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForParameterTypeChanged(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(expectedWarning, errors[0].toString())
void testCheckForRenamedNpmScripts() {
Map configChanges = [oldNpmScriptName: [newScriptName: "newNpmScriptName", customMessage: "test"]]
List errors = stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRenamedNpmScripts(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(errors, ["Your package.json file package.json contains an npm script using the deprecated name oldNpmScriptName. " +
"Please rename the script to newNpmScriptName, since the script oldNpmScriptName will not be executed by the pipeline anymore. test"])
void testCheckForRenamedNpmScriptsWithWarning() {
Map configChanges = [oldNpmScriptName: [newScriptName: "newNpmScriptName", warnInsteadOfError: true, customMessage: "test"]]
String expectedWarning = "[WARNING] Your package.json file package.json contains an npm script using the deprecated name oldNpmScriptName. " +
"Please rename the script to newNpmScriptName, since the script oldNpmScriptName will not be executed by the pipeline anymore. test"
stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration.checkForRenamedNpmScripts(nullScript, configChanges)
assertEquals(expectedWarning, echoOutput)
void testCheckConfigurationRemovedOrReplacedConfigKeys() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [someStep: [oldConfigKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [
removedOrReplacedConfigKeys: [
oldConfigKey: [
steps: ['someStep'],
customMessage: "test"
String exception = "Failing pipeline due to configuration errors. Please see log output above."
String output = "Your pipeline configuration contains the configuration key oldConfigKey for the step someStep. " +
"This configuration option was removed. test"
assertExceptionAndOutput(exception, output) {
stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration(script: nullScript, legacyConfigSettings: configChanges)
void testCheckConfigurationRemovedOrReplacedSteps() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [oldStep: [configKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [
removedOrReplacedSteps: [
oldStep: [
newStepName: 'newStep',
customMessage: "test"
String exception = "Failing pipeline due to configuration errors. Please see log output above."
String output = "Your pipeline configuration contains configuration for the step oldStep. " +
"This step has been removed. Please configure the step newStep instead. test"
assertExceptionAndOutput(exception, output) {
stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration(script: nullScript, legacyConfigSettings: configChanges)
void testCheckConfigurationRemovedOrReplacedStages() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [stages: [oldStage: [configKey: false]]]
Map configChanges = [
removedOrReplacedStages: [
oldStage: []
String exception = "Failing pipeline due to configuration errors. Please see log output above."
String output = "Your pipeline configuration contains configuration for the stage oldStage. " +
"This stage has been removed. "
assertExceptionAndOutput(exception, output) {
stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration(script: nullScript, legacyConfigSettings: configChanges)
void testCheckConfigurationParameterTypeChanged() {
nullScript.commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration = [steps: [testStep: [configKeyOldType: "string"]]]
Map configChanges = [
parameterTypeChanged: [
configKeyOldType: [
oldType: "String",
newType: "List",
steps: ["testStep"],
customMessage: "test"]
String exception = "Failing pipeline due to configuration errors. Please see log output above."
String output = "Your pipeline configuration contains the configuration key configKeyOldType for the step testStep. " +
"The type of this configuration parameter was changed from String to List. test"
assertExceptionAndOutput(exception, output) {
stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration(script: nullScript, legacyConfigSettings: configChanges)
void testCheckConfigurationRenamedNpmScript() {
Map configChanges = [
renamedNpmScript: [
oldNpmScriptName: [
newScriptName: "newNpmScriptName",
customMessage: "test"]
String exception = "Failing pipeline due to configuration errors. Please see log output above."
String output = "Your package.json file package.json contains an npm script using the deprecated name oldNpmScriptName. " +
"Please rename the script to newNpmScriptName, since the script oldNpmScriptName will not be executed by the pipeline anymore. test"
assertExceptionAndOutput(exception, output) {
stepRule.step.checkForLegacyConfiguration(script: nullScript, legacyConfigSettings: configChanges)
private void assertExceptionAndOutput(String exception, String output, Closure body) {
String actualException = ""
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
actualException = e.getMessage()
assertEquals(exception, actualException)
assertEquals(output, echoOutput)