mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
Apparently this pr caused some regression. This reverts commit df2e976eaab00e3dc71f2fec117d23a67a085742.
629 lines
19 KiB
629 lines
19 KiB
package cmd
import (
piperhttp "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/http"
ignore "github.com/sabhiram/go-gitignore"
const (
creatorPath = "/cnb/lifecycle/creator"
platformPath = "/tmp/platform"
platformAPIVersion = "0.12"
type cnbBuildUtilsBundle struct {
func processConfigs(main cnbBuildOptions, multipleImages []map[string]interface{}) ([]cnbBuildOptions, error) {
var result []cnbBuildOptions
if len(multipleImages) == 0 {
result = append(result, main)
return result, nil
for _, conf := range multipleImages {
var structuredConf cnbBuildOptions
err := mapstructure.Decode(conf, &structuredConf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = mergo.Merge(&structuredConf, main)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, structuredConf)
return result, nil
func setCustomBuildpacks(bpacks, preBuildpacks, postBuildpacks []string, dockerCreds string, utils cnbutils.BuildUtils) (string, string, error) {
buildpacksPath := "/tmp/buildpacks"
orderPath := "/tmp/buildpacks/order.toml"
err := cnbutils.DownloadBuildpacks(buildpacksPath, append(bpacks, append(preBuildpacks, postBuildpacks...)...), dockerCreds, utils)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
if len(bpacks) == 0 && (len(postBuildpacks) > 0 || len(preBuildpacks) > 0) {
matches, err := utils.Glob("/cnb/buildpacks/*")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
for _, match := range matches {
err = cnbutils.CreateVersionSymlinks(buildpacksPath, match, utils)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
newOrder, err := cnbutils.CreateOrder(bpacks, preBuildpacks, postBuildpacks, dockerCreds, utils)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
err = newOrder.Save(orderPath)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return buildpacksPath, orderPath, nil
func newCnbBuildUtils() cnbutils.BuildUtils {
utils := cnbBuildUtilsBundle{
Command: &command.Command{
StepName: "cnbBuild",
Files: &piperutils.Files{},
Client: &docker.Client{},
return &utils
func cnbBuild(config cnbBuildOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, commonPipelineEnvironment *cnbBuildCommonPipelineEnvironment) {
utils := newCnbBuildUtils()
client := &piperhttp.Client{}
err := callCnbBuild(&config, telemetryData, utils, commonPipelineEnvironment, client)
if err != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("step execution failed")
func isBuilder(utils cnbutils.BuildUtils) error {
exists, err := utils.FileExists(creatorPath)
if err != nil {
return err
if !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("binary '%s' not found", creatorPath)
return nil
func isZip(path string) bool {
r, err := zip.OpenReader(path)
switch {
case err == nil:
_ = r.Close()
return true
case err == zip.ErrFormat:
return false
return false
func cleanDir(dir string, utils cnbutils.BuildUtils) error {
dirContent, err := utils.Glob(filepath.Join(dir, "*"))
if err != nil {
return err
for _, obj := range dirContent {
err = utils.RemoveAll(obj)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func extractZip(source, target string) error {
if isZip(source) {
log.Entry().Infof("Extracting archive '%s' to '%s'", source, target)
_, err := piperutils.Unzip(source, target)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Extracting archive '%s' to '%s' failed", source, target)
} else {
return errors.New("application path must be a directory or zip")
return nil
func ensureDockerConfig(config *cnbBuildOptions, utils cnbutils.BuildUtils) error {
newFile := "/tmp/config.json"
if config.DockerConfigJSON == "" {
config.DockerConfigJSON = newFile
return utils.FileWrite(config.DockerConfigJSON, []byte("{}"), os.ModePerm)
log.Entry().Debugf("Copying docker config file from '%s' to '%s'", config.DockerConfigJSON, newFile)
_, err := utils.Copy(config.DockerConfigJSON, newFile)
if err != nil {
return err
err = utils.Chmod(newFile, 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
config.DockerConfigJSON = newFile
return nil
func linkTargetFolder(utils cnbutils.BuildUtils, source, target string) error {
var err error
linkPath := filepath.Join(target, "target")
targetPath := filepath.Join(source, "target")
if ok, _ := utils.DirExists(targetPath); !ok {
err = utils.MkdirAll(targetPath, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return err
if ok, _ := utils.DirExists(linkPath); ok {
err = utils.RemoveAll(linkPath)
if err != nil {
return err
return utils.Symlink(targetPath, linkPath)
func (config *cnbBuildOptions) mergeEnvVars(vars map[string]interface{}) {
if config.BuildEnvVars == nil {
config.BuildEnvVars = vars
for k, v := range vars {
_, exists := config.BuildEnvVars[k]
if !exists {
config.BuildEnvVars[k] = v
func (config *cnbBuildOptions) resolvePath(utils cnbutils.BuildUtils) (buildpacks.PathEnum, string, error) {
pwd, err := utils.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return "", "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get current working directory")
if config.Path == "" {
return buildpacks.PathEnumRoot, pwd, nil
matches, err := utils.Glob(config.Path)
if err != nil {
return "", "", errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to resolve glob for '%s'", config.Path)
numMatches := len(matches)
if numMatches != 1 {
return "", "", errors.Errorf("Failed to resolve glob for '%s', matching %d file(s)", config.Path, numMatches)
source, err := utils.Abs(matches[0])
if err != nil {
return "", "", errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to resolve absolute path for '%s'", matches[0])
dir, err := utils.DirExists(source)
if err != nil {
return "", "", errors.Wrapf(err, "Checking file info '%s' failed", source)
if dir {
return buildpacks.PathEnumFolder, source, nil
} else {
return buildpacks.PathEnumArchive, source, nil
func callCnbBuild(config *cnbBuildOptions, telemetryData *telemetry.CustomData, utils cnbutils.BuildUtils, commonPipelineEnvironment *cnbBuildCommonPipelineEnvironment, httpClient piperhttp.Sender) error {
stepName := "cnbBuild"
err := isBuilder(utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "the provided dockerImage is not a valid builder")
telemetry := buildpacks.NewTelemetry(telemetryData)
dockerImage, err := GetDockerImageValue(stepName)
if err != nil {
log.Entry().Warnf("failed to retrieve dockerImage configuration: '%v'", err)
buildTool, _ := getBuildToolFromStageConfig("cnbBuild")
cnbBuildConfig := buildsettings.BuildOptions{
CreateBOM: config.CreateBOM,
DockerImage: dockerImage,
BuildSettingsInfo: config.BuildSettingsInfo,
log.Entry().Debugf("creating build settings information...")
buildSettingsInfo, err := buildsettings.CreateBuildSettingsInfo(&cnbBuildConfig, stepName)
if err != nil {
log.Entry().Warnf("failed to create build settings info: %v", err)
commonPipelineEnvironment.custom.buildSettingsInfo = buildSettingsInfo
err = ensureDockerConfig(config, utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create/rename DockerConfigJSON file")
if config.DockerConfigJSONCPE != "" {
log.Entry().Debugf("merging docker config file '%s' into '%s'", config.DockerConfigJSONCPE, config.DockerConfigJSON)
err = docker.MergeDockerConfigJSON(config.DockerConfigJSONCPE, config.DockerConfigJSON, utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to merge DockerConfigJSON files")
mergedConfigs, err := processConfigs(*config, config.MultipleImages)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to process config")
buildSummary := cnbutils.NewBuildSummary(dockerImage, utils)
for _, c := range mergedConfigs {
imageSummary := &cnbutils.ImageSummary{}
err = runCnbBuild(&c, telemetry, imageSummary, utils, commonPipelineEnvironment, httpClient)
if err != nil {
return err
buildSummary.Images = append(buildSummary.Images, imageSummary)
if config.CreateBOM {
err = syft.GenerateSBOM(config.SyftDownloadURL, filepath.Dir(config.DockerConfigJSON), utils, utils, httpClient, commonPipelineEnvironment.container.registryURL, commonPipelineEnvironment.container.imageNameTags)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create BOM file")
return nil
func runCnbBuild(config *cnbBuildOptions, telemetry *buildpacks.Telemetry, imageSummary *cnbutils.ImageSummary, utils cnbutils.BuildUtils, commonPipelineEnvironment *cnbBuildCommonPipelineEnvironment, httpClient piperhttp.Sender) error {
err := cleanDir("/layers", utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to clean up layers folder /layers")
err = cleanDir(platformPath, utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to clean up platform folder %s", platformPath))
tempdir, err := utils.TempDir("", "cnbBuild-")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create tempdir")
defer utils.RemoveAll(tempdir)
uid, gid, err := cnbutils.CnbUserInfo()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get user information")
err = utils.Chown(tempdir, uid, gid)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to change tempdir ownership")
if config.BuildEnvVars == nil {
config.BuildEnvVars = map[string]interface{}{}
config.BuildEnvVars["TMPDIR"] = tempdir
include := ignore.CompileIgnoreLines("**/*")
exclude := ignore.CompileIgnoreLines("piper", ".pipeline", ".git")
projDescPath, err := project.ResolvePath(config.ProjectDescriptor, config.Path, utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to check if project descriptor exists")
imageSummary.ProjectDescriptor = projDescPath
var projectID string
if projDescPath != "" {
descriptor, err := project.ParseDescriptor(projDescPath, utils, httpClient)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse %s", projDescPath)
if len(config.Buildpacks) == 0 {
config.Buildpacks = descriptor.Buildpacks
if len(config.PreBuildpacks) == 0 {
config.PreBuildpacks = descriptor.PreBuildpacks
if len(config.PostBuildpacks) == 0 {
config.PostBuildpacks = descriptor.PostBuildpacks
if descriptor.Exclude != nil {
exclude = descriptor.Exclude
if descriptor.Include != nil {
include = descriptor.Include
projectID = descriptor.ProjectID
targetImage, err := cnbutils.GetTargetImage(config.ContainerRegistryURL, config.ContainerImageName, config.ContainerImageTag, projectID, GeneralConfig.EnvRootPath)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to retrieve target image configuration")
if commonPipelineEnvironment.container.imageNameTag == "" {
commonPipelineEnvironment.container.registryURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", targetImage.ContainerRegistry.Scheme, targetImage.ContainerRegistry.Host)
commonPipelineEnvironment.container.imageNameTag = fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", targetImage.ContainerImageName, targetImage.ContainerImageTag)
commonPipelineEnvironment.container.imageNameTags = append(commonPipelineEnvironment.container.imageNameTags, fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", targetImage.ContainerImageName, targetImage.ContainerImageTag))
imageNameAlias := targetImage.ContainerImageName
if config.ContainerImageAlias != "" {
imageNameAlias = config.ContainerImageAlias
commonPipelineEnvironment.container.imageNames = append(commonPipelineEnvironment.container.imageNames, imageNameAlias)
if config.ExpandBuildEnvVars {
config.BuildEnvVars = expandEnvVars(config.BuildEnvVars)
if config.BuildEnvVars != nil && len(config.BuildEnvVars) > 0 {
log.Entry().Infof("Setting custom environment variables: '%v'", config.BuildEnvVars)
err = cnbutils.CreateEnvFiles(utils, platformPath, config.BuildEnvVars)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to write environment variables to files")
err = bindings.ProcessBindings(utils, httpClient, platformPath, config.Bindings)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed process bindings")
pathType, source, err := config.resolvePath(utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "could not resolve path")
target := "/workspace"
err = cleanDir(target, utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to clean up target folder %s", target)
if pathType != buildpacks.PathEnumArchive {
err = cnbutils.CopyProject(source, target, include, exclude, utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Copying '%s' into '%s' failed", source, target)
} else {
err = extractZip(source, target)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Copying '%s' into '%s' failed", source, target)
if err := utils.Chown(target, uid, gid); err != nil {
return err
if ok, _ := utils.FileExists(filepath.Join(target, "pom.xml")); ok {
err = linkTargetFolder(utils, source, target)
if err != nil {
return err
metadata.WriteProjectMetadata(GeneralConfig.EnvRootPath, utils)
var buildpacksPath = "/cnb/buildpacks"
var orderPath = cnbutils.DefaultOrderPath
if len(config.Buildpacks) > 0 || len(config.PreBuildpacks) > 0 || len(config.PostBuildpacks) > 0 {
log.Entry().Infof("Setting custom buildpacks: '%v'", config.Buildpacks)
log.Entry().Infof("Pre-buildpacks: '%v'", config.PreBuildpacks)
log.Entry().Infof("Post-buildpacks: '%v'", config.PostBuildpacks)
buildpacksPath, orderPath, err = setCustomBuildpacks(config.Buildpacks, config.PreBuildpacks, config.PostBuildpacks, config.DockerConfigJSON, utils)
defer func() { _ = utils.RemoveAll(buildpacksPath) }()
defer func() { _ = utils.RemoveAll(orderPath) }()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Setting custom buildpacks: %v", config.Buildpacks)
cnbRegistryAuth, err := cnbutils.GenerateCnbAuth(config.DockerConfigJSON, utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to generate CNB_REGISTRY_AUTH")
if len(config.CustomTLSCertificateLinks) > 0 {
caCertificates := "/tmp/ca-certificates.crt"
_, err := utils.Copy("/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", caCertificates)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy certificates")
err = certutils.CertificateUpdate(config.CustomTLSCertificateLinks, httpClient, utils, caCertificates)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to update certificates")
utils.AppendEnv([]string{fmt.Sprintf("SSL_CERT_FILE=%s", caCertificates)})
} else {
log.Entry().Info("skipping certificates update")
utils.AppendEnv([]string{fmt.Sprintf("CNB_REGISTRY_AUTH=%s", cnbRegistryAuth)})
utils.AppendEnv([]string{fmt.Sprintf("CNB_PLATFORM_API=%s", platformAPIVersion)})
creatorArgs := []string{
"-buildpacks", buildpacksPath,
"-order", orderPath,
"-platform", platformPath,
if GeneralConfig.Verbose {
creatorArgs = append(creatorArgs, "-log-level", "debug")
if config.RunImage != "" {
creatorArgs = append(creatorArgs, "-run-image", config.RunImage)
if config.DefaultProcess != "" {
creatorArgs = append(creatorArgs, "-process-type", config.DefaultProcess)
containerImage := path.Join(targetImage.ContainerRegistry.Host, targetImage.ContainerImageName)
for _, tag := range config.AdditionalTags {
target := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", containerImage, tag)
if !piperutils.ContainsString(creatorArgs, target) {
creatorArgs = append(creatorArgs, "-tag", target)
creatorArgs = append(creatorArgs, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", containerImage, targetImage.ContainerImageTag))
attr := getSysProcAttr(uid, gid)
err = utils.RunExecutableWithAttrs(creatorPath, attr, creatorArgs...)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "execution of '%s' failed", creatorArgs)
digest, err := cnbutils.DigestFromReport(utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read image digest")
commonPipelineEnvironment.container.imageDigest = digest
commonPipelineEnvironment.container.imageDigests = append(commonPipelineEnvironment.container.imageDigests, digest)
imageSummary.ImageRef = fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", containerImage, digest)
if len(config.PreserveFiles) > 0 {
if pathType != buildpacks.PathEnumArchive {
err = cnbutils.CopyProject(target, source, ignore.CompileIgnoreLines(config.PreserveFiles...), nil, utils)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to preserve files using glob '%s'", config.PreserveFiles)
} else {
log.Entry().Warnf("skipping preserving files because the source '%s' is an archive", source)
return nil
func expandEnvVars(envVars map[string]any) map[string]any {
expandedEnvVars := map[string]any{}
for key, value := range envVars {
valueString, valueIsString := value.(string)
if valueIsString {
expandedEnvVars[key] = os.ExpandEnv(valueString)
} else {
expandedEnvVars[key] = value
return expandedEnvVars