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import com.sap.piper.JenkinsUtils
import static com.sap.piper.Prerequisites.checkScript
import com.sap.piper.GenerateDocumentation
import com.sap.piper.Utils
import com.sap.piper.ConfigurationHelper
import com.sap.piper.CfManifestUtils
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field String STEP_NAME = getClass().getName()
* Cloud Foundry API endpoint.
* @parentConfigKey cloudFoundry
* Defines the name of the application to be deployed to the Cloud Foundry space.
* @parentConfigKey cloudFoundry
* Credentials to be used for deployment.
* @parentConfigKey cloudFoundry
* Defines the manifest to be used for deployment to Cloud Foundry.
* @parentConfigKey cloudFoundry
* Cloud Foundry target organization.
* @parentConfigKey cloudFoundry
* Cloud Foundry target space.
* @parentConfigKey cloudFoundry
* Defines the tool which should be used for deployment.
* @possibleValues 'cf_native', 'mtaDeployPlugin'
* Defines the type of deployment, either `standard` deployment which results in a system downtime or a zero-downtime `blue-green` deployment.
* @possibleValues 'standard', 'blue-green'
* In case of a `blue-green` deployment the old instance will be deleted by default. If this option is set to true the old instance will remain stopped in the Cloud Foundry space.
* @possibleValues true, false
/** @see dockerExecute */
/** @see dockerExecute */
/** @see dockerExecute */
* Defines additional parameters passed to mta for deployment with the mtaDeployPlugin.
* Defines additional extension descriptor file for deployment with the mtaDeployPlugin.
* Defines the path to *.mtar for deployment with the mtaDeployPlugin.
* Allows to specify a script which performs a check during blue-green deployment. The script gets the FQDN as parameter and returns `exit code 0` in case check returned `smokeTestStatusCode`.
* More details can be found [here](https://github.com/bluemixgaragelondon/cf-blue-green-deploy#how-to-use) <br /> Currently this option is only considered for deployTool `cf_native`.
* Expected status code returned by the check.
@Field Map CONFIG_KEY_COMPATIBILITY = [cloudFoundry: [apiEndpoint: 'cfApiEndpoint', appName:'cfAppName', credentialsId: 'cfCredentialsId', manifest: 'cfManifest', org: 'cfOrg', space: 'cfSpace']]
* Deploys an application to a test or production space within Cloud Foundry.
* Deployment can be done
* * in a standard way
* * in a zero downtime manner (using a [blue-green deployment approach](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/BlueGreenDeployment.html))
* !!! note "Deployment supports multiple deployment tools"
* Currently the following are supported:
* * Standard `cf push` and [Bluemix blue-green plugin](https://github.com/bluemixgaragelondon/cf-blue-green-deploy#how-to-use)
* * [MTA CF CLI Plugin](https://github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/multiapps-cli-plugin)
* !!! note
* Due to [an incompatible change](https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli/issues/1445) in the Cloud Foundry CLI, multiple buildpacks are not supported by this step.
* If your `application` contains a list of `buildpacks` instead a single `buildpack`, this will be automatically re-written by the step when blue-green deployment is used.
* !!! note
* Cloud Foundry supports the deployment of multiple applications using a single manifest file.
* This option is supported with Piper.
* In this case define `appName: ''` since the app name for the individual applications have to be defined via the manifest.
* You can find details in the [Cloud Foundry Documentation](https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/manifest.html#multi-apps)
void call(Map parameters = [:]) {
handlePipelineStepErrors (stepName: STEP_NAME, stepParameters: parameters) {
def utils = parameters.juStabUtils ?: new Utils()
def jenkinsUtils = parameters.jenkinsUtilsStub ?: new JenkinsUtils()
final script = checkScript(this, parameters) ?: this
Map config = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this)
.mixinGeneralConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, GENERAL_CONFIG_KEYS, CONFIG_KEY_COMPATIBILITY)
.mixinStepConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS, CONFIG_KEY_COMPATIBILITY)
.mixinStageConfig(script.commonPipelineEnvironment, parameters.stageName?:env.STAGE_NAME, STEP_CONFIG_KEYS, CONFIG_KEY_COMPATIBILITY)
step: STEP_NAME,
stepParamKey1: 'deployTool',
stepParam1: config.deployTool,
stepParamKey2: 'deployType',
stepParam2: config.deployType,
stepParamKey3: 'scriptMissing',
stepParam3: parameters?.script == null
], config)
echo "[${STEP_NAME}] General parameters: deployTool=${config.deployTool}, deployType=${config.deployType}, cfApiEndpoint=${config.cloudFoundry.apiEndpoint}, cfOrg=${config.cloudFoundry.org}, cfSpace=${config.cloudFoundry.space}, cfCredentialsId=${config.cloudFoundry.credentialsId}"
//make sure that all relevant descriptors, are available in workspace
//make sure that for further execution whole workspace, e.g. also downloaded artifacts are considered
config.stashContent = []
boolean deploy = false
boolean deploySuccess = true
try {
if (config.deployTool == 'mtaDeployPlugin') {
deploy = true
// set default mtar path
config = ConfigurationHelper.newInstance(this, config)
.addIfEmpty('mtaPath', config.mtaPath?:findMtar())
dockerExecute(script: script, dockerImage: config.dockerImage, dockerWorkspace: config.dockerWorkspace, stashContent: config.stashContent) {
if (config.deployTool == 'cf_native') {
deploy = true
config.smokeTest = ''
if (config.smokeTestScript == 'blueGreenCheckScript.sh') {
writeFile file: config.smokeTestScript, text: libraryResource(config.smokeTestScript)
config.smokeTest = '--smoke-test $(pwd)/' + config.smokeTestScript
sh "chmod +x ${config.smokeTestScript}"
echo "[${STEP_NAME}] CF native deployment (${config.deployType}) with cfAppName=${config.cloudFoundry.appName}, cfManifest=${config.cloudFoundry.manifest}, smokeTestScript=${config.smokeTestScript}"
dockerExecute (
script: script,
dockerImage: config.dockerImage,
dockerWorkspace: config.dockerWorkspace,
stashContent: config.stashContent,
dockerEnvVars: [CF_HOME:"${config.dockerWorkspace}", CF_PLUGIN_HOME:"${config.dockerWorkspace}", STATUS_CODE: "${config.smokeTestStatusCode}"]
) {
} catch (err) {
deploySuccess = false
throw err
} finally {
if (deploy) {
reportToInflux(script, config, deploySuccess, jenkinsUtils)
def findMtar(){
def mtarFiles = findFiles(glob: '**/*.mtar')
if(mtarFiles.length > 1){
error "Found multiple *.mtar files, please specify file via mtaPath parameter! ${mtarFiles}"
if(mtarFiles.length == 1){
return mtarFiles[0].path
error 'No *.mtar file found!'
def deployCfNative (config) {
credentialsId: config.cloudFoundry.credentialsId,
passwordVariable: 'password',
usernameVariable: 'username'
)]) {
def deployCommand = selectCfDeployCommandForDeployType(config)
if (config.deployType == 'blue-green') {
} else {
config.smokeTest = ''
def blueGreenDeployOptions = deleteOptionIfRequired(config)
// check if appName is available
if (config.cloudFoundry.appName == null || config.cloudFoundry.appName == '') {
if (config.deployType == 'blue-green') {
error "[${STEP_NAME}] ERROR: Blue-green plugin requires app name to be passed (see https://github.com/bluemixgaragelondon/cf-blue-green-deploy/issues/27)"
if (fileExists(config.cloudFoundry.manifest)) {
def manifest = readYaml file: config.cloudFoundry.manifest
if (!manifest || !manifest.applications || !manifest.applications[0].name)
error "[${STEP_NAME}] ERROR: No appName available in manifest ${config.cloudFoundry.manifest}."
} else {
error "[${STEP_NAME}] ERROR: No manifest file ${config.cloudFoundry.manifest} found."
def returnCode = sh returnStatus: true, script: """#!/bin/bash
set +x
set -e
export HOME=${config.dockerWorkspace}
cf login -u \"${username}\" -p '${password}' -a ${config.cloudFoundry.apiEndpoint} -o \"${config.cloudFoundry.org}\" -s \"${config.cloudFoundry.space}\"
cf plugins
cf ${deployCommand} ${config.cloudFoundry.appName ?: ''} ${blueGreenDeployOptions} -f '${config.cloudFoundry.manifest}' ${config.smokeTest}
if(returnCode != 0){
error "[ERROR][${STEP_NAME}] The execution of the deploy command failed, see the log for details."
sh "cf logout"
private String selectCfDeployCommandForDeployType(Map config) {
if (config.deployType == 'blue-green') {
return 'blue-green-deploy'
} else {
return 'push'
private String deleteOptionIfRequired(Map config) {
boolean deleteOldInstance = !config.keepOldInstance
if (deleteOldInstance && config.deployType == 'blue-green') {
return '--delete-old-apps'
} else {
return ''
private void stopOldAppIfRunning(Map config) {
String oldAppName = "${config.cloudFoundry.appName}-old"
String cfStopOutputFileName = "${UUID.randomUUID()}-cfStopOutput.txt"
if (config.keepOldInstance && config.deployType == 'blue-green') {
int cfStopReturncode = sh (returnStatus: true, script: "cf stop $oldAppName &> $cfStopOutputFileName")
if (cfStopReturncode > 0) {
String cfStopOutput = readFile(file: cfStopOutputFileName)
if (!cfStopOutput.contains("$oldAppName not found")) {
error "Could not stop application $oldAppName. Error: $cfStopOutput"
def deployMta (config) {
if (config.mtaExtensionDescriptor == null) config.mtaExtensionDescriptor = ''
if (!config.mtaExtensionDescriptor.isEmpty() && !config.mtaExtensionDescriptor.startsWith('-e ')) config.mtaExtensionDescriptor = "-e ${config.mtaExtensionDescriptor}"
def deployCommand = 'deploy'
if (config.deployType == 'blue-green') {
deployCommand = 'bg-deploy'
if (config.mtaDeployParameters.indexOf('--no-confirm') < 0) {
config.mtaDeployParameters += ' --no-confirm'
credentialsId: config.cloudFoundry.credentialsId,
passwordVariable: 'password',
usernameVariable: 'username'
)]) {
echo "[${STEP_NAME}] Deploying MTA (${config.mtaPath}) with following parameters: ${config.mtaExtensionDescriptor} ${config.mtaDeployParameters}"
def returnCode = sh returnStatus: true, script: """#!/bin/bash
export HOME=${config.dockerWorkspace}
set +x
set -e
cf api ${config.cloudFoundry.apiEndpoint}
cf login -u ${username} -p '${password}' -a ${config.cloudFoundry.apiEndpoint} -o \"${config.cloudFoundry.org}\" -s \"${config.cloudFoundry.space}\"
cf plugins
cf ${deployCommand} ${config.mtaPath} ${config.mtaDeployParameters} ${config.mtaExtensionDescriptor}"""
if(returnCode != 0){
error "[ERROR][${STEP_NAME}] The execution of the deploy command failed, see the log for details."
sh "cf logout"
def handleLegacyCfManifest(config) {
def manifest = readYaml file: config.cloudFoundry.manifest
String originalManifest = manifest.toString()
manifest = CfManifestUtils.transform(manifest)
String transformedManifest = manifest.toString()
if (originalManifest != transformedManifest) {
echo """The file ${config.cloudFoundry.manifest} is not compatible with the Cloud Foundry blue-green deployment plugin. Re-writing inline.
See this issue if you are interested in the background: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli/issues/1445.\n
Original manifest file content: $originalManifest\n
Transformed manifest file content: $transformedManifest"""
sh "rm ${config.cloudFoundry.manifest}"
writeYaml file: config.cloudFoundry.manifest, data: manifest
private void reportToInflux(script, config, deploySuccess, JenkinsUtils jenkinsUtils) {
def deployUser = ''
credentialsId: config.cloudFoundry.credentialsId,
passwordVariable: 'password',
usernameVariable: 'username'
)]) {
deployUser = username
def timeFinished = new Date().format( 'MMM dd, yyyy - HH:mm:ss' )
def triggerCause = jenkinsUtils.isJobStartedByUser()?'USER':(jenkinsUtils.isJobStartedByTimer()?'TIMER': 'OTHER')
def deploymentData = [deployment_data: [
artifactUrl: 'n/a', //might be added later on during pipeline run (written to commonPipelineEnvironment)
deployTime: timeFinished,
jobTrigger: triggerCause
def deploymentDataTags = [deployment_data: [
artifactVersion: script.commonPipelineEnvironment.getArtifactVersion(),
deployUser: deployUser,
deployResult: deploySuccess?'SUCCESS':'FAILURE',
cfApiEndpoint: config.cloudFoundry.apiEndpoint,
cfOrg: config.cloudFoundry.org,
cfSpace: config.cloudFoundry.space,
influxWriteData script: script, customData: [:], customDataTags: [:], customDataMap: deploymentData, customDataMapTags: deploymentDataTags