Reported by @shulib :
the specification for 4-streams mode
doesn't work when the amount of literals to compress is 5 bytes.
Extending it, it also doesn't work for sizes 1 or 2.
This patch updates the specification and the implementation
to require a minimum of 6 literals to trigger or accept the 4-streams mode.
The impact is expected to be a no-op :
the 4-streams mode is never triggered for such small quantity of literals anyway,
since it would be wasteful (it costs ~7.3 bytes more than single-stream mode).
An informal lower limit is set at ~256 bytes,
so the technical minimum is very far from this limit.
This is just meant for completeness of the specification.
for f in $(find . \( -path ./.git -o -path ./tests/fuzz/corpora \) -prune -o -type f);
sed -i 's/Facebook, Inc\./Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates./' $f;
1. Follow the scheme introduced in PR #2501 for both `zdict.h` and `zstd_errors.h`.
2. If the `*_VISIBLE` macro isn't set, but the `*_VISIBILITY` macro is, use that.
Also make this change for `zstd.h`, since we probably shouldn't have changed
that macro name without backward compatibility in the first place.
3. Change all references to `*_VISIBILITY` to `*_VISIBLE`.
`zstd_errors.h` and `zdict.h` are public headers, so they deserve to be
in the root `lib/` directory with `zstd.h`, not mixed in with our private