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synced 2025-03-03 15:02:35 +02:00
We should use Utils.stash instead of native steps.stash calls (Jenkins) since important logging is missing. The default Jenkins stash step does not log any metadata like stash name, patterns, etc.
315 lines
13 KiB
315 lines
13 KiB
import com.sap.piper.BashUtils
import com.sap.piper.DebugReport
import com.sap.piper.DefaultValueCache
import com.sap.piper.JenkinsUtils
import com.sap.piper.MapUtils
import com.sap.piper.PiperGoUtils
import com.sap.piper.Utils
import com.sap.piper.analytics.InfluxData
import groovy.transform.Field
import static com.sap.piper.Prerequisites.checkScript
@Field String STEP_NAME = getClass().getName()
void call(Map parameters = [:], String stepName, String metadataFile, List credentialInfo, boolean failOnMissingReports = false, boolean failOnMissingLinks = false, boolean failOnError = false) {
Map handlePipelineStepErrorsParameters = [stepName: stepName, stepParameters: parameters]
if (failOnError) {
handlePipelineStepErrorsParameters.failOnError = true
handlePipelineStepErrors(handlePipelineStepErrorsParameters) {
Script script = checkScript(this, parameters) ?: this
def jenkinsUtils = parameters.jenkinsUtilsStub ?: new JenkinsUtils()
def utils = parameters.juStabUtils ?: new Utils()
String piperGoPath = parameters.piperGoPath ?: './piper'
prepareExecution(script, utils, parameters)
prepareMetadataResource(script, metadataFile)
Map stepParameters = prepareStepParameters(parameters)
echo "Step params $stepParameters"
//ToDo: check if parameters make it into docker image on JaaS
]) {
String defaultConfigArgs = getCustomDefaultConfigsArg()
String customConfigArg = getCustomConfigArg(script)
echo "PIPER_parametersJSON: ${groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(stepParameters)}"
// get context configuration
Map config
handleErrorDetails(stepName) {
config = getStepContextConfig(script, piperGoPath, metadataFile, defaultConfigArgs, customConfigArg)
echo "Context Config: ${config}"
//Add ANS credential information to the config
ansHookServiceKeyCredentialsId =
config += ["ansHookServiceKeyCredentialsId": ansHookServiceKeyCredentialsId]
// prepare stashes
// first eliminate non existing stashes
config.stashContent = utils.unstashAll(config.stashContent)
// then make sure that commonPipelineEnvironment, config, ... is also available when step stashing is active
if (config.stashContent?.size() > 0) {
if (parameters.stashNoDefaultExcludes) {
// Merge this parameter which is only relevant in Jenkins context
// (for dockerExecuteOnKubernetes step) and go binary doesn't know about
config.stashNoDefaultExcludes = parameters.stashNoDefaultExcludes
dockerWrapper(script, stepName, config) {
handleErrorDetails(stepName) {
writePipelineEnv(script: script, piperGoPath: piperGoPath)
try {
try {
try {
credentialWrapper(config, credentialInfo) {
sh "${piperGoPath} ${stepName}${defaultConfigArgs}${customConfigArg}"
} finally {
jenkinsUtils.handleStepResults(stepName, failOnMissingReports, failOnMissingLinks)
} finally {
readPipelineEnv(script: script, piperGoPath: piperGoPath)
} finally {
utils.stash name: 'pipelineStepReports', includes: '.pipeline/stepReports/**', allowEmpty: true
// reused in sonarExecuteScan
static void prepareExecution(Script script, Utils utils, Map parameters = [:]) {
def piperGoUtils = parameters.piperGoUtils ?: new PiperGoUtils(script, utils)
// reused in sonarExecuteScan
static Map prepareStepParameters(Map parameters) {
Map stepParameters = [:].plus(parameters)
// When converting to JSON and back again, entries which had a 'null' value will now have a value
// of type 'net.sf.json.JSONNull', for which the Groovy Truth resolves to 'true' in for example if-conditions
return MapUtils.pruneNulls(stepParameters)
// reused in sonarExecuteScan
static void prepareMetadataResource(Script script, String metadataFile) {
script.writeFile(file: ".pipeline/tmp/${metadataFile}", text: script.libraryResource(metadataFile))
// reused in sonarExecuteScan
static Map getStepContextConfig(Script script, String piperGoPath, String metadataFile, String defaultConfigArgs, String customConfigArg) {
return script.readJSON(text: script.sh(returnStdout: true, script: "${piperGoPath} getConfig --contextConfig --stepMetadata '.pipeline/tmp/${metadataFile}'${defaultConfigArgs}${customConfigArg}"))
static String getCustomDefaultConfigs() {
// The default config files were extracted from merged library
// resources by setupCommonPipelineEnvironment.groovy into .pipeline/.
List customDefaults = DefaultValueCache.getInstance().getCustomDefaults()
for (int i = 0; i < customDefaults.size(); i++) {
customDefaults[i] = BashUtils.quoteAndEscape(".pipeline/${customDefaults[i]}")
return customDefaults.join(',')
// reused in sonarExecuteScan
static String getCustomDefaultConfigsArg() {
String customDefaults = getCustomDefaultConfigs()
if (customDefaults) {
return " --defaultConfig ${customDefaults} --ignoreCustomDefaults"
return ''
// reused in sonarExecuteScan
static String getCustomConfigArg(def script) {
if (script?.commonPipelineEnvironment?.configurationFile
&& script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configurationFile != '.pipeline/config.yml'
&& script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configurationFile != '.pipeline/config.yaml') {
return " --customConfig ${BashUtils.quoteAndEscape(script.commonPipelineEnvironment.configurationFile)}"
return ''
// reused in sonarExecuteScan
void dockerWrapper(script, stepName, config, body) {
if (config.dockerImage) {
echo "[INFO] executing pipeline step '${stepName}' with docker image '${config.dockerImage}'"
Map dockerExecuteParameters = [:].plus(config)
dockerExecuteParameters.script = script
dockerExecute(dockerExecuteParameters) {
} else {
// reused in sonarExecuteScan
void credentialWrapper(config, List credentialInfo, body) {
credentialInfo = handleVaultCredentials(config, credentialInfo)
credentialInfo = handleANSCredentials(config, credentialInfo)
if (credentialInfo.size() > 0) {
def creds = []
def sshCreds = []
credentialInfo.each { cred ->
def credentialsId
if (cred.resolveCredentialsId == false) {
credentialsId = cred.id
} else {
credentialsId = config[cred.id]
if (credentialsId) {
switch (cred.type) {
case "file":
creds.add(file(credentialsId: credentialsId, variable: cred.env[0]))
case "token":
creds.add(string(credentialsId: credentialsId, variable: cred.env[0]))
case "usernamePassword":
creds.add(usernamePassword(credentialsId: credentialsId, usernameVariable: cred.env[0], passwordVariable: cred.env[1]))
case "ssh":
error("invalid credential type: ${cred.type}")
// remove credentialIds that were probably defaulted and which are not present in jenkins
if (containsVaultConfig(config)) {
creds = removeMissingCredentials(creds, config)
sshCreds = removeMissingCredentials(sshCreds, config)
if (sshCreds.size() > 0) {
sshagent (sshCreds) {
withCredentials(creds) {
} else {
withCredentials(creds) {
} else {
List removeMissingCredentials(List creds, Map config) {
return creds.findAll { credentialExists(it, config) }
boolean credentialExists(cred, Map config) {
try {
withCredentials([cred]) {
return true
} catch (e) {
return false
boolean containsVaultConfig(Map config) {
def approleIsUsed = config.containsKey('vaultAppRoleTokenCredentialsId') && config.containsKey('vaultAppRoleSecretTokenCredentialsId')
def tokenIsUsed = config.containsKey('vaultTokenCredentialsId')
return approleIsUsed || tokenIsUsed
// Injects vaultCredentials if steps supports resolving parameters from vault
List handleVaultCredentials(config, List credentialInfo) {
if (config.containsKey('vaultAppRoleTokenCredentialsId') && config.containsKey('vaultAppRoleSecretTokenCredentialsId')) {
credentialInfo += [[type: 'token', id: 'vaultAppRoleTokenCredentialsId', env: ['PIPER_vaultAppRoleID']],
[type: 'token', id: 'vaultAppRoleSecretTokenCredentialsId', env: ['PIPER_vaultAppRoleSecretID']]]
if (config.containsKey('vaultTokenCredentialsId')) {
credentialInfo += [[type: 'token', id: 'vaultTokenCredentialsId', env: ['PIPER_vaultToken']]]
return credentialInfo
List handleANSCredentials(config, List credentialInfo){
if (config.containsKey('ansHookServiceKeyCredentialsId')) {
credentialInfo += [[type: 'token', id: 'ansHookServiceKeyCredentialsId', env: ['PIPER_ansHookServiceKey']]]
return credentialInfo
// reused in sonarExecuteScan
void handleErrorDetails(String stepName, Closure body) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
def errorDetailsFileName = "${stepName}_errorDetails.json"
if (fileExists(file: errorDetailsFileName)) {
def errorDetails = readJSON(file: errorDetailsFileName)
def errorCategory = ""
if (errorDetails.category) {
errorCategory = " (category: ${errorDetails.category})"
DebugReport.instance.failedBuild.category = errorDetails.category
error "[${stepName}] Step execution failed${errorCategory}. Error: ${errorDetails.error ?: errorDetails.message}"
error "[${stepName}] Step execution failed. Error: ${ex}, please see log file for more details."
// it can be used in 2 ways:
// 1. use stage, step arguments and leave stepOutputFile "" and stageOutputFile "" empty to check if this step is active in this stage (true means step is active, false - not active or something went wrong)
// 2. use stageOutputFile and/or stepOutputFile and leave step "" and stage "" to write the whole map of steps in all stages into a file[s] (true means no errors, false - something went wrong)
// if both presented - priority is option 2
static boolean checkIfStepActive(Map parameters = [:], Script script, String piperGoPath, String stageConfig = "", String stepOutputFile = "", String stageOutputFile = "", String stage = "", String step = "") {
def utils = parameters.juStabUtils ?: new Utils()
def piperGoUtils = parameters.piperGoUtils ?: new PiperGoUtils(script, utils)
def flags = "--stageConfig ${stageConfig} --useV1"
if (stageOutputFile) {
flags += " --stageOutputFile ${stageOutputFile}"
if (stepOutputFile) {
flags += " --stepOutputFile ${stepOutputFile}"
if (!stage || !step) {
stage = "_"
step = "_"
flags += " --stage ${stage} --step ${step}"
flags += getCustomDefaultConfigsArg()
flags += getCustomConfigArg(script)
def returnCode = script.sh(returnStatus: true, script: "${piperGoPath} checkIfStepActive ${flags}")
return (returnCode == 0)