`./run.py --set-exact-output` will update `stdout.expect` and
`stderr.expect` to match the expected output. This doesn't apply to
outputs which use `.glob` or `.ignore`.
The one that isn't pinned is the OSS-Fuzz builder and runner. They don't
offer tagged releases. I could pin to the current master commit, but I'm not
sure how desirable that is.
Tell CMake to explicitly compile our assembly as C code, because we
require it is compiled by a C compiler, and it is only enabled for
for f in $(find . \( -path ./.git -o -path ./tests/fuzz/corpora -o -path ./tests/regression/data-cache -o -path ./tests/regression/cache \) -prune -o -type f);
sed -i 's/\-2021/-present/' $f;
g co HEAD -- .github/workflows/dev-short-tests.yml # fix bad match
for f in $(find . \( -path ./.git -o -path ./tests/fuzz/corpora \) -prune -o -type f);
sed -i 's/Facebook, Inc\./Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates./' $f;
* Add `Portability.h` to fix min/max issues.
* Fix conversion warnings
* Assert that windowLog <= 23, which is currently always the case.
This could be loosened, but we aren't looking to add new functionality.
Fixes on top of PR #3375 by @eli-schwartz, which added Windows CI for contrib & programs.
When spawning a Windows thread we have small worker wrapper function that translates
between the interfaces of Windows and POSIX threads.
This wrapper is given a pointer that might get stale before the worker starts running,
resulting in UB and crashes.
This commit adds synchronization so that we know the wrapper has finished reading the data
it needs before we allow the main thread to resume execution.
1. If threads are resized the threads' `ZSTD_pthread_t` might move
while the worker still holds a pointer into it (see more details in #3120).
2. The join operation was waiting for a thread and then return its `thread.arg`
as a return value, but since the `ZSTD_pthread_t thread` was passed by value it
would have a stale `arg` that wouldn't match the thread's actual return value.
This fix changes the `ZSTD_pthread_join` API and removes support for returning
a value. This means that we are diverging from the `pthread_join` API and this
is no longer just an alias.
In the future, if needed, we could return a Windows thread's return value using
`GetExitCodeThread`, but as this path wouldn't be excised in any case, it's
preferable to not add it right now.
Fix `zdict.h` static linking only section so if you include it twice it
still exposes the static linking only symbols. E.g. this pattern:
This can easily happen when a header you include includes `zdict.h`.
`ZSTD_LIB_MINIFY` broke in 8bf699aa59372d7c2bb4216bcf8037cab7dae51e.
This commit fixes the macro and the static library shrinks from ~600K to 324K
1. Follow the scheme introduced in PR #2501 for both `zdict.h` and `zstd_errors.h`.
2. If the `*_VISIBLE` macro isn't set, but the `*_VISIBILITY` macro is, use that.
Also make this change for `zstd.h`, since we probably shouldn't have changed
that macro name without backward compatibility in the first place.
3. Change all references to `*_VISIBILITY` to `*_VISIBLE`.