mirror of https://github.com/SAP/jenkins-library.git synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
Christian Volk 880be73a4c
feat(golangBuild): support private modules (#3471)
* feat(golangBuild): support private module repositories
2022-01-31 10:45:40 +01:00

376 lines
12 KiB

package cmd
import (
piperhttp "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/http"
const (
coverageFile = "cover.out"
golangUnitTestOutput = "TEST-go.xml"
golangIntegrationTestOutput = "TEST-integration.xml"
golangCoberturaPackage = "github.com/boumenot/gocover-cobertura@latest"
golangTestsumPackage = "gotest.tools/gotestsum@latest"
type golangBuildUtils interface {
// Add more methods here, or embed additional interfaces, or remove/replace as required.
// The golangBuildUtils interface should be descriptive of your runtime dependencies,
// i.e. include everything you need to be able to mock in tests.
// Unit tests shall be executable in parallel (not depend on global state), and don't (re-)test dependencies.
type golangBuildUtilsBundle struct {
// Embed more structs as necessary to implement methods or interfaces you add to golangBuildUtils.
// Structs embedded in this way must each have a unique set of methods attached.
// If there is no struct which implements the method you need, attach the method to
// golangBuildUtilsBundle and forward to the implementation of the dependency.
func newGolangBuildUtils(config golangBuildOptions) golangBuildUtils {
httpClientOptions := piperhttp.ClientOptions{}
if len(config.CustomTLSCertificateLinks) > 0 {
httpClientOptions.TransportSkipVerification = false
httpClientOptions.TrustedCerts = config.CustomTLSCertificateLinks
httpClient := piperhttp.Client{}
utils := golangBuildUtilsBundle{
Command: &command.Command{},
Files: &piperutils.Files{},
Sender: &httpClient,
Client: &goget.ClientImpl{
HTTPClient: &httpClient,
// Reroute command output to logging framework
return &utils
func golangBuild(config golangBuildOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData) {
// Utils can be used wherever the command.ExecRunner interface is expected.
// It can also be used for example as a mavenExecRunner.
utils := newGolangBuildUtils(config)
// Error situations will be bubbled up until they reach the line below which will then stop execution
// through the log.Entry().Fatal() call leading to an os.Exit(1) in the end.
err := runGolangBuild(&config, telemetryData, utils)
if err != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("execution of golang build failed")
func runGolangBuild(config *golangBuildOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, utils golangBuildUtils) error {
err := prepareGolangEnvironment(config, utils)
if err != nil {
return err
// install test pre-requisites only in case testing should be performed
if config.RunTests || config.RunIntegrationTests {
if err := utils.RunExecutable("go", "install", golangTestsumPackage); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to install pre-requisite: %w", err)
failedTests := false
if config.RunTests {
success, err := runGolangTests(config, utils)
if err != nil {
return err
failedTests = !success
if config.RunTests && config.ReportCoverage {
if err := reportGolangTestCoverage(config, utils); err != nil {
return err
if config.RunIntegrationTests {
success, err := runGolangIntegrationTests(config, utils)
if err != nil {
return err
failedTests = failedTests || !success
if failedTests {
return fmt.Errorf("some tests failed")
ldflags := ""
if len(config.LdflagsTemplate) > 0 {
var err error
ldflags, err = prepareLdflags(config, utils, GeneralConfig.EnvRootPath)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Entry().Infof("ldflags from template: '%v'", ldflags)
for _, architecture := range config.TargetArchitectures {
err := runGolangBuildPerArchitecture(config, utils, ldflags, architecture)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func prepareGolangEnvironment(config *golangBuildOptions, utils golangBuildUtils) error {
// configure truststore
err := certutils.CertificateUpdate(config.CustomTLSCertificateLinks, utils, utils, "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt") // TODO reimplement
if config.PrivateModules == "" {
return nil
if config.PrivateModulesGitToken == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("please specify a token for fetching private git modules")
// pass private repos to go process
os.Setenv("GOPRIVATE", config.PrivateModules)
repoURLs, err := lookupGolangPrivateModulesRepositories(config.PrivateModules, utils)
if err != nil {
return err
// configure credentials git shall use for pulling repos
for _, repoURL := range repoURLs {
if match, _ := regexp.MatchString("(?i)^https?://", repoURL); !match {
authenticatedRepoURL := strings.Replace(repoURL, "://", fmt.Sprintf("://%s@", config.PrivateModulesGitToken), 1)
err = utils.RunExecutable("git", "config", "--global", fmt.Sprintf("url.%s.insteadOf", authenticatedRepoURL), fmt.Sprintf("%s", repoURL))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func runGolangTests(config *golangBuildOptions, utils golangBuildUtils) (bool, error) {
// execute gotestsum in order to have more output options
if err := utils.RunExecutable("gotestsum", "--junitfile", golangUnitTestOutput, "--", fmt.Sprintf("-coverprofile=%v", coverageFile), "./..."); err != nil {
exists, fileErr := utils.FileExists(golangUnitTestOutput)
if !exists || fileErr != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("running tests failed - junit result missing: %w", err)
exists, fileErr = utils.FileExists(coverageFile)
if !exists || fileErr != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("running tests failed - coverage output missing: %w", err)
return false, nil
return true, nil
func runGolangIntegrationTests(config *golangBuildOptions, utils golangBuildUtils) (bool, error) {
// execute gotestsum in order to have more output options
// for integration tests coverage data is not meaningful and thus not being created
if err := utils.RunExecutable("gotestsum", "--junitfile", golangIntegrationTestOutput, "--", "-tags=integration", "./..."); err != nil {
exists, fileErr := utils.FileExists(golangIntegrationTestOutput)
if !exists || fileErr != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("running tests failed: %w", err)
return false, nil
return true, nil
func reportGolangTestCoverage(config *golangBuildOptions, utils golangBuildUtils) error {
if config.CoverageFormat == "cobertura" {
// execute gocover-cobertura in order to create cobertura report
// install pre-requisites
if err := utils.RunExecutable("go", "install", golangCoberturaPackage); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to install pre-requisite: %w", err)
coverageData, err := utils.FileRead(coverageFile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read coverage file %v: %w", coverageFile, err)
coverageOutput := bytes.Buffer{}
options := []string{}
if config.ExcludeGeneratedFromCoverage {
options = append(options, "-ignore-gen-files")
if err := utils.RunExecutable("gocover-cobertura", options...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert coverage data to cobertura format: %w", err)
err = utils.FileWrite("cobertura-coverage.xml", coverageOutput.Bytes(), 0666)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create cobertura coverage file: %w", err)
log.Entry().Info("created file cobertura-coverage.xml")
} else {
// currently only cobertura and html format supported, thus using html as fallback
if err := utils.RunExecutable("go", "tool", "cover", "-html", coverageFile, "-o", "coverage.html"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create html coverage file: %w", err)
return nil
func prepareLdflags(config *golangBuildOptions, utils golangBuildUtils, envRootPath string) (string, error) {
cpe := piperenv.CPEMap{}
err := cpe.LoadFromDisk(path.Join(envRootPath, "commonPipelineEnvironment"))
if err != nil {
log.Entry().Warning("failed to load values from commonPipelineEnvironment")
log.Entry().Debugf("ldflagsTemplate in use: %v", config.LdflagsTemplate)
tmpl, err := template.New("ldflags").Parse(config.LdflagsTemplate)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to parse ldflagsTemplate '%v': %w", config.LdflagsTemplate, err)
ldflagsParams := struct {
CPE map[string]interface{}
CPE: map[string]interface{}(cpe),
var generatedLdflags bytes.Buffer
err = tmpl.Execute(&generatedLdflags, ldflagsParams)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to execute ldflagsTemplate '%v': %w", config.LdflagsTemplate, err)
return generatedLdflags.String(), nil
func runGolangBuildPerArchitecture(config *golangBuildOptions, utils golangBuildUtils, ldflags, architecture string) error {
envVars := os.Environ()
goos, goarch := splitTargetArchitecture(architecture)
envVars = append(envVars, fmt.Sprintf("GOOS=%v", goos), fmt.Sprintf("GOARCH=%v", goarch))
if !config.CgoEnabled {
envVars = append(envVars, "CGO_ENABLED=0")
buildOptions := []string{"build"}
if len(config.Output) > 0 {
fileExtension := ""
if goos == "windows" {
fileExtension = ".exe"
buildOptions = append(buildOptions, "-o", fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v.%v%v", config.Output, goos, goarch, fileExtension))
buildOptions = append(buildOptions, config.BuildFlags...)
buildOptions = append(buildOptions, config.Packages...)
if len(ldflags) > 0 {
buildOptions = append(buildOptions, "-ldflags", ldflags)
if err := utils.RunExecutable("go", buildOptions...); err != nil {
log.Entry().Debugf("buildOptions: %v", buildOptions)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to run build for %v.%v: %w", goos, goarch, err)
return nil
func splitTargetArchitecture(architecture string) (string, string) {
// architecture expected to be in format os,arch due to possibleValues check of step
architectureParts := strings.Split(architecture, ",")
return architectureParts[0], architectureParts[1]
// lookupPrivateModulesRepositories returns a slice of all modules that match the given glob pattern
func lookupGolangPrivateModulesRepositories(globPattern string, utils golangBuildUtils) ([]string, error) {
if globPattern == "" {
return []string{}, nil
if modFileExists, err := utils.FileExists("go.mod"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !modFileExists {
return []string{}, nil // nothing to do
modFileContent, err := utils.FileRead("go.mod")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
goModFile, err := modfile.Parse("go.mod", modFileContent, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if goModFile.Require == nil {
return []string{}, nil // no modules referenced, nothing to do
privateModules := []string{}
for _, goModule := range goModFile.Require {
if !module.MatchPrefixPatterns(globPattern, goModule.Mod.Path) {
repo, err := utils.GetRepositoryURL(goModule.Mod.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
privateModules = append(privateModules, repo)
return privateModules, nil