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synced 2025-03-05 15:15:44 +02:00
* influxWriteData - support Influx tags In order to better query data in Influx, tags needs to be written. This change allows filling tag data via the Influx plugin.
138 lines
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138 lines
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class commonPipelineEnvironment implements Serializable {
Map configProperties = [:]
//stores version of the artifact which is build during pipeline run
def artifactVersion
//Stores the current buildResult
String buildResult = 'SUCCESS'
//stores the gitCommitId as well as additional git information for the build during pipeline run
String gitCommitId
String gitSshUrl
String gitHttpsUrl
String gitBranch
//GiutHub specific information
String githubOrg
String githubRepo
//stores properties for a pipeline which build an artifact and then bundles it into a container
private Map appContainerProperties = [:]
Map configuration = [:]
Map defaultConfiguration = [:]
//each Map in influxCustomDataMap represents a measurement in Influx. Additional measurements can be added as a new Map entry of influxCustomDataMap
private Map influxCustomDataMap = [pipeline_data: [:], step_data: [:]]
//each Map in influxCustomDataMapTags represents tags for certain measurement in Influx. Tags are required in Influx for easier querying data
private Map influxCustomDataMapTags = [pipeline_data: [:]]
//influxCustomData represents measurement jenkins_custom_data in Influx. Metrics can be written into this map
private Map influxCustomData = [:]
//influxCustomDataTags represents tags in Influx. Tags are required in Influx for easier querying data
private Map influxCustomDataTags = [:]
String mtarFilePath
String transportRequestId
String changeDocumentId
def reset() {
appContainerProperties = [:]
artifactVersion = null
configProperties = [:]
configuration = [:]
gitCommitId = null
gitSshUrl = null
gitHttpsUrl = null
gitBranch = null
githubOrg = null
githubRepo = null
influxCustomData = [:]
influxCustomDataTags = [:]
influxCustomDataMap = [pipeline_data: [:], step_data: [:]]
influxCustomDataMapTags = [pipeline_data: [:]]
mtarFilePath = null
transportRequestId = null
changeDocumentId = null
def setAppContainerProperty(property, value) {
appContainerProperties[property] = value
def getAppContainerProperty(property) {
return appContainerProperties[property]
def setConfigProperty(property, value) {
configProperties[property] = value
def getConfigProperty(property) {
if (configProperties[property] != null)
return configProperties[property].trim()
return configProperties[property]
// goes into measurement jenkins_data
def setInfluxCustomDataEntry(field, value) {
influxCustomData[field] = value
// goes into measurement jenkins_data
def getInfluxCustomData() {
return influxCustomData
// goes into measurement jenkins_data
def setInfluxCustomDataTagsEntry(tag, value) {
influxCustomDataTags[tag] = value
// goes into measurement jenkins_data
def getInfluxCustomDataTags() {
return influxCustomDataTags
void setInfluxCustomDataMapEntry(measurement, field, value) {
if (!influxCustomDataMap[measurement]) {
influxCustomDataMap[measurement] = [:]
influxCustomDataMap[measurement][field] = value
def getInfluxCustomDataMap() {
return influxCustomDataMap
def setInfluxCustomDataMapTagsEntry(measurement, tag, value) {
if (!influxCustomDataMapTags[measurement]) {
influxCustomDataMapTags[measurement] = [:]
influxCustomDataMapTags[measurement][tag] = value
def getInfluxCustomDataMapTags() {
return influxCustomDataMapTags
def setInfluxStepData(key, value) {
setInfluxCustomDataMapEntry('step_data', key, value)
def getInfluxStepData(key) {
return influxCustomDataMap.step_data[key]
def setPipelineMeasurement(key, value) {
setInfluxCustomDataMapEntry('pipeline_data', key, value)
def getPipelineMeasurement(key) {
return influxCustomDataMap.pipeline_data[key]