mirror of https://github.com/SAP/jenkins-library.git synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
Stephan Aßmus 8169d56ef7
Groovy: Load step defaults also from stages section in defaults (#1943)
Co-authored-by: Christopher Fenner <26137398+CCFenner@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-08-26 15:32:58 +02:00

981 lines
34 KiB

import groovy.io.FileType
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
import com.sap.piper.GenerateDocumentation
import com.sap.piper.GenerateStageDocumentation
import com.sap.piper.DefaultValueCache
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import groovy.text.StreamingTemplateEngine
import com.sap.piper.MapUtils
// Collects helper functions for rendering the documentation
class TemplateHelper {
static createDependencyList(Set deps) {
def t = ''
t += 'The step depends on the following Jenkins plugins\n\n'
def filteredDeps = deps.findAll { dep -> dep != 'UNIDENTIFIED' }
if(filteredDeps.contains('kubernetes')) {
// The docker plugin is not detected by the tests since it is not
// handled via step call, but it is added to the environment.
// Hovever kubernetes plugin and docker plugin are closely related,
// hence adding docker if kubernetes is present.
if(filteredDeps.isEmpty()) {
t += '* &lt;none&gt;\n'
} else {
.each { dep -> t += "* [${dep}](https://plugins.jenkins.io/${dep})\n" }
if(filteredDeps.contains('kubernetes')) {
t += "\nThe kubernetes plugin is only used if running in a kubernetes environment."
t += '''|
|Transitive dependencies are omitted.
|The list might be incomplete.
|Consider using the [ppiper/jenkins-master](https://cloud.docker.com/u/ppiper/repository/docker/ppiper/jenkins-master)
|docker image. This images comes with preinstalled plugins.
return t
static createParametersTable(Map parameters) {
def t = ''
t += '| name | mandatory | default | possible values |\n'
t += '|------|-----------|---------|-----------------|\n'
parameters.keySet().toSorted().each {
def props = parameters.get(it)
def defaultValue = isComplexDefault(props.defaultValue) ? renderComplexDefaultValue(props.defaultValue) : renderSimpleDefaultValue(props.defaultValue)
t += "| `${it}` | ${props.mandatory ?: props.required ? 'yes' : 'no'} | ${defaultValue} | ${props.value ?: ''} |\n"
private static boolean isComplexDefault(def _default) {
if(! (_default in Collection)) return false
if(_default.size() == 0) return false
for(def entry in _default) {
if(! (entry in Map)) return false
if(! entry.dependentParameterKey) return false
if(! entry.key) return false
return true
private static renderComplexDefaultValue(def _default) {
.collect { "${it.dependentParameterKey}=`${it.key ?: '<empty>'}`:`${it.value ?: '<empty>'}`" }
.join('<br />')
private static renderSimpleDefaultValue(def _default) {
if (_default == null) return ''
return "`${_default}`"
static createParameterDescriptionSection(Map parameters) {
def t = ''
parameters.keySet().toSorted().each {
def props = parameters.get(it)
t += "* `${it}` - ${props.docu ?: ''}\n"
static createParametersSection(Map parameters) {
createParametersTable(parameters) + '\n' + createParameterDescriptionSection(parameters)
static createStepConfigurationSection(Map parameters) {
def t = '''|We recommend to define values of step parameters via [config.yml file](../configuration.md).
|In following sections of the config.yml the configuration is possible:\n\n'''.stripMargin()
t += '| parameter | general | step/stage |\n'
t += '|-----------|---------|------------|\n'
parameters.keySet().toSorted().each {
def props = parameters.get(it)
t += "| `${it}` | ${props.GENERAL_CONFIG ? 'X' : ''} | ${props.STEP_CONFIG ? 'X' : ''} |\n"
static createStageContentSection(Map stageDescriptions) {
def t = 'This stage comprises following steps which are activated depending on your use-case/configuration:\n\n'
t += '| step | step description |\n'
t += '| ---- | ---------------- |\n'
stageDescriptions.each {step, description ->
t += "| [${step}](../steps/${step}.md) | ${description.trim()} |\n"
return t
static createStageActivationSection() {
def t = '''This stage will be active if any one of the following conditions is met:
* Stage configuration in [config.yml file](../configuration.md) contains entries for this stage.
* Any of the conditions are met which are explained in the section [Step Activation](#step-activation).
return t.trim()
static createStepActivationSection(Map configConditions) {
if (!configConditions) return 'For this stage no conditions are assigned to steps.'
def t = 'Certain steps will be activated automatically depending on following conditions:\n\n'
t += '| step | config key | config value | file pattern |\n'
t += '| ---- | ---------- | ------------ | ------------ |\n'
configConditions?.each {stepName, conditions ->
t += "| ${stepName} "
t += "| ${renderValueList(conditions?.configKeys)} "
t += "| ${renderValueList(mapToValueList(conditions?.config))} "
List filePatterns = []
if (conditions?.filePattern) filePatterns.add(conditions?.filePattern)
if (conditions?.filePatternFromConfig) filePatterns.add(conditions?.filePatternFromConfig)
t += "| ${renderValueList(filePatterns)} |\n"
t += '''
!!! info "Step condition details"
There are currently several conditions which can be checked.<br /> This is done in the [Init stage](init.md) of the pipeline shortly after checkout of the source code repository.<br/ >
**Important: It will be sufficient that any one condition per step is met.**
* `config key`: Checks if a defined configuration parameter is set.
* `config value`: Checks if a configuration parameter has a defined value.
* `file pattern`: Checks if files according a defined pattern exist in the project. Either the pattern is speficified direcly or it is retrieved from a configuration parameter.
!!! note "Overruling step activation conditions"
It is possible to overrule the automatically detected step activation status.<br />
Just add to your stage configuration `<stepName>: false`, for example `deployToKubernetes: false`.
For details about the configuration options, please see [Configuration of Piper](../configuration.md).
return t
private static renderValueList(List valueList) {
if (!valueList) return ''
if (valueList.size() > 1) {
List quotedList = []
valueList.each {listItem ->
return quotedList.join('<br />')
} else {
return "`${valueList[0]}`"
private static mapToValueList(Map map) {
List valueList = []
map?.each {key, value ->
if (value instanceof List) {
value.each {listItem ->
valueList.add("${key}: ${listItem}")
} else {
valueList.add("${key}: ${value}")
return valueList
static createStageConfigurationSection() {
return 'The stage parameters need to be defined in the section `stages` of [config.yml file](../configuration.md).'
// Collects generic helper functions
class Helper {
static projectRoot = new File(Helper.class.protectionDomain.codeSource.location.path).getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile()
static getConfigHelper(classLoader, roots, script) {
def compilerConfig = new CompilerConfiguration()
compilerConfig.setClasspathList( roots )
new GroovyClassLoader(classLoader, compilerConfig, true)
.parseClass(new File(projectRoot, 'src/com/sap/piper/ConfigurationHelper.groovy'))
.newInstance(script, [:]).loadStepDefaults()
static Map getYamlResource(String resource) {
def ymlContent = new File(projectRoot,"resources/${resource}").text
return new Yaml().load(ymlContent)
static getDummyScript(def stepName) {
def _stepName = stepName
return new Script() {
def STEP_NAME = _stepName
def env = [:]
def handlePipelineStepErrors(def m, Closure c) {
def libraryResource(def r) {
new File(projectRoot,"resources/${r}").text
def readYaml(def m) {
new Yaml().load(m.text)
void echo(m) {
def run() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
static trim(List lines) {
private static removeLeadingEmptyLines(lines) {
def _lines = new ArrayList(lines), trimmed = []
boolean empty = true
_lines.each() {
if(empty && ! it.trim()) return
empty = false
trimmed << it
private static normalize(Set p) {
def normalized = [] as Set
def interim = [:]
p.each {
def parts = it.split('/') as List
_normalize(parts, interim)
interim.each { k, v -> flatten (normalized, k, v) }
private static void _normalize(List parts, Map interim) {
if( parts.size >= 1) {
if( ! interim[parts.head()]) interim[parts.head()] = [:]
_normalize(parts.tail(), interim[parts.head()])
private static flatten(Set flat, def key, Map interim) {
if( ! interim ) flat << (key as String)
interim.each { k, v ->
def _key = "${key}/${k}"
if( v && v.size() > 0 )
flatten(flat, _key, v)
flat << (_key as String)
static void scanDocu(File f, Map step) {
boolean docu = false,
value = false,
mandatory = false,
parentObject = false,
docuEnd = false
def docuLines = [], valueLines = [], mandatoryLines = [], parentObjectLines = []
f.eachLine {
line ->
if(line ==~ /.*dependingOn.*/) {
def dependentConfigKey = (line =~ /.*dependingOn\('(.*)'\).mixin\('(.*)'/)[0][1]
def configKey = (line =~ /.*dependingOn\('(.*)'\).mixin\('(.*)'/)[0][2]
if(! step.dependentConfig[configKey]) {
step.dependentConfig[configKey] = []
step.dependentConfig[configKey] << dependentConfigKey
if(docuEnd) {
docuEnd = false
if(isHeader(line)) {
def _docu = []
docuLines.each { _docu << it }
_docu = Helper.trim(_docu)
step.description = _docu.join('\n')
} else {
def param = retrieveParameterName(line)
if(!param) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot retrieve parameter for a comment. Affected line was: '${line}'")
def _docu = [], _value = [], _mandatory = [], _parentObject = []
docuLines.each { _docu << it }
valueLines.each { _value << it }
mandatoryLines.each { _mandatory << it }
parentObjectLines.each { _parentObject << it }
_parentObject << param
param = _parentObject*.trim().join('/').trim()
if(step.parameters[param].docu || step.parameters[param].value)
System.err << "[WARNING] There is already some documentation for parameter '${param}. Is this parameter documented twice?'\n"
step.parameters[param].docu = _docu*.trim().join(' ').trim()
step.parameters[param].value = _value*.trim().join(' ').trim()
step.parameters[param].mandatory = _mandatory*.trim().join(' ').trim()
if( line.trim() ==~ /^\/\*\*.*/ ) {
docu = true
if(docu) {
def _line = line
_line = _line.replaceAll('^\\s*', '') // leading white spaces
if(_line.startsWith('/**')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\/\\*\\*', '') // start comment
if(_line.startsWith('*/') || _line.trim().endsWith('*/')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\*/', '').replaceAll('\\*/\\s*$', '') // end comment
if(_line.startsWith('*')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\*', '') // continue comment
if(_line.startsWith(' ')) _line = _line.replaceAll('^\\s', '')
if(_line ==~ /.*@possibleValues.*/) {
mandatory = false // should be something like reset attributes
value = true
parentObject = false
// some remark for mandatory e.g. some parameters are only mandatory under certain conditions
if(_line ==~ /.*@mandatory.*/) {
value = false // should be something like reset attributes ...
mandatory = true
parentObject = false
// grouping config properties within a parent object for easier readability
if(_line ==~ /.*@parentConfigKey.*/) {
value = false // should be something like reset attributes ...
mandatory = false
parentObject = true
if(value) {
if(_line) {
_line = (_line =~ /.*@possibleValues\s*?(.*)/)[0][1]
valueLines << _line
if(mandatory) {
if(_line) {
_line = (_line =~ /.*@mandatory\s*?(.*)/)[0][1]
mandatoryLines << _line
if(parentObject) {
if(_line) {
_line = (_line =~ /.*@parentConfigKey\s*?(.*)/)[0][1]
parentObjectLines << _line
if(!value && !mandatory && !parentObject) {
docuLines << _line
if(docu && line.trim() ==~ /^.*\*\//) {
docu = false
value = false
mandatory = false
parentObject = false
docuEnd = true
private static isHeader(line) {
Matcher headerMatcher = (line =~ /(?:(?:def|void)\s*call\s*\()|(?:@.*)/ )
return headerMatcher.size() == 1
private static retrieveParameterName(line) {
Matcher m = (line =~ /.*'(.*)'.*/)
if(m.size() == 1 && m[0].size() == 2)
return m[0][1]
return null
static getScopedParameters(def script) {
def params = [:]
params.put('STEP_CONFIG', script.STEP_CONFIG_KEYS ?: [])
params.put('GENERAL_CONFIG', script.GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS ?: [] )
params.put('STAGE_CONFIG', script.PARAMETER_KEYS ?: [] )
return params
static getStageStepKeys(def script) {
try {
return script.STAGE_STEP_KEYS ?: []
} catch (groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException ex) {
System.err << "[INFO] STAGE_STEP_KEYS not set for: ${script.STEP_NAME}.\n"
return []
static getRequiredParameters(File f) {
def params = [] as Set
f.eachLine {
line ->
if (line ==~ /.*withMandatoryProperty\(.*/) {
def param = (line =~ /.*withMandatoryProperty\('(.*)'/)[0][1]
params << param
return params
static getParentObjectMappings(File f) {
def mappings = [:]
def parentObjectKey = ''
f.eachLine {
line ->
if (line ==~ /.*parentConfigKey.*/ && !parentObjectKey) {
def param = (line =~ /.*parentConfigKey\s*?(.*)/)[0][1]
parentObjectKey = param.trim()
} else if (line ==~ /\s*?(.*)[,]{0,1}/ && parentObjectKey) {
def pName = retrieveParameterName(line)
if(pName) {
mappings.put(pName, parentObjectKey)
parentObjectKey = ''
return mappings
static resolveDocuRelevantSteps(GroovyScriptEngine gse, File stepsDir) {
def docuRelevantSteps = []
stepsDir.traverse(type: FileType.FILES, maxDepth: 0) {
if(it.getName().endsWith('.groovy')) {
def scriptName = (it =~ /vars\${File.separator}(.*)\.groovy/)[0][1]
def stepScript = gse.createScript("${scriptName}.groovy", new Binding())
for (def method in stepScript.getClass().getMethods()) {
if(method.getName() == 'call' && (method.getAnnotation(GenerateDocumentation) != null || method.getAnnotation(GenerateStageDocumentation) != null)) {
docuRelevantSteps << scriptName
static resolveDocuRelevantStages(GroovyScriptEngine gse, File stepsDir) {
def docuRelevantStages = [:]
stepsDir.traverse(type: FileType.FILES, maxDepth: 0) {
if(it.getName().endsWith('.groovy')) {
def scriptName = (it =~ /vars\${File.separator}(.*)\.groovy/)[0][1]
def stepScript = gse.createScript("${scriptName}.groovy", new Binding())
for (def method in stepScript.getClass().getMethods()) {
GenerateStageDocumentation stageDocsAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(GenerateStageDocumentation)
if(method.getName() == 'call' && stageDocsAnnotation != null) {
docuRelevantStages[scriptName] = stageDocsAnnotation.defaultStageName()
roots = [
new File(Helper.projectRoot, "vars").getAbsolutePath(),
new File(Helper.projectRoot, "src").getAbsolutePath()
stepsDir = null
stepsDocuDir = null
stagesDocuDir = null
customDefaults = null
steps = []
// assign parameters
def cli = new CliBuilder(
usage: 'groovy createDocu [<options>]',
header: 'Options:',
footer: 'Copyright: SAP SE')
cli.with {
s longOpt: 'stepsDir', args: 1, argName: 'dir', 'The directory containing the steps. Defaults to \'vars\'.'
d longOpt: 'docuDir', args: 1, argName: 'dir', 'The directory containing the docu stubs. Defaults to \'documentation/docs/steps\'.'
p longOpt: 'docuDirStages', args: 1, argName: 'dir', 'The directory containing the docu stubs for pipeline stages. Defaults to \'documentation/docs/stages\'.'
c longOpt: 'customDefaults', args: 1, argName: 'file', 'Additional custom default configuration'
i longOpt: 'stageInitFile', args: 1, argName: 'file', 'The file containing initialization data for step piperInitRunStageConfiguration'
h longOpt: 'help', 'Prints this help.'
def options = cli.parse(args)
if(options.h) {
System.err << "Printing help.\n"
System.err << "[INFO] Using custom step root: ${options.s}.\n"
stepsDir = new File(Helper.projectRoot, options.s)
stepsDir = stepsDir ?: new File(Helper.projectRoot, "vars")
if(options.d) {
System.err << "[INFO] Using custom doc dir for steps: ${options.d}.\n"
stepsDocuDir = new File(Helper.projectRoot, options.d)
stepsDocuDir = stepsDocuDir ?: new File(Helper.projectRoot, "documentation/docs/steps")
if(options.p) {
System.err << "[INFO] Using custom doc dir for stages: ${options.p}.\n"
stagesDocuDir = new File(Helper.projectRoot, options.p)
stagesDocuDir = stagesDocuDir ?: new File(Helper.projectRoot, "documentation/docs/stages")
if(options.c) {
System.err << "[INFO] Using custom defaults: ${options.c}.\n"
customDefaults = options.c
// retrieve default conditions for steps
Map stageConfig
if (options.i) {
System.err << "[INFO] Using stageInitFile ${options.i}.\n"
stageConfig = Helper.getYamlResource(options.i)
System.err << "[INFO] Default stage configuration: ${stageConfig}.\n"
// assign parameters
// sanity checks
if( !stepsDocuDir.exists() ) {
System.err << "Steps docu dir '${stepsDocuDir}' does not exist.\n"
if( !stepsDir.exists() ) {
System.err << "Steps dir '${stepsDir}' does not exist.\n"
// sanity checks
def gse = new GroovyScriptEngine([ stepsDir.getAbsolutePath() ] as String[], GenerateDocumentation.class.getClassLoader() )
// find all the steps we have to document (if no step has been provided from outside)
if( ! steps) {
steps = Helper.resolveDocuRelevantSteps(gse, stepsDir)
} else {
System.err << "[INFO] Generating docu only for step ${steps.size > 1 ? 's' : ''} ${steps}.\n"
// find all the stages that we have to document
Map stages = Helper.resolveDocuRelevantStages(gse, stepsDir)
boolean exceptionCaught = false
def stepDescriptors = [:]
DefaultValueCache.prepare(Helper.getDummyScript('noop'), [customDefaults: customDefaults])
for (step in steps) {
try {
stepDescriptors."${step}" = handleStep(step, gse)
} catch(Exception e) {
exceptionCaught = true
def writer = new StringWriter()
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer))
System.err << "${e.getClass().getName()} caught while handling step '${step}': ${e.getMessage()}.\n${writer.toString()}\n"
// replace @see tag in docu by docu from referenced step.
for(step in stepDescriptors) {
if(step.value?.parameters) {
for(param in step.value.parameters) {
if( param?.value?.docu?.contains('@see')) {
def otherStep = param.value.docu.replaceAll('@see', '').trim()
param.value.docu = fetchTextFrom(otherStep, param.key, stepDescriptors)
param.value.mandatory = fetchMandatoryFrom(otherStep, param.key, stepDescriptors)
if(! param.value.value)
param.value.value = fetchPossibleValuesFrom(otherStep, param.key, stepDescriptors)
//update stepDescriptors: remove stages and put into separate stageDescriptors map
def stageDescriptors = [:]
stages.each {key, value ->
System.err << "[INFO] Processing stage '${key}' ...\n"
if (stepDescriptors."${key}") {
stageDescriptors."${key}" = [:] << stepDescriptors."${key}"
} else {
stageDescriptors."${key}" = [:]
//add stage name to stageDescriptors
stageDescriptors."${key}".name = value
//add stepCondition informmation to stageDescriptors
stageDescriptors."${key}".configConditions = stageConfig?.stages?.get(value)?.stepConditions
//identify step keys in stages
def stageStepKeys = Helper.getStageStepKeys(gse.createScript( "${key}.groovy", new Binding() ))
// prepare step descriptions
stageDescriptors."${key}".stepDescriptions = [:]
stageDescriptors."${key}".parameters.each {paramKey, paramValue ->
if (paramKey in stageStepKeys) {
stageDescriptors."${key}".stepDescriptions."${paramKey}" = "${paramValue.docu ?: ''}\n"
//remove details from parameter map
stageStepKeys.each {stepKey ->
for(step in stepDescriptors) {
try {
renderStep(step.key, step.value)
System.err << "[INFO] Step '${step.key}' has been rendered.\n"
} catch(Exception e) {
exceptionCaught = true
System.err << "${e.getClass().getName()} caught while rendering step '${step}': ${e.getMessage()}.\n"
for (stage in stageDescriptors) {
try {
renderStage(stage.key, stage.value)
System.err << "[INFO] Stage '${stage.key}' has been rendered.\n"
} catch(Exception e) {
exceptionCaught = true
System.err << "${e.getClass().getName()} caught while rendering stage '${stage}': ${e.getMessage()}.\n"
if(exceptionCaught) {
System.err << "[ERROR] Exception caught during generating documentation. Check earlier log for details.\n"
File docuMetaData = new File('target/docuMetaData.json')
if(docuMetaData.exists()) docuMetaData.delete()
docuMetaData << new JsonOutput().toJson(stepDescriptors)
System.err << "[INFO] done.\n"
void renderStep(stepName, stepProperties) {
File theStepDocu = new File(stepsDocuDir, "${stepName}.md")
if(!theStepDocu.exists()) {
System.err << "[WARNING] step docu input file for step '${stepName}' is missing.\n"
def binding = [
docGenStepName : stepName,
docGenDescription : 'Description\n\n' + stepProperties.description,
docGenParameters : 'Parameters\n\n' + TemplateHelper.createParametersSection(stepProperties.parameters),
docGenConfiguration : 'Step configuration\n\n' + TemplateHelper.createStepConfigurationSection(stepProperties.parameters),
docJenkinsPluginDependencies : 'Dependencies\n\n' + TemplateHelper.createDependencyList(stepProperties.dependencies)
def template = new StreamingTemplateEngine().createTemplate(theStepDocu.text)
String text = template.make(binding)
theStepDocu.withWriter { w -> w.write text }
void renderStage(stageName, stageProperties) {
def stageFileName = stageName.indexOf('Stage') != -1 ? stageName.split('Stage')[1].toLowerCase() : stageFileName
File theStageDocu = new File(stagesDocuDir, "${stageFileName}.md")
if(!theStageDocu.exists()) {
System.err << "[WARNING] stage docu input file for stage '${stageName}' is missing.\n"
def binding = [
docGenStageName : stageProperties.name,
docGenDescription : stageProperties.description,
docGenStageContent : 'Stage Content\n\n' + TemplateHelper.createStageContentSection(stageProperties.stepDescriptions),
docGenStageActivation: 'Stage Activation\n\n' + TemplateHelper.createStageActivationSection(),
docGenStepActivation: 'Step Activation\n\n' + TemplateHelper.createStepActivationSection(stageProperties.configConditions),
docGenStageParameters : 'Additional Stage Parameters\n\n' + TemplateHelper.createParametersSection(stageProperties.parameters),
docGenStageConfiguration : 'Configuration of Additional Stage Parameters\n\n' + TemplateHelper.createStageConfigurationSection()
def template = new StreamingTemplateEngine().createTemplate(theStageDocu.text)
String text = template.make(binding)
theStageDocu.withWriter { w -> w.write text }
def fetchTextFrom(def step, def parameterName, def steps) {
try {
def docuFromOtherStep = steps[step]?.parameters[parameterName]?.docu
if(! docuFromOtherStep) throw new IllegalStateException("No docu found for parameter '${parameterName}' in step ${step}.")
return docuFromOtherStep
} catch(e) {
System.err << "[ERROR] Cannot retrieve docu for parameter ${parameterName} from step ${step}.\n"
throw e
def fetchMandatoryFrom(def step, def parameterName, def steps) {
try {
return steps[step]?.parameters[parameterName]?.mandatory
} catch(e) {
System.err << "[ERROR] Cannot retrieve docu for parameter ${parameterName} from step ${step}.\n"
throw e
def fetchPossibleValuesFrom(def step, def parameterName, def steps) {
return steps[step]?.parameters[parameterName]?.value ?: ''
def handleStep(stepName, gse) {
File theStep = new File(stepsDir, "${stepName}.groovy")
File theStepDocu = new File(stepsDocuDir, "${stepName}.md")
File theStepDeps = new File('documentation/jenkins_workspace/plugin_mapping.json')
def stageNameFields = stepName.split('Stage')
if (!theStepDocu.exists() && stepName.indexOf('Stage') != -1 && stageNameFields.size() > 1) {
//try to get a corresponding stage documentation
def stageName = stepName.split('Stage')[1].toLowerCase()
theStepDocu = new File(stagesDocuDir,"${stageName}.md" )
if(!theStepDocu.exists()) {
System.err << "[WARNING] step docu input file for step '${stepName}' is missing.\n"
System.err << "[INFO] Handling step '${stepName}'.\n"
def defaultConfig = Helper.getConfigHelper(getClass().getClassLoader(),
def params = [] as Set
// scopedParameters is a map containing the scope as key and the parameters
// defined with that scope as a set of strings.
def scopedParameters
try {
scopedParameters = Helper.getScopedParameters(gse.createScript( "${stepName}.groovy", new Binding() ))
scopedParameters.each { k, v -> params.addAll(v) }
} catch(Exception e) {
System.err << "[ERROR] Step '${stepName}' violates naming convention for scoped parameters: ${e}.\n"
throw e
def requiredParameters = Helper.getRequiredParameters(theStep)
// translate parameter names according to compatibility annotations
def parentObjectMappings = Helper.getParentObjectMappings(theStep)
def compatibleParams = [] as Set
if(parentObjectMappings) {
params.each {
if (parentObjectMappings[it])
compatibleParams.add(parentObjectMappings[it] + '/' + it)
if (compatibleParams)
params = compatibleParams
// 'dependentConfig' is only present here for internal reasons and that entry is removed at
// end of method.
def step = [
dependencies: (Set)[],
dependentConfig: [:]
// provide dependencies to Jenkins plugins
if(theStepDeps.exists()) {
def pluginDependencies = new JsonSlurper().parse(theStepDeps)
step.dependencies.addAll(pluginDependencies[stepName].collect { k, v -> k })
// START special handling for 'script' parameter
// ... would be better if there is no special handling required ...
step.parameters['script'] = [
docu: 'The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. ' +
'Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline ' +
'step is provided with the `this` parameter, as in `script: this`. ' +
'This allows the function to access the ' +
'`commonPipelineEnvironment` for retrieving, e.g. configuration parameters.',
required: true,
// END special handling for 'script' parameter
Helper.normalize(params).toSorted().each {
it ->
def defaultValue = MapUtils.getByPath(defaultConfig, it)
def parameterProperties = [
defaultValue: defaultValue,
required: requiredParameters.contains((it as String)) && defaultValue == null
step.parameters.put(it, parameterProperties)
// The scope is only defined for the first level of a hierarchical configuration.
// If the first part is found, all nested parameters are allowed with that scope.
def firstPart = it.split('/').head()
scopedParameters.each { key, val ->
parameterProperties.put(key, val.contains(firstPart))
Helper.scanDocu(theStep, step)
step.parameters.each { k, v ->
if(step.dependentConfig.get(k)) {
def dependentParameterKey = step.dependentConfig.get(k)[0]
def dependentValues = step.parameters.get(dependentParameterKey)?.value
if (dependentValues) {
def the_defaults = []
.replaceAll('[\'"` ]', '')
.split(',').each {possibleValue ->
if (!possibleValue instanceof Boolean && defaultConfig.get(possibleValue)) {
the_defaults <<
dependentParameterKey: dependentParameterKey,
key: possibleValue,
value: MapUtils.getByPath(defaultConfig.get(possibleValue), k)
v.defaultValue = the_defaults
// 'dependentConfig' is only present for internal purposes and must not be used outside.