mirror of https://github.com/SAP/jenkins-library.git synced 2025-02-07 13:42:23 +02:00

224 lines
7.5 KiB

import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationLoader
import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationMerger
import com.sap.piper.DefaultValueCache
import com.sap.piper.analytics.InfluxData
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
class commonPipelineEnvironment implements Serializable {
//stores version of the artifact which is build during pipeline run
def artifactVersion
//Stores the current buildResult
String buildResult = 'SUCCESS'
//stores the gitCommitId as well as additional git information for the build during pipeline run
String gitCommitId
String gitCommitMessage
String gitSshUrl
String gitHttpsUrl
String gitBranch
String xsDeploymentId
//GiutHub specific information
String githubOrg
String githubRepo
//stores properties for a pipeline which build an artifact and then bundles it into a container
private Map appContainerProperties = [:]
Map configuration = [:]
Map containerProperties = [:]
Map defaultConfiguration = [:]
// Location of the file from where the configuration was parsed. See setupCommonPipelineEnvironment.groovy
// Useful for making sure that the piper binary uses the same file when called from Jenkins.
String configurationFile = ''
String mtarFilePath
private Map valueMap = [:]
void setValue(String property, value) {
valueMap[property] = value
def getValue(String property) {
return valueMap.get(property)
String changeDocumentId
def reset() {
appContainerProperties = [:]
artifactVersion = null
configuration = [:]
containerProperties = [:]
gitCommitId = null
gitCommitMessage = null
gitSshUrl = null
gitHttpsUrl = null
gitBranch = null
githubOrg = null
githubRepo = null
mtarFilePath = null
valueMap = [:]
changeDocumentId = null
def setAppContainerProperty(property, value) {
appContainerProperties[property] = value
def getAppContainerProperty(property) {
return appContainerProperties[property]
def setContainerProperty(property, value) {
containerProperties[property] = value
def getContainerProperty(property) {
return containerProperties[property]
// goes into measurement jenkins_custom_data
def setInfluxCustomDataEntry(key, value) {
InfluxData.addField('jenkins_custom_data', key, value)
// goes into measurement jenkins_custom_data
@Deprecated // not used in library
def getInfluxCustomData() {
return InfluxData.getInstance().getFields().jenkins_custom_data
// goes into measurement jenkins_custom_data
def setInfluxCustomDataTagsEntry(key, value) {
InfluxData.addTag('jenkins_custom_data', key, value)
// goes into measurement jenkins_custom_data
@Deprecated // not used in library
def getInfluxCustomDataTags() {
return InfluxData.getInstance().getTags().jenkins_custom_data
void setInfluxCustomDataMapEntry(measurement, field, value) {
InfluxData.addField(measurement, field, value)
@Deprecated // not used in library
def getInfluxCustomDataMap() {
return InfluxData.getInstance().getFields()
def setInfluxCustomDataMapTagsEntry(measurement, tag, value) {
InfluxData.addTag(measurement, tag, value)
@Deprecated // not used in library
def getInfluxCustomDataMapTags() {
return InfluxData.getInstance().getTags()
@Deprecated // not used in library
def setInfluxStepData(key, value) {
InfluxData.addField('step_data', key, value)
@Deprecated // not used in library
def getInfluxStepData(key) {
return InfluxData.getInstance().getFields()['step_data'][key]
@Deprecated // not used in library
def setInfluxPipelineData(key, value) {
InfluxData.addField('pipeline_data', key, value)
@Deprecated // not used in library
def setPipelineMeasurement(key, value){
setInfluxPipelineData(key, value)
@Deprecated // not used in library
def getPipelineMeasurement(key) {
return InfluxData.getInstance().getFields()['pipeline_data'][key]
Map getStepConfiguration(stepName, stageName = env.STAGE_NAME, includeDefaults = true) {
Map defaults = [:]
if (includeDefaults) {
defaults = ConfigurationLoader.defaultGeneralConfiguration()
defaults = ConfigurationMerger.merge(ConfigurationLoader.defaultStepConfiguration(null, stepName), null, defaults)
defaults = ConfigurationMerger.merge(ConfigurationLoader.defaultStageConfiguration(null, stageName), null, defaults)
Map config = ConfigurationMerger.merge(configuration.get('general') ?: [:], null, defaults)
config = ConfigurationMerger.merge(configuration.get('steps')?.get(stepName) ?: [:], null, config)
config = ConfigurationMerger.merge(configuration.get('stages')?.get(stageName) ?: [:], null, config)
return config
def files = [
[filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/artifactVersion', property: 'artifactVersion'],
[filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/github/owner', property: 'githubOrg'],
[filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/github/repository', property: 'githubRepo'],
[filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/git/branch', property: 'gitBranch'],
[filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/git/commitId', property: 'gitCommitId'],
[filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/git/commitMessage', property: 'gitCommitMessage'],
[filename: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/mtarFilePath', property: 'mtarFilePath'],
void writeToDisk(script) {
files.each({f ->
if (this[f.property] && !script.fileExists(f.filename)) {
script.writeFile file: f.filename, text: this[f.property]
containerProperties.each({key, value ->
def fileName = ".pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/container/${key}"
if (value && !script.fileExists(fileName)) {
if(value instanceof String) {
script.writeFile file: fileName, text: value
} else {
script.writeFile file: fileName, text: groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(value)
valueMap.each({key, value ->
def fileName = ".pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/custom/${key}"
if (value && !script.fileExists(fileName)) {
if(value instanceof String) {
script.writeFile file: fileName, text: value
} else {
script.writeFile file: fileName, text: groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(value)
void readFromDisk(script) {
files.each({f ->
if (script.fileExists(f.filename)) {
this[f.property] = script.readFile(f.filename)
def customValues = script.findFiles(glob: '.pipeline/commonPipelineEnvironment/custom/*')
customValues.each({f ->
def fileName = f.getName()
def param = fileName.split('/')[fileName.split('\\/').size()-1]
valueMap[param] = script.readFile(f.getPath())
List getCustomDefaults() {