mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 09:26:03 +02:00
798 lines
31 KiB
798 lines
31 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* *************************************
* Compiler Options
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Visual */
# define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /* removes Visual warning on strerror() */
# pragma warning(disable : 4204) /* non-constant aggregate initializer */
#if defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
# define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 /* disable %llu warnings with MinGW on Windows */
* Includes
#include "util.h" /* Compiler options, UTIL_GetFileSize, _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE */
#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf, fopen, fread, _fileno, stdin, stdout */
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */
#include <string.h> /* strcmp, strlen */
#include <time.h> /* clock */
#include <errno.h> /* errno */
#include "mem.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#define ZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* ZSTD_magicNumber, ZSTD_frameHeaderSize_max */
#include "zstd.h"
* OS-specific Includes
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include <fcntl.h> /* _O_BINARY */
# include <io.h> /* _setmode, _isatty */
# define SET_BINARY_MODE(file) { if (_setmode(_fileno(file), _O_BINARY) == -1) perror("Cannot set _O_BINARY"); }
# include <unistd.h> /* isatty */
# define SET_BINARY_MODE(file)
* Constants
#define KB *(1<<10)
#define MB *(1<<20)
#define GB *(1U<<30)
#define _1BIT 0x01
#define _2BITS 0x03
#define _3BITS 0x07
#define _4BITS 0x0F
#define _6BITS 0x3F
#define _8BITS 0xFF
#define BLOCKSIZE (128 KB)
#define FIO_FRAMEHEADERSIZE 5 /* as a define, because needed to allocated table on stack */
#define CACHELINE 64
#define MAX_DICT_SIZE (8 MB) /* protection against large input (attack scenario) */
#define FNSPACE 30
* Macros
#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); }
static U32 g_displayLevel = 2; /* 0 : no display; 1: errors; 2 : + result + interaction + warnings; 3 : + progression; 4 : + information */
void FIO_setNotificationLevel(unsigned level) { g_displayLevel=level; }
#define DISPLAYUPDATE(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { \
if ((clock() - g_time > refreshRate) || (g_displayLevel>=4)) \
{ g_time = clock(); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \
if (g_displayLevel>=4) fflush(stdout); } }
static const clock_t refreshRate = CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 15 / 100;
static clock_t g_time = 0;
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
* Local Parameters - Not thread safe
static U32 g_overwrite = 0;
void FIO_overwriteMode(void) { g_overwrite=1; }
static U32 g_sparseFileSupport = 1; /* 0 : no sparse allowed; 1: auto (file yes, stdout no); 2: force sparse */
void FIO_setSparseWrite(unsigned sparse) { g_sparseFileSupport=sparse; }
static U32 g_dictIDFlag = 1;
void FIO_setDictIDFlag(unsigned dictIDFlag) { g_dictIDFlag = dictIDFlag; }
static U32 g_checksumFlag = 1;
void FIO_setChecksumFlag(unsigned checksumFlag) { g_checksumFlag = checksumFlag; }
static U32 g_removeSrcFile = 0;
void FIO_setRemoveSrcFile(unsigned flag) { g_removeSrcFile = (flag>0); }
static U32 g_memLimit = 0;
void FIO_setMemLimit(unsigned memLimit) { g_memLimit = memLimit; }
* Exceptions
#ifndef DEBUG
# define DEBUG 0
#define EXM_THROW(error, ...) \
{ \
DEBUGOUTPUT("Error defined at %s, line %i : \n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "Error %i : ", error); \
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, " \n"); \
exit(error); \
* Functions
/** FIO_openSrcFile() :
* condition : `dstFileName` must be non-NULL.
* @result : FILE* to `dstFileName`, or NULL if it fails */
static FILE* FIO_openSrcFile(const char* srcFileName)
FILE* f;
if (!strcmp (srcFileName, stdinmark)) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Using stdin for input\n");
f = stdin;
} else {
f = fopen(srcFileName, "rb");
if ( f==NULL ) DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s: %s \n", srcFileName, strerror(errno));
return f;
/** FIO_openDstFile() :
* condition : `dstFileName` must be non-NULL.
* @result : FILE* to `dstFileName`, or NULL if it fails */
static FILE* FIO_openDstFile(const char* dstFileName)
FILE* f;
if (!strcmp (dstFileName, stdoutmark)) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Using stdout for output\n");
f = stdout;
if (g_sparseFileSupport==1) {
g_sparseFileSupport = 0;
DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Sparse File Support is automatically disabled on stdout ; try --sparse \n");
} else {
if (!g_overwrite && strcmp (dstFileName, nulmark)) { /* Check if destination file already exists */
f = fopen( dstFileName, "rb" );
if (f != 0) { /* dest file exists, prompt for overwrite authorization */
if (g_displayLevel <= 1) {
/* No interaction possible */
DISPLAY("zstd: %s already exists; not overwritten \n", dstFileName);
return NULL;
DISPLAY("zstd: %s already exists; do you wish to overwrite (y/N) ? ", dstFileName);
{ int ch = getchar();
if ((ch!='Y') && (ch!='y')) {
DISPLAY(" not overwritten \n");
return NULL;
while ((ch!=EOF) && (ch!='\n')) ch = getchar(); /* flush rest of input line */
} } }
f = fopen( dstFileName, "wb" );
if (f==NULL) DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s: %s\n", dstFileName, strerror(errno));
return f;
/*! FIO_loadFile() :
* creates a buffer, pointed by `*bufferPtr`,
* loads `filename` content into it,
* up to MAX_DICT_SIZE bytes.
* @return : loaded size
static size_t FIO_loadFile(void** bufferPtr, const char* fileName)
FILE* fileHandle;
U64 fileSize;
*bufferPtr = NULL;
if (fileName == NULL) return 0;
DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Loading %s as dictionary \n", fileName);
fileHandle = fopen(fileName, "rb");
if (fileHandle==0) EXM_THROW(31, "zstd: %s: %s", fileName, strerror(errno));
fileSize = UTIL_getFileSize(fileName);
if (fileSize > MAX_DICT_SIZE) {
int seekResult;
if (fileSize > 1 GB) EXM_THROW(32, "Dictionary file %s is too large", fileName); /* avoid extreme cases */
DISPLAYLEVEL(2,"Dictionary %s is too large : using last %u bytes only \n", fileName, (U32)MAX_DICT_SIZE);
seekResult = fseek(fileHandle, (long int)(fileSize-MAX_DICT_SIZE), SEEK_SET); /* use end of file */
if (seekResult != 0) EXM_THROW(33, "zstd: %s: %s", fileName, strerror(errno));
fileSize = MAX_DICT_SIZE;
*bufferPtr = malloc((size_t)fileSize);
if (*bufferPtr==NULL) EXM_THROW(34, "zstd: %s", strerror(errno));
{ size_t const readSize = fread(*bufferPtr, 1, (size_t)fileSize, fileHandle);
if (readSize!=fileSize) EXM_THROW(35, "Error reading dictionary file %s", fileName); }
return (size_t)fileSize;
* Compression
typedef struct {
void* srcBuffer;
size_t srcBufferSize;
void* dstBuffer;
size_t dstBufferSize;
ZSTD_CStream* cctx;
FILE* dstFile;
FILE* srcFile;
} cRess_t;
static cRess_t FIO_createCResources(const char* dictFileName, int cLevel, U64 srcSize)
cRess_t ress;
memset(&ress, 0, sizeof(ress));
ress.cctx = ZSTD_createCStream();
if (ress.cctx == NULL) EXM_THROW(30, "zstd: allocation error : can't create ZSTD_CStream");
ress.srcBufferSize = ZSTD_CStreamInSize();
ress.srcBuffer = malloc(ress.srcBufferSize);
ress.dstBufferSize = ZSTD_CStreamOutSize();
ress.dstBuffer = malloc(ress.dstBufferSize);
if (!ress.srcBuffer || !ress.dstBuffer) EXM_THROW(31, "zstd: allocation error : not enough memory");
/* dictionary */
{ void* dictBuffer;
size_t const dictBuffSize = FIO_loadFile(&dictBuffer, dictFileName);
if (dictFileName && (dictBuffer==NULL)) EXM_THROW(32, "zstd: allocation error : can't create dictBuffer");
{ ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(cLevel, srcSize, dictBuffSize);
params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 1;
params.fParams.checksumFlag = g_checksumFlag;
params.fParams.noDictIDFlag = !g_dictIDFlag;
{ size_t const errorCode = ZSTD_initCStream_advanced(ress.cctx, dictBuffer, dictBuffSize, params, srcSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(errorCode)) EXM_THROW(33, "Error initializing CStream : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
} }
return ress;
static void FIO_freeCResources(cRess_t ress)
ZSTD_freeCStream(ress.cctx); /* never fails */
/*! FIO_compressFilename_internal() :
* same as FIO_compressFilename_extRess(), with `ress.desFile` already opened.
* @return : 0 : compression completed correctly,
* 1 : missing or pb opening srcFileName
static int FIO_compressFilename_internal(cRess_t ress,
const char* dstFileName, const char* srcFileName)
FILE* const srcFile = ress.srcFile;
FILE* const dstFile = ress.dstFile;
U64 readsize = 0;
U64 compressedfilesize = 0;
U64 const fileSize = UTIL_getFileSize(srcFileName);
/* init */
{ size_t const resetError = ZSTD_resetCStream(ress.cctx, fileSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(resetError)) EXM_THROW(21, "Error initializing compression : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(resetError));
/* Main compression loop */
while (1) {
/* Fill input Buffer */
size_t const inSize = fread(ress.srcBuffer, (size_t)1, ress.srcBufferSize, srcFile);
if (inSize==0) break;
readsize += inSize;
DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\rRead : %u MB ", (U32)(readsize>>20));
/* Compress using buffered streaming */
{ ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff = { ress.srcBuffer, inSize, 0 };
ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff= { ress.dstBuffer, ress.dstBufferSize, 0 };
{ size_t const result = ZSTD_compressStream(ress.cctx, &outBuff, &inBuff);
if (ZSTD_isError(result)) EXM_THROW(23, "Compression error : %s ", ZSTD_getErrorName(result)); }
if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size)
/* inBuff should be entirely consumed since buffer sizes are recommended ones */
EXM_THROW(24, "Compression error : input block not fully consumed");
/* Write cBlock */
{ size_t const sizeCheck = fwrite(ress.dstBuffer, 1, outBuff.pos, dstFile);
if (sizeCheck!=outBuff.pos) EXM_THROW(25, "Write error : cannot write compressed block into %s", dstFileName); }
compressedfilesize += outBuff.pos;
DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\rRead : %u MB ==> %.2f%% ", (U32)(readsize>>20), (double)compressedfilesize/readsize*100);
/* End of Frame */
{ ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff = { ress.dstBuffer, ress.dstBufferSize, 0 };
size_t const result = ZSTD_endStream(ress.cctx, &outBuff);
if (result!=0) EXM_THROW(26, "Compression error : cannot create frame end");
{ size_t const sizeCheck = fwrite(ress.dstBuffer, 1, outBuff.pos, dstFile);
if (sizeCheck!=outBuff.pos) EXM_THROW(27, "Write error : cannot write frame end into %s", dstFileName); }
compressedfilesize += outBuff.pos;
/* Status */
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");
DISPLAYLEVEL(2,"%-20s :%6.2f%% (%6llu => %6llu bytes, %s) \n", srcFileName,
(double)compressedfilesize/(readsize+(!readsize) /* avoid div by zero */ )*100,
(unsigned long long)readsize, (unsigned long long) compressedfilesize,
return 0;
/*! FIO_compressFilename_srcFile() :
* note : ress.destFile already opened
* @return : 0 : compression completed correctly,
* 1 : missing or pb opening srcFileName
static int FIO_compressFilename_srcFile(cRess_t ress,
const char* dstFileName, const char* srcFileName)
int result;
/* File check */
if (UTIL_isDirectory(srcFileName)) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s is a directory -- ignored \n", srcFileName);
return 1;
ress.srcFile = FIO_openSrcFile(srcFileName);
if (!ress.srcFile) return 1; /* srcFile could not be opened */
result = FIO_compressFilename_internal(ress, dstFileName, srcFileName);
if (g_removeSrcFile && !result) { if (remove(srcFileName)) EXM_THROW(1, "zstd: %s: %s", srcFileName, strerror(errno)); } /* remove source file : --rm */
return result;
/*! FIO_compressFilename_dstFile() :
* @return : 0 : compression completed correctly,
* 1 : pb
static int FIO_compressFilename_dstFile(cRess_t ress,
const char* dstFileName, const char* srcFileName)
int result;
stat_t statbuf;
int stat_result = 0;
ress.dstFile = FIO_openDstFile(dstFileName);
if (ress.dstFile==NULL) return 1; /* could not open dstFileName */
if (strcmp (srcFileName, stdinmark) && UTIL_getFileStat(srcFileName, &statbuf)) stat_result = 1;
result = FIO_compressFilename_srcFile(ress, dstFileName, srcFileName);
if (fclose(ress.dstFile)) { DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s: %s \n", dstFileName, strerror(errno)); result=1; } /* error closing dstFile */
if (result!=0) { if (remove(dstFileName)) EXM_THROW(1, "zstd: %s: %s", dstFileName, strerror(errno)); } /* remove operation artefact */
else if (strcmp (dstFileName, stdoutmark) && stat_result) UTIL_setFileStat(dstFileName, &statbuf);
return result;
int FIO_compressFilename(const char* dstFileName, const char* srcFileName,
const char* dictFileName, int compressionLevel)
clock_t const start = clock();
U64 const srcSize = UTIL_getFileSize(srcFileName);
cRess_t const ress = FIO_createCResources(dictFileName, compressionLevel, srcSize);
int const result = FIO_compressFilename_dstFile(ress, dstFileName, srcFileName);
double const seconds = (double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Completed in %.2f sec \n", seconds);
return result;
int FIO_compressMultipleFilenames(const char** inFileNamesTable, unsigned nbFiles,
const char* suffix,
const char* dictFileName, int compressionLevel)
int missed_files = 0;
size_t dfnSize = FNSPACE;
char* dstFileName = (char*)malloc(FNSPACE);
size_t const suffixSize = suffix ? strlen(suffix) : 0;
U64 const srcSize = (nbFiles != 1) ? 0 : UTIL_getFileSize(inFileNamesTable[0]) ;
cRess_t ress = FIO_createCResources(dictFileName, compressionLevel, srcSize);
/* init */
if (dstFileName==NULL) EXM_THROW(27, "FIO_compressMultipleFilenames : allocation error for dstFileName");
if (suffix == NULL) EXM_THROW(28, "FIO_compressMultipleFilenames : dst unknown"); /* should never happen */
/* loop on each file */
if (!strcmp(suffix, stdoutmark)) {
unsigned u;
ress.dstFile = stdout;
for (u=0; u<nbFiles; u++)
missed_files += FIO_compressFilename_srcFile(ress, stdoutmark, inFileNamesTable[u]);
if (fclose(ress.dstFile)) EXM_THROW(29, "Write error : cannot properly close stdout");
} else {
unsigned u;
for (u=0; u<nbFiles; u++) {
size_t ifnSize = strlen(inFileNamesTable[u]);
if (dfnSize <= ifnSize+suffixSize+1) { free(dstFileName); dfnSize = ifnSize + 20; dstFileName = (char*)malloc(dfnSize); }
strcpy(dstFileName, inFileNamesTable[u]);
strcat(dstFileName, suffix);
missed_files += FIO_compressFilename_dstFile(ress, dstFileName, inFileNamesTable[u]);
} }
/* Close & Free */
return missed_files;
#endif /* #ifndef ZSTD_NOCOMPRESS */
/* **************************************************************************
* Decompression
typedef struct {
void* srcBuffer;
size_t srcBufferSize;
void* dstBuffer;
size_t dstBufferSize;
ZSTD_DStream* dctx;
FILE* dstFile;
} dRess_t;
static dRess_t FIO_createDResources(const char* dictFileName)
dRess_t ress;
memset(&ress, 0, sizeof(ress));
/* Allocation */
ress.dctx = ZSTD_createDStream();
if (ress.dctx==NULL) EXM_THROW(60, "Can't create ZSTD_DStream");
ZSTD_setDStreamParameter(ress.dctx, ZSTDdsp_maxWindowSize, g_memLimit);
ress.srcBufferSize = ZSTD_DStreamInSize();
ress.srcBuffer = malloc(ress.srcBufferSize);
ress.dstBufferSize = ZSTD_DStreamOutSize();
ress.dstBuffer = malloc(ress.dstBufferSize);
if (!ress.srcBuffer || !ress.dstBuffer) EXM_THROW(61, "Allocation error : not enough memory");
/* dictionary */
{ void* dictBuffer;
size_t const dictBufferSize = FIO_loadFile(&dictBuffer, dictFileName);
size_t const initError = ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(ress.dctx, dictBuffer, dictBufferSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(initError)) EXM_THROW(61, "ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(initError));
return ress;
static void FIO_freeDResources(dRess_t ress)
size_t const errorCode = ZSTD_freeDStream(ress.dctx);
if (ZSTD_isError(errorCode)) EXM_THROW(69, "Error : can't free ZSTD_DStream context resource : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
/** FIO_fwriteSparse() :
* @return : storedSkips, to be provided to next call to FIO_fwriteSparse() of LZ4IO_fwriteSparseEnd() */
static unsigned FIO_fwriteSparse(FILE* file, const void* buffer, size_t bufferSize, unsigned storedSkips)
const size_t* const bufferT = (const size_t*)buffer; /* Buffer is supposed malloc'ed, hence aligned on size_t */
size_t bufferSizeT = bufferSize / sizeof(size_t);
const size_t* const bufferTEnd = bufferT + bufferSizeT;
const size_t* ptrT = bufferT;
static const size_t segmentSizeT = (32 KB) / sizeof(size_t); /* 0-test re-attempted every 32 KB */
if (!g_sparseFileSupport) { /* normal write */
size_t const sizeCheck = fwrite(buffer, 1, bufferSize, file);
if (sizeCheck != bufferSize) EXM_THROW(70, "Write error : cannot write decoded block");
return 0;
/* avoid int overflow */
if (storedSkips > 1 GB) {
int const seekResult = fseek(file, 1 GB, SEEK_CUR);
if (seekResult != 0) EXM_THROW(71, "1 GB skip error (sparse file support)");
storedSkips -= 1 GB;
while (ptrT < bufferTEnd) {
size_t seg0SizeT = segmentSizeT;
size_t nb0T;
/* count leading zeros */
if (seg0SizeT > bufferSizeT) seg0SizeT = bufferSizeT;
bufferSizeT -= seg0SizeT;
for (nb0T=0; (nb0T < seg0SizeT) && (ptrT[nb0T] == 0); nb0T++) ;
storedSkips += (unsigned)(nb0T * sizeof(size_t));
if (nb0T != seg0SizeT) { /* not all 0s */
int const seekResult = fseek(file, storedSkips, SEEK_CUR);
if (seekResult) EXM_THROW(72, "Sparse skip error ; try --no-sparse");
storedSkips = 0;
seg0SizeT -= nb0T;
ptrT += nb0T;
{ size_t const sizeCheck = fwrite(ptrT, sizeof(size_t), seg0SizeT, file);
if (sizeCheck != seg0SizeT) EXM_THROW(73, "Write error : cannot write decoded block");
} }
ptrT += seg0SizeT;
{ static size_t const maskT = sizeof(size_t)-1;
if (bufferSize & maskT) { /* size not multiple of sizeof(size_t) : implies end of block */
const char* const restStart = (const char*)bufferTEnd;
const char* restPtr = restStart;
size_t restSize = bufferSize & maskT;
const char* const restEnd = restStart + restSize;
for ( ; (restPtr < restEnd) && (*restPtr == 0); restPtr++) ;
storedSkips += (unsigned) (restPtr - restStart);
if (restPtr != restEnd) {
int seekResult = fseek(file, storedSkips, SEEK_CUR);
if (seekResult) EXM_THROW(74, "Sparse skip error ; try --no-sparse");
storedSkips = 0;
{ size_t const sizeCheck = fwrite(restPtr, 1, restEnd - restPtr, file);
if (sizeCheck != (size_t)(restEnd - restPtr)) EXM_THROW(75, "Write error : cannot write decoded end of block");
} } } }
return storedSkips;
static void FIO_fwriteSparseEnd(FILE* file, unsigned storedSkips)
if (storedSkips-->0) { /* implies g_sparseFileSupport>0 */
int const seekResult = fseek(file, storedSkips, SEEK_CUR);
if (seekResult != 0) EXM_THROW(69, "Final skip error (sparse file)\n");
{ const char lastZeroByte[1] = { 0 };
size_t const sizeCheck = fwrite(lastZeroByte, 1, 1, file);
if (sizeCheck != 1) EXM_THROW(69, "Write error : cannot write last zero\n");
} }
/** FIO_decompressFrame() :
@return : size of decoded frame
unsigned long long FIO_decompressFrame(dRess_t ress,
FILE* foutput, FILE* finput, size_t alreadyLoaded,
U64 alreadyDecoded)
U64 frameSize = 0;
size_t readSize;
U32 storedSkips = 0;
/* Header loading (optional, saves one loop) */
{ size_t const toLoad = 9 - alreadyLoaded; /* assumption : 9 >= alreadyLoaded */
size_t const loadedSize = fread(((char*)ress.srcBuffer) + alreadyLoaded, 1, toLoad, finput);
readSize = alreadyLoaded + loadedSize;
/* Main decompression Loop */
while (1) {
ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff = { ress.srcBuffer, readSize, 0 };
ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff= { ress.dstBuffer, ress.dstBufferSize, 0 };
size_t const readSizeHint = ZSTD_decompressStream(ress.dctx, &outBuff, &inBuff );
if (ZSTD_isError(readSizeHint)) EXM_THROW(36, "Decoding error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(readSizeHint));
/* Write block */
storedSkips = FIO_fwriteSparse(foutput, ress.dstBuffer, outBuff.pos, storedSkips);
frameSize += outBuff.pos;
DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\rDecoded : %u MB... ", (U32)((alreadyDecoded+frameSize)>>20) );
if (readSizeHint == 0) break; /* end of frame */
if (inBuff.size != inBuff.pos) EXM_THROW(37, "Decoding error : should consume entire input");
/* Fill input buffer */
{ size_t const toRead = MIN(readSizeHint, ress.srcBufferSize); /* support large skippable frames */
readSize = fread(ress.srcBuffer, 1, toRead, finput);
if (readSize < toRead) EXM_THROW(39, "Read error : premature end");
} }
FIO_fwriteSparseEnd(foutput, storedSkips);
return frameSize;
/** FIO_passThrough() : just copy input into output, for compatibility with gzip -df mode
@return : 0 (no error) */
static unsigned FIO_passThrough(FILE* foutput, FILE* finput, void* buffer, size_t bufferSize)
size_t const blockSize = MIN(64 KB, bufferSize);
size_t readFromInput = 1;
unsigned storedSkips = 0;
/* assumption : first 4 bytes already loaded (magic number detection), and stored within buffer */
{ size_t const sizeCheck = fwrite(buffer, 1, 4, foutput);
if (sizeCheck != 4) EXM_THROW(50, "Pass-through write error"); }
while (readFromInput) {
readFromInput = fread(buffer, 1, blockSize, finput);
storedSkips = FIO_fwriteSparse(foutput, buffer, readFromInput, storedSkips);
FIO_fwriteSparseEnd(foutput, storedSkips);
return 0;
/** FIO_decompressSrcFile() :
Decompression `srcFileName` into `ress.dstFile`
@return : 0 : OK
1 : operation not started
static int FIO_decompressSrcFile(dRess_t ress, const char* srcFileName)
unsigned long long filesize = 0;
FILE* const dstFile = ress.dstFile;
FILE* srcFile;
unsigned readSomething = 0;
if (UTIL_isDirectory(srcFileName)) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s is a directory -- ignored \n", srcFileName);
return 1;
srcFile = FIO_openSrcFile(srcFileName);
if (srcFile==0) return 1;
/* for each frame */
for ( ; ; ) {
/* check magic number -> version */
size_t const toRead = 4;
size_t const sizeCheck = fread(ress.srcBuffer, (size_t)1, toRead, srcFile);
if (sizeCheck==0) {
if (readSomething==0) { DISPLAY("zstd: %s: unexpected end of file \n", srcFileName); fclose(srcFile); return 1; } /* srcFileName is empty */
break; /* no more input */
readSomething = 1; /* there is at least >= 4 bytes in srcFile */
if (sizeCheck != toRead) { DISPLAY("zstd: %s: unknown header \n", srcFileName); fclose(srcFile); return 1; } /* srcFileName is empty */
if (!ZSTD_isFrame(ress.srcBuffer, toRead)) {
if ((g_overwrite) && !strcmp (srcFileName, stdinmark)) { /* pass-through mode */
unsigned const result = FIO_passThrough(dstFile, srcFile, ress.srcBuffer, ress.srcBufferSize);
if (fclose(srcFile)) EXM_THROW(32, "zstd: %s close error", srcFileName); /* error should never happen */
return result;
} else {
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s: not in zstd format \n", srcFileName);
return 1;
} }
filesize += FIO_decompressFrame(ress, dstFile, srcFile, toRead, filesize);
/* Final Status */
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "%-20s: %llu bytes \n", srcFileName, filesize);
/* Close */
if (fclose(srcFile)) EXM_THROW(33, "zstd: %s close error", srcFileName); /* error should never happen */
if (g_removeSrcFile) { if (remove(srcFileName)) EXM_THROW(34, "zstd: %s: %s", srcFileName, strerror(errno)); };
return 0;
/** FIO_decompressFile_extRess() :
decompress `srcFileName` into `dstFileName`
@return : 0 : OK
1 : operation aborted (src not available, dst already taken, etc.)
static int FIO_decompressDstFile(dRess_t ress,
const char* dstFileName, const char* srcFileName)
int result;
stat_t statbuf;
int stat_result = 0;
ress.dstFile = FIO_openDstFile(dstFileName);
if (ress.dstFile==0) return 1;
if (strcmp (srcFileName, stdinmark) && UTIL_getFileStat(srcFileName, &statbuf)) stat_result = 1;
result = FIO_decompressSrcFile(ress, srcFileName);
if (fclose(ress.dstFile)) EXM_THROW(38, "Write error : cannot properly close %s", dstFileName);
if ( (result != 0)
&& strcmp(dstFileName, nulmark) /* special case : don't remove() /dev/null (#316) */
&& remove(dstFileName) )
result=1; /* don't do anything special if remove() fails */
else if (strcmp (dstFileName, stdoutmark) && stat_result) UTIL_setFileStat(dstFileName, &statbuf);
return result;
int FIO_decompressFilename(const char* dstFileName, const char* srcFileName,
const char* dictFileName)
int missingFiles = 0;
dRess_t ress = FIO_createDResources(dictFileName);
missingFiles += FIO_decompressDstFile(ress, dstFileName, srcFileName);
return missingFiles;
int FIO_decompressMultipleFilenames(const char** srcNamesTable, unsigned nbFiles,
const char* suffix,
const char* dictFileName)
int skippedFiles = 0;
int missingFiles = 0;
dRess_t ress = FIO_createDResources(dictFileName);
if (suffix==NULL) EXM_THROW(70, "zstd: decompression: unknown dst"); /* should never happen */
if (!strcmp(suffix, stdoutmark) || !strcmp(suffix, nulmark)) {
unsigned u;
ress.dstFile = FIO_openDstFile(suffix);
if (ress.dstFile == 0) EXM_THROW(71, "cannot open %s", suffix);
for (u=0; u<nbFiles; u++)
missingFiles += FIO_decompressSrcFile(ress, srcNamesTable[u]);
if (fclose(ress.dstFile)) EXM_THROW(72, "Write error : cannot properly close stdout");
} else {
size_t const suffixSize = strlen(suffix);
size_t dfnSize = FNSPACE;
unsigned u;
char* dstFileName = (char*)malloc(FNSPACE);
if (dstFileName==NULL) EXM_THROW(73, "not enough memory for dstFileName");
for (u=0; u<nbFiles; u++) { /* create dstFileName */
const char* const srcFileName = srcNamesTable[u];
size_t const sfnSize = strlen(srcFileName);
const char* const suffixPtr = srcFileName + sfnSize - suffixSize;
if (dfnSize+suffixSize <= sfnSize+1) {
dfnSize = sfnSize + 20;
dstFileName = (char*)malloc(dfnSize);
if (dstFileName==NULL) EXM_THROW(74, "not enough memory for dstFileName");
if (sfnSize <= suffixSize || strcmp(suffixPtr, suffix) != 0) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "zstd: %s: unknown suffix (%4s expected) -- ignored \n", srcFileName, suffix);
memcpy(dstFileName, srcFileName, sfnSize - suffixSize);
dstFileName[sfnSize-suffixSize] = '\0';
missingFiles += FIO_decompressDstFile(ress, dstFileName, srcFileName);
return missingFiles + skippedFiles;
#endif /* #ifndef ZSTD_NODECOMPRESS */