for f in $(find . \( -path ./.git -o -path ./tests/fuzz/corpora \) -prune -o -type f);
sed -i 's/Facebook, Inc\./Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates./' $f;
* Switch to yearless copyright per FB policy
* Fix up SPDX-License-Identifier lines in `contrib/linux-kernel` sources
* Add zstd copyright/license header to the `contrib/linux-kernel` sources
* Update the `tests/test-license.py` to check for yearless copyright
* Improvements to `tests/test-license.py`
* Check `contrib/linux-kernel` in `tests/test-license.py`
* All copyright lines now have -2020 instead of -present
* All copyright lines include "Facebook, Inc"
* All licenses are now standardized
The copyright in `threading.{h,c}` is not changed because it comes from
The copyright and license of `divsufsort.{h,c}` is not changed.
- Add ZSTD_findDecompressedSize
- Traverses multiple frames to find total output size
- Add ZSTD_getFrameContentSize
- Gets the decompressed size of a single frame by reading header
- Deprecate ZSTD_getDecompressedSize