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synced 2024-12-16 11:09:33 +02:00
Adds the file name and extension to the mtaJarLocation to make the SAP Multitarget Archive Builder jar file configurable.
228 lines
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228 lines
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package com.sap.piper.tools
import org.junit.BeforeClass
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException
import org.junit.rules.RuleChain
import util.JenkinsLoggingRule
import util.JenkinsErrorRule
import util.Rules
import com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.BasePipelineTest
import com.sap.piper.tools.ToolDescriptor
import com.sap.piper.tools.JavaArchiveDescriptor
import hudson.AbortException
class JavaArchiveDescriptorTest extends BasePipelineTest {
private ExpectedException thrown = new ExpectedException()
private JenkinsLoggingRule jlr = new JenkinsLoggingRule(this)
public RuleChain rules = Rules.getCommonRules(this)
private static javaArchive
private static configuration
private script
static void init() {
def java = new ToolDescriptor('Java', 'JAVA_HOME', '', '/bin/', 'java', '1.8.0', '-version 2>&1')
javaArchive = new JavaArchiveDescriptor('SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder', 'MTA_JAR_LOCATION', 'mtaJarLocation', '1.0.6', '-v', java)
void setup() {
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getNoEnvVars(m) })
helper.registerAllowedMethod('error', [String], { s -> throw new hudson.AbortException(s) })
script = loadScript('mtaBuild.groovy').mtaBuild
configuration = [:]
void getJavaArchiveFileFromEnvironmentTest() {
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getEnvVars(m) })
def javaArchiveFile = javaArchive.getFile(script, configuration)
assert javaArchiveFile == '/env/mta/mta.jar'
assert jlr.log.contains("SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder file '/env/mta/mta.jar' retrieved from environment.")
void getJavaArchiveFileFromConfigurationTest() {
configuration = [mtaJarLocation: '/config/mta/mta.jar']
def javaArchiveFile = javaArchive.getFile(script, configuration)
assert javaArchiveFile == '/config/mta/mta.jar'
assert jlr.log.contains("SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder file '/config/mta/mta.jar' retrieved from configuration.")
void getJavaArchiveFileFromEnvironment_UnexpectedFormatTest() {
thrown.expectMessage("MTA_JAR_LOCATION has an unexpected format.")
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getUnexpectedFormatEnvVars(m) })
javaArchive.getFile(script, configuration)
void getJavaArchiveFileFromConfiguration_UnexpectedFormatTest() {
thrown.expectMessage("mtaJarLocation has an unexpected format.")
configuration = [mtaJarLocation: '/config/mta/mta.jarr']
javaArchive.getFile(script, configuration)
void getJavaArchiveCallTest() {
configuration = [mtaJarLocation: '/config/mta/mta.jar']
def javaArchiveCall = javaArchive.getCall(script, configuration)
assert javaArchiveCall == 'java -jar /config/mta/mta.jar'
assert jlr.log.contains("Using SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder '/config/mta/mta.jar'.")
void verifyJavaArchiveFileTest() {
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getEnvVars(m) })
javaArchive.verifyFile(script, configuration)
assert jlr.log.contains("Verifying SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder '/env/mta/mta.jar'.")
assert jlr.log.contains("Verification success. SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder '/env/mta/mta.jar' exists.")
void verifyJavaArchiveVersionTest() {
configuration = [mtaJarLocation: 'mta.jar']
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getVersion(m) })
javaArchive.verifyVersion(script, configuration)
assert jlr.log.contains("Verifying SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder version 1.0.6 or compatible version.")
assert jlr.log.contains("Verification success. SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder version 1.0.6 is installed.")
void verifyJavaArchiveVersion_FailedTest() {
configuration = [mtaJarLocation: 'mta.jar']
thrown.expectMessage("The verification of SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder failed. Please check 'java -jar mta.jar'. script returned exit code 127.")
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getVersionFailed(m) })
javaArchive.verifyVersion(script, configuration)
void verifyJavaArchiveVersion_IncompatibleVersionTest() {
configuration = [mtaJarLocation: '/config/mta/mta.jar']
thrown.expectMessage("The installed version of SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder is 1.0.5. Please install version 1.0.6 or a compatible version.")
helper.registerAllowedMethod('sh', [Map], { Map m -> getIncompatibleVersion(m) })
javaArchive.verifyVersion(script, configuration)
private getEnvVars(Map m) {
if(m.script.contains('JAVA_HOME')) {
return '/env/java'
} else if(m.script.contains('MTA_JAR_LOCATION')) {
return '/env/mta/mta.jar'
} else {
return 0
private getUnexpectedFormatEnvVars(Map m) {
if(m.script.contains('JAVA_HOME')) {
return '/env/java'
} else if(m.script.contains('MTA_JAR_LOCATION')) {
return '/env/mta/mta.jarr'
} else {
return 0
private getNoEnvVars(Map m) {
if(m.script.contains('JAVA_HOME')) {
return ''
} else if(m.script.contains('MTA_JAR_LOCATION')) {
return ''
} else if(m.script.contains('which java')) {
return 0
} else {
return 0
private getVersion(Map m) {
if(m.script.contains('java -version')) {
return '''openjdk version \"1.8.0_121\"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-8u121-b13-1~bpo8+1-b13)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)'''
} else if(m.script.contains('mta.jar -v')) {
return '1.0.6'
} else {
return getNoEnvVars(m)
private getVersionFailed(Map m) {
if(m.script.contains('java -version') || m.script.contains('mta.jar -v')) {
throw new AbortException('script returned exit code 127')
} else {
return getNoEnvVars(m)
private getIncompatibleVersion(Map m) {
if(m.script.contains('java -version') || m.script.contains('mta.jar -v')) {
return '1.0.5'
} else {
return getNoEnvVars(m)