Fixes a bug in AsyncIO where we queue reads after opening a file so our queue will always be saturated (or as saturated as possible).
Previous code was looping up to `availableJobsCount` not realizing `availableJobsCount` was also decreasing in each iteration, so instead of queueing 10 jobs we'd queue 5 (and instead of 2 we'd queue 1).
This PR fixes the loop to queue as long as `availableJobsCount` is not 0.
for f in $(find . \( -path ./.git -o -path ./tests/fuzz/corpora \) -prune -o -type f);
sed -i 's/Facebook, Inc\./Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates./' $f;
* Refactored fileio.c:
- Extracted asyncio code to fileio_asyncio.c/.h
- Moved type definitions to fileio_types.h
- Moved common macro definitions needed by both fileio.c and fileio_asyncio.c to fileio_common.h
* Bugfix - rename fileio_asycio to fileio_asyncio
* Added copyrights & license to new files
* CR fixes