mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
* Add proxy config for sonar scan step Update sonar.go Import fmt Update sonar.go Use serverUrl from config Update sonarExecuteScan.go Add proxy param Add proxy check Update sonarExecuteScan.go Update sonarExecuteScan.go Update http.go Update sonarExecuteScan.go Update sonarExecuteScan.go Add env variable Fix typo Fix string Split host port Typo Remove echoes * Code review change * Refactor * Update cmd/sonarExecuteScan.go Co-authored-by: dimitrij-afonitschkin <131276293+dimitrij-afonitschkin@users.noreply.github.com> * Add proxy config for sonar scan step Update sonar.go Import fmt Update sonar.go Use serverUrl from config Update sonarExecuteScan.go Add proxy param Add proxy check Update sonarExecuteScan.go Update sonarExecuteScan.go Update http.go Update sonarExecuteScan.go Update sonarExecuteScan.go Add env variable Fix typo Fix string Split host port Typo Remove echoes * Code review change * Refactor * Update cmd/sonarExecuteScan.go Co-authored-by: dimitrij-afonitschkin <131276293+dimitrij-afonitschkin@users.noreply.github.com> * Add compatability to other usecases --------- Co-authored-by: dimitrij-afonitschkin <131276293+dimitrij-afonitschkin@users.noreply.github.com>
509 lines
18 KiB
509 lines
18 KiB
package cmd
import (
piperhttp "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/http"
keytool "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/java"
SonarUtils "github.com/SAP/jenkins-library/pkg/sonar"
type sonarSettings struct {
workingDir string
binary string
environment []string
options []string
func (s *sonarSettings) addEnvironment(element string) {
s.environment = append(s.environment, element)
func (s *sonarSettings) addOption(element string) {
s.options = append(s.options, element)
var (
sonar sonarSettings
execLookPath = exec.LookPath
fileUtilsExists = piperutils.FileExists
fileUtilsUnzip = piperutils.Unzip
osRename = os.Rename
osStat = os.Stat
doublestarGlob = doublestar.Glob
const (
javaBinaries = "sonar.java.binaries="
javaLibraries = "sonar.java.libraries="
coverageExclusions = "sonar.coverage.exclusions="
pomXMLPattern = "**/pom.xml"
func sonarExecuteScan(config sonarExecuteScanOptions, _ *telemetry.CustomData, influx *sonarExecuteScanInflux) {
runner := command.Command{
ErrorCategoryMapping: map[string][]string{
log.ErrorConfiguration.String(): {
"You must define the following mandatory properties for '*': *",
"org.sonar.java.AnalysisException: Your project contains .java files, please provide compiled classes with sonar.java.binaries property, or exclude them from the analysis with sonar.exclusions property.",
"ERROR: Invalid value for *",
"java.lang.IllegalStateException: No files nor directories matching '*'",
log.ErrorInfrastructure.String(): {
"ERROR: SonarQube server [*] can not be reached",
"Caused by: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: timeout",
"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to request *",
"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to download plugin [*] into *",
// reroute command output to logging framework
// client for downloading the sonar-scanner
downloadClient := &piperhttp.Client{}
downloadClient.SetOptions(piperhttp.ClientOptions{TransportTimeout: 20 * time.Second})
// client for talking to the SonarQube API
apiClient := &piperhttp.Client{}
proxy := config.Proxy
if proxy != "" {
transportProxy, err := url.Parse(proxy)
if err != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatalf("Failed to parse proxy string %v into a URL structure", proxy)
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(transportProxy.Host)
if err != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatalf("Failed to retrieve host and port from the proxy URL")
// provide proxy setting for Java based Sonar scanner
javaToolOptions := fmt.Sprintf("-Dhttp.proxyHost=%v -Dhttp.proxyPort=%v", host, port)
os.Setenv("JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS", javaToolOptions)
apiClient.SetOptions(piperhttp.ClientOptions{TransportProxy: transportProxy, TransportSkipVerification: true})
log.Entry().Infof("HTTP client instructed to use %v proxy", proxy)
} else {
//TODO: implement certificate handling
apiClient.SetOptions(piperhttp.ClientOptions{TransportSkipVerification: true})
sonar = sonarSettings{
workingDir: "./",
binary: "sonar-scanner",
environment: []string{},
options: []string{},
influx.step_data.fields.sonar = false
fileUtils := piperutils.Files{}
if err := runSonar(config, downloadClient, &runner, apiClient, &fileUtils, influx); err != nil {
if log.GetErrorCategory() == log.ErrorUndefined && runner.GetExitCode() == 2 {
// see https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-scanner-cli/blob/adb67d645c3bcb9b46f29dea06ba082ebec9ba7a/src/main/java/org/sonarsource/scanner/cli/Exit.java#L25
log.Entry().WithError(err).Fatal("Execution failed")
influx.step_data.fields.sonar = true
func runSonar(config sonarExecuteScanOptions, client piperhttp.Downloader, runner command.ExecRunner, apiClient SonarUtils.Sender, utils piperutils.FileUtils, influx *sonarExecuteScanInflux) error {
// Set config based on orchestrator-specific environment variables
if len(config.ServerURL) > 0 {
sonar.addEnvironment("SONAR_HOST_URL=" + config.ServerURL)
if len(config.Token) == 0 {
log.Entry().Warn("sonar token not set")
// use token provided by sonar-scanner-jenkins plugin
// https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-scanner-jenkins/blob/441ef2f485884758b60767bed2ef8a1a0a7fc863/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/sonar/SonarBuildWrapper.java#L132
if len(os.Getenv("SONAR_AUTH_TOKEN")) > 0 {
log.Entry().Info("using token from env var SONAR_AUTH_TOKEN")
config.Token = os.Getenv("SONAR_AUTH_TOKEN")
if len(config.Token) > 0 {
sonar.addEnvironment("SONAR_TOKEN=" + config.Token)
if len(config.Organization) > 0 {
sonar.addOption("sonar.organization=" + config.Organization)
if len(config.Version) > 0 {
version := config.CustomScanVersion
if len(version) > 0 {
log.Entry().Infof("Using custom version: %v", version)
} else {
version = versioning.ApplyVersioningModel(config.VersioningModel, config.Version)
sonar.addOption("sonar.projectVersion=" + version)
if GeneralConfig.Verbose {
if len(config.ProjectKey) > 0 {
sonar.addOption("sonar.projectKey=" + config.ProjectKey)
if len(config.M2Path) > 0 && config.InferJavaLibraries {
sonar.addOption(javaLibraries + filepath.Join(config.M2Path, "**"))
if len(config.CoverageExclusions) > 0 && !isInOptions(config, coverageExclusions) {
sonar.addOption(coverageExclusions + strings.Join(config.CoverageExclusions, ","))
if config.InferJavaBinaries && !isInOptions(config, javaBinaries) {
if config.WaitForQualityGate {
if err := handlePullRequest(config); err != nil {
return err
if err := loadSonarScanner(config.SonarScannerDownloadURL, client); err != nil {
return err
if err := loadCertificates(config.CustomTLSCertificateLinks, client, runner); err != nil {
return err
if len(config.Options) > 0 {
sonar.options = append(sonar.options, config.Options...)
sonar.options = piperutils.PrefixIfNeeded(piperutils.Trim(sonar.options), "-D")
WithField("command", sonar.binary).
WithField("options", sonar.options).
WithField("environment", sonar.environment).
Debug("Executing sonar scan command")
// execute scan
err := runner.RunExecutable(sonar.binary, sonar.options...)
if err != nil {
return err
// as PRs are handled locally for legacy SonarQube systems, no measurements will be fetched.
if len(config.ChangeID) > 0 && config.LegacyPRHandling {
return nil
// load task results
taskReport, err := SonarUtils.ReadTaskReport(sonar.workingDir)
if err != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(err).Warning("no scan report found")
return nil
var serverUrl string
if len(config.Proxy) > 0 {
serverUrl = config.ServerURL
} else {
serverUrl = taskReport.ServerURL
// write reports JSON
reports := []piperutils.Path{
Target: "sonarscan.json",
Mandatory: false,
// write links JSON
links := []piperutils.Path{
Target: taskReport.DashboardURL,
Name: "Sonar Web UI",
piperutils.PersistReportsAndLinks("sonarExecuteScan", sonar.workingDir, utils, reports, links)
if len(config.Token) == 0 {
log.Entry().Warn("no measurements are fetched due to missing credentials")
return nil
taskService := SonarUtils.NewTaskService(serverUrl, config.Token, taskReport.TaskID, apiClient)
// wait for analysis task to complete
err = taskService.WaitForTask()
if err != nil {
return err
// fetch number of issues by severity
issueService := SonarUtils.NewIssuesService(serverUrl, config.Token, taskReport.ProjectKey, config.Organization, config.BranchName, config.ChangeID, apiClient)
influx.sonarqube_data.fields.blocker_issues, err = issueService.GetNumberOfBlockerIssues()
if err != nil {
return err
influx.sonarqube_data.fields.critical_issues, err = issueService.GetNumberOfCriticalIssues()
if err != nil {
return err
influx.sonarqube_data.fields.major_issues, err = issueService.GetNumberOfMajorIssues()
if err != nil {
return err
influx.sonarqube_data.fields.minor_issues, err = issueService.GetNumberOfMinorIssues()
if err != nil {
return err
influx.sonarqube_data.fields.info_issues, err = issueService.GetNumberOfInfoIssues()
if err != nil {
return err
reportData := SonarUtils.ReportData{
ServerURL: taskReport.ServerURL,
ProjectKey: taskReport.ProjectKey,
TaskID: taskReport.TaskID,
ChangeID: config.ChangeID,
BranchName: config.BranchName,
Organization: config.Organization,
NumberOfIssues: SonarUtils.Issues{
Blocker: influx.sonarqube_data.fields.blocker_issues,
Critical: influx.sonarqube_data.fields.critical_issues,
Major: influx.sonarqube_data.fields.major_issues,
Minor: influx.sonarqube_data.fields.minor_issues,
Info: influx.sonarqube_data.fields.info_issues,
componentService := SonarUtils.NewMeasuresComponentService(serverUrl, config.Token, taskReport.ProjectKey, config.Organization, config.BranchName, config.ChangeID, apiClient)
cov, err := componentService.GetCoverage()
if err != nil {
log.Entry().Warnf("failed to retrieve sonar coverage data: %v", err)
} else {
reportData.Coverage = cov
loc, err := componentService.GetLinesOfCode()
if err != nil {
log.Entry().Warnf("failed to retrieve sonar lines of code data: %v", err)
} else {
reportData.LinesOfCode = loc
log.Entry().Debugf("Influx values: %v", influx.sonarqube_data.fields)
err = SonarUtils.WriteReport(reportData, sonar.workingDir, ioutil.WriteFile)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// isInOptions returns true, if the given property is already provided in config.Options.
func isInOptions(config sonarExecuteScanOptions, property string) bool {
property = strings.TrimSuffix(property, "=")
return piperutils.ContainsStringPart(config.Options, property)
func addJavaBinaries() {
pomFiles, err := doublestarGlob(pomXMLPattern)
if err != nil {
log.Entry().Warnf("failed to glob for pom modules: %v", err)
var binaries []string
var classesDirs = []string{"classes", "test-classes"}
for _, pomFile := range pomFiles {
module := filepath.Dir(pomFile)
for _, classDir := range classesDirs {
classesPath := filepath.Join(module, "target", classDir)
_, err := osStat(classesPath)
if err == nil {
binaries = append(binaries, classesPath)
if len(binaries) > 0 {
sonar.addOption(javaBinaries + strings.Join(binaries, ","))
func handlePullRequest(config sonarExecuteScanOptions) error {
if len(config.ChangeID) > 0 {
if config.LegacyPRHandling {
// see https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/PLUG/GitHub+Plugin
sonar.addOption("sonar.github.pullRequest=" + config.ChangeID)
if len(config.GithubAPIURL) > 0 {
sonar.addOption("sonar.github.endpoint=" + config.GithubAPIURL)
if len(config.GithubToken) > 0 {
sonar.addOption("sonar.github.oauth=" + config.GithubToken)
if len(config.Owner) > 0 && len(config.Repository) > 0 {
sonar.addOption("sonar.github.repository=" + config.Owner + "/" + config.Repository)
if config.DisableInlineComments {
sonar.addOption("sonar.github.disableInlineComments=" + strconv.FormatBool(config.DisableInlineComments))
} else {
// see https://sonarcloud.io/documentation/analysis/pull-request/
provider := strings.ToLower(config.PullRequestProvider)
if provider == "github" {
if len(config.Owner) > 0 && len(config.Repository) > 0 {
sonar.addOption("sonar.pullrequest.github.repository=" + config.Owner + "/" + config.Repository)
} else {
return errors.New("Pull-Request provider '" + provider + "' is not supported!")
sonar.addOption("sonar.pullrequest.key=" + config.ChangeID)
sonar.addOption("sonar.pullrequest.base=" + config.ChangeTarget)
sonar.addOption("sonar.pullrequest.branch=" + config.ChangeBranch)
sonar.addOption("sonar.pullrequest.provider=" + provider)
} else if len(config.BranchName) > 0 {
sonar.addOption("sonar.branch.name=" + config.BranchName)
return nil
func loadSonarScanner(url string, client piperhttp.Downloader) error {
if scannerPath, err := execLookPath(sonar.binary); err == nil {
// using existing sonar-scanner
log.Entry().WithField("path", scannerPath).Debug("Using local sonar-scanner")
} else if len(url) != 0 {
// download sonar-scanner-cli into TEMP folder
log.Entry().WithField("url", url).Debug("Downloading sonar-scanner")
tmpFolder := getTempDir()
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpFolder) // clean up
archive := filepath.Join(tmpFolder, path.Base(url))
if err := client.DownloadFile(url, archive, nil, nil); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Download of sonar-scanner failed")
// unzip sonar-scanner-cli
log.Entry().WithField("source", archive).WithField("target", tmpFolder).Debug("Extracting sonar-scanner")
if _, err := fileUtilsUnzip(archive, tmpFolder); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Extraction of sonar-scanner failed")
// move sonar-scanner-cli to .sonar-scanner/
toolPath := ".sonar-scanner"
foldername := strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ReplaceAll(archive, ".zip", ""), "cli-", "")
log.Entry().WithField("source", foldername).WithField("target", toolPath).Debug("Moving sonar-scanner")
if err := osRename(foldername, toolPath); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Moving of sonar-scanner failed")
// update binary path
sonar.binary = filepath.Join(getWorkingDir(), toolPath, "bin", sonar.binary)
log.Entry().Debug("Download completed")
return nil
func loadCertificates(certificateList []string, client piperhttp.Downloader, runner command.ExecRunner) error {
truststorePath := filepath.Join(getWorkingDir(), ".certificates")
truststoreFile := filepath.Join(truststorePath, "cacerts")
if exists, _ := fileUtilsExists(truststoreFile); exists {
// use local existing trust store
sonar.addEnvironment("SONAR_SCANNER_OPTS=" + keytool.GetMavenOpts(truststoreFile))
log.Entry().WithField("trust store", truststoreFile).Info("Using local trust store")
} else if len(certificateList) > 0 {
// create download temp dir
tmpFolder := getTempDir()
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpFolder) // clean up
if err := os.MkdirAll(truststorePath, 0777); err != nil {
log.Entry().Warningf("failed to create directory %v: %v", truststorePath, err)
// copying existing truststore
defaultTruststorePath := keytool.GetDefaultTruststorePath()
if exists, _ := fileUtilsExists(defaultTruststorePath); exists {
if err := keytool.ImportTruststore(runner, truststoreFile, defaultTruststorePath); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Copying existing keystore failed")
// use local created trust store with downloaded certificates
for _, certificate := range certificateList {
target := filepath.Join(tmpFolder, path.Base(certificate))
log.Entry().WithField("source", certificate).WithField("target", target).Info("Downloading TLS certificate")
// download certificate
if err := client.DownloadFile(certificate, target, nil, nil); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Download of TLS certificate failed")
// add certificate to keystore
if err := keytool.ImportCert(runner, truststoreFile, target); err != nil {
log.Entry().Warnf("Adding certificate to keystore failed")
// return errors.Wrap(err, "Adding certificate to keystore failed")
sonar.addEnvironment("SONAR_SCANNER_OPTS=" + keytool.GetMavenOpts(truststoreFile))
log.Entry().WithField("trust store", truststoreFile).Info("Using local trust store")
} else {
log.Entry().Debug("Download of TLS certificates skipped")
return nil
func getWorkingDir() string {
workingDir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(err).WithField("path", workingDir).Debug("Retrieving of work directory failed")
return workingDir
func getTempDir() string {
tmpFolder, err := ioutil.TempDir(".", "temp-")
if err != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(err).WithField("path", tmpFolder).Debug("Creating temp directory failed")
return tmpFolder
// Fetches parameters from environment variables and updates the options accordingly (only if not already set)
func detectParametersFromCI(options *sonarExecuteScanOptions) {
provider, err := orchestrator.NewOrchestratorSpecificConfigProvider()
if err != nil {
log.Entry().WithError(err).Warning("Cannot infer config from CI environment")
if provider.IsPullRequest() {
config := provider.GetPullRequestConfig()
if len(options.ChangeBranch) == 0 {
log.Entry().Info("Inferring parameter changeBranch from environment: " + config.Branch)
options.ChangeBranch = config.Branch
if len(options.ChangeTarget) == 0 {
log.Entry().Info("Inferring parameter changeTarget from environment: " + config.Base)
options.ChangeTarget = config.Base
if len(options.ChangeID) == 0 {
log.Entry().Info("Inferring parameter changeId from environment: " + config.Key)
options.ChangeID = config.Key
} else {
branch := provider.GetBranch()
if options.InferBranchName && len(options.BranchName) == 0 {
log.Entry().Info("Inferring parameter branchName from environment: " + branch)
options.BranchName = branch