mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
This change extends the npmExecuteScripts step to support execution of npm scripts for specific modules. Previously, it was not possible to execute npm scripts only for specific modules. Now, if the parameter buildDesriptorList is set the scripts defined by the runScripts parameter will be executed for the modules defined by buildDescriptorList. Note, in this case the buildDescriptorExcludeList will be ignored.
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package npm
import (
// Execute struct holds utils to enable mocking and common parameters
type Execute struct {
Utils Utils
Options ExecutorOptions
// Executor interface to enable mocking for testing
type Executor interface {
FindPackageJSONFiles() []string
FindPackageJSONFilesWithExcludes(excludeList []string) ([]string, error)
FindPackageJSONFilesWithScript(packageJSONFiles []string, script string) ([]string, error)
RunScriptsInAllPackages(runScripts []string, runOptions []string, scriptOptions []string, virtualFrameBuffer bool, excludeList []string, packagesList []string) error
InstallAllDependencies(packageJSONFiles []string) error
SetNpmRegistries() error
// ExecutorOptions holds common parameters for functions of Executor
type ExecutorOptions struct {
DefaultNpmRegistry string
ExecRunner ExecRunner
// NewExecutor instantiates Execute struct and sets executeOptions
func NewExecutor(executorOptions ExecutorOptions) Executor {
utils := utilsBundle{Files: &piperutils.Files{}, execRunner: executorOptions.ExecRunner}
return &Execute{
Utils: &utils,
Options: executorOptions,
// ExecRunner interface to enable mocking for testing
type ExecRunner interface {
SetEnv(e []string)
Stdout(out io.Writer)
Stderr(out io.Writer)
RunExecutable(executable string, params ...string) error
RunExecutableInBackground(executable string, params ...string) (command.Execution, error)
// Utils interface for mocking
type Utils interface {
Chdir(path string) error
FileExists(filename string) (bool, error)
FileRead(path string) ([]byte, error)
Getwd() (string, error)
Glob(pattern string) (matches []string, err error)
GetExecRunner() ExecRunner
type utilsBundle struct {
execRunner ExecRunner
// GetExecRunner returns an execRunner if it's not yet initialized
func (u *utilsBundle) GetExecRunner() ExecRunner {
if u.execRunner == nil {
u.execRunner = &command.Command{}
return u.execRunner
// SetNpmRegistries configures the given npm registries.
// CAUTION: This will change the npm configuration in the user's home directory.
func (exec *Execute) SetNpmRegistries() error {
execRunner := exec.Utils.GetExecRunner()
const npmRegistry = "registry"
var buffer bytes.Buffer
err := execRunner.RunExecutable("npm", "config", "get", npmRegistry)
if err != nil {
return err
preConfiguredRegistry := buffer.String()
if registryIsNonEmpty(preConfiguredRegistry) {
log.Entry().Info("Discovered pre-configured npm registry " + npmRegistry + " with value " + preConfiguredRegistry)
if exec.Options.DefaultNpmRegistry != "" && registryRequiresConfiguration(preConfiguredRegistry, "https://registry.npmjs.org") {
log.Entry().Info("npm registry " + npmRegistry + " was not configured, setting it to " + exec.Options.DefaultNpmRegistry)
err = execRunner.RunExecutable("npm", "config", "set", npmRegistry, exec.Options.DefaultNpmRegistry)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func registryIsNonEmpty(preConfiguredRegistry string) bool {
return !strings.HasPrefix(preConfiguredRegistry, "undefined") && len(preConfiguredRegistry) > 0
func registryRequiresConfiguration(preConfiguredRegistry, url string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(preConfiguredRegistry, "undefined") || strings.HasPrefix(preConfiguredRegistry, url)
// RunScriptsInAllPackages runs all scripts defined in ExecuteOptions.RunScripts
func (exec *Execute) RunScriptsInAllPackages(runScripts []string, runOptions []string, scriptOptions []string, virtualFrameBuffer bool, excludeList []string, packagesList []string) error {
var packageJSONFiles []string
var err error
if len(packagesList) > 0 {
packageJSONFiles = packagesList
} else {
packageJSONFiles, err = exec.FindPackageJSONFilesWithExcludes(excludeList)
if err != nil {
return err
execRunner := exec.Utils.GetExecRunner()
if virtualFrameBuffer {
cmd, err := execRunner.RunExecutableInBackground("Xvfb", "-ac", ":99", "-screen", "0", "1280x1024x16")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start virtual frame buffer%w", err)
defer cmd.Kill()
for _, script := range runScripts {
packagesWithScript, err := exec.FindPackageJSONFilesWithScript(packageJSONFiles, script)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(packagesWithScript) == 0 {
log.Entry().Warnf("could not find any package.json file with script " + script)
for _, packageJSON := range packagesWithScript {
err = exec.executeScript(packageJSON, script, runOptions, scriptOptions)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (exec *Execute) executeScript(packageJSON string, script string, runOptions []string, scriptOptions []string) error {
execRunner := exec.Utils.GetExecRunner()
oldWorkingDirectory, err := exec.Utils.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get current working directory before executing npm scripts: %w", err)
dir := filepath.Dir(packageJSON)
err = exec.Utils.Chdir(dir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to change into directory for executing script: %w", err)
// set in each directory to respect existing config in rc fileUtils
err = exec.SetNpmRegistries()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Entry().WithField("WorkingDirectory", dir).Info("run-script " + script)
npmRunArgs := []string{"run", script}
if len(runOptions) > 0 {
npmRunArgs = append(npmRunArgs, runOptions...)
if len(scriptOptions) > 0 {
npmRunArgs = append(npmRunArgs, "--")
npmRunArgs = append(npmRunArgs, scriptOptions...)
err = execRunner.RunExecutable("npm", npmRunArgs...)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to run npm script %s: %w", script, err)
err = exec.Utils.Chdir(oldWorkingDirectory)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to change back into original directory: %w", err)
return nil
// FindPackageJSONFiles returns a list of all package.json files of the project excluding node_modules and gen/ directories
func (exec *Execute) FindPackageJSONFiles() []string {
packageJSONFiles, _ := exec.FindPackageJSONFilesWithExcludes([]string{})
return packageJSONFiles
// FindPackageJSONFilesWithExcludes returns a list of all package.json files of the project excluding node_modules, gen/ and directories/patterns defined by excludeList
func (exec *Execute) FindPackageJSONFilesWithExcludes(excludeList []string) ([]string, error) {
unfilteredListOfPackageJSONFiles, _ := exec.Utils.Glob("**/package.json")
nodeModulesExclude := "**/node_modules/**"
genExclude := "**/gen/**"
excludeList = append(excludeList, nodeModulesExclude, genExclude)
var packageJSONFiles []string
for _, file := range unfilteredListOfPackageJSONFiles {
excludePackage := false
for _, exclude := range excludeList {
matched, err := doublestar.PathMatch(exclude, file)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to match file %s to pattern %s: %w", file, exclude, err)
if matched {
excludePackage = true
if excludePackage {
packageJSONFiles = append(packageJSONFiles, file)
log.Entry().Info("Discovered package.json file " + file)
return packageJSONFiles, nil
// FindPackageJSONFilesWithScript returns a list of package.json fileUtils that contain the script
func (exec *Execute) FindPackageJSONFilesWithScript(packageJSONFiles []string, script string) ([]string, error) {
var packagesWithScript []string
for _, file := range packageJSONFiles {
var packageJSON map[string]interface{}
packageRaw, err := exec.Utils.FileRead(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read %s to check for existence of %s script: %w", file, script, err)
err = json.Unmarshal(packageRaw, &packageJSON)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal %s to check for existence of %s script: %w", file, script, err)
scripts, ok := packageJSON["scripts"].(map[string]interface{})
if ok {
_, ok := scripts[script].(string)
if ok {
packagesWithScript = append(packagesWithScript, file)
log.Entry().Info("Discovered " + script + " script in " + file)
return packagesWithScript, nil
// InstallAllDependencies executes npm or yarn Install for all package.json fileUtils defined in packageJSONFiles
func (exec *Execute) InstallAllDependencies(packageJSONFiles []string) error {
for _, packageJSON := range packageJSONFiles {
fileExists, err := exec.Utils.FileExists(packageJSON)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot check if '%s' exists: %w", packageJSON, err)
if !fileExists {
return fmt.Errorf("package.json file '%s' not found: %w", packageJSON, err)
err = exec.install(packageJSON)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// install executes npm or yarn Install for package.json
func (exec *Execute) install(packageJSON string) error {
execRunner := exec.Utils.GetExecRunner()
oldWorkingDirectory, err := exec.Utils.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get current working directory before executing npm scripts: %w", err)
dir := filepath.Dir(packageJSON)
err = exec.Utils.Chdir(dir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to change into directory for executing script: %w", err)
err = exec.SetNpmRegistries()
if err != nil {
return err
packageLockExists, yarnLockExists, err := exec.checkIfLockFilesExist()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Entry().WithField("WorkingDirectory", dir).Info("Running Install")
if packageLockExists {
err = execRunner.RunExecutable("npm", "ci")
if err != nil {
return err
} else if yarnLockExists {
err = execRunner.RunExecutable("yarn", "install", "--frozen-lockfile")
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
log.Entry().Warn("No package lock file found. " +
"It is recommended to create a `package-lock.json` file by running `npm Install` locally." +
" Add this file to your version control. " +
"By doing so, the builds of your application become more reliable.")
err = execRunner.RunExecutable("npm", "install")
if err != nil {
return err
err = exec.Utils.Chdir(oldWorkingDirectory)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to change back into original directory: %w", err)
return nil
// checkIfLockFilesExist checks if yarn/package lock fileUtils exist
func (exec *Execute) checkIfLockFilesExist() (bool, bool, error) {
packageLockExists, err := exec.Utils.FileExists("package-lock.json")
if err != nil {
return false, false, err
yarnLockExists, err := exec.Utils.FileExists("yarn.lock")
if err != nil {
return false, false, err
return packageLockExists, yarnLockExists, nil