mirror of https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git synced 2024-12-12 19:18:28 +02:00

pick up ifconfig and ip from PATH

Apparently there are systems on which these tools are not in /sbin.
Fixes #472.
This commit is contained in:
romkatv 2020-02-06 13:37:22 +01:00
parent d716875918
commit 17d3dc78fe

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@ -4569,8 +4569,8 @@ function _p9k_prompt_net_iface_compute() {
function _p9k_prompt_net_iface_async() {
local iface ip line var
typeset -a iface2ip
if [[ -x /sbin/ifconfig ]]; then
for line in ${(f)"$(/sbin/ifconfig 2>/dev/null)"}; do
if (( $+commands[ifconfig] )); then
for line in ${(f)"$(command ifconfig 2>/dev/null)"}; do
if [[ $line == (#b)([^[:space:]]##):[[:space:]]##flags=(<->)'<'* ]]; then
[[ $match[2] == *[13579] ]] && iface=$match[1] || iface=
elif [[ -n $iface && $line == (#b)[[:space:]]##inet[[:space:]]##([0-9.]##)* ]]; then
@ -4578,8 +4578,8 @@ function _p9k_prompt_net_iface_async() {
elif [[ -x /sbin/ip ]]; then
for line in ${(f)"$(/sbin/ip -4 a show 2>/dev/null)"}; do
elif (( $+commands[ip] )); then
for line in ${(f)"$(command ip -4 a show 2>/dev/null)"}; do
if [[ $line == (#b)<->:[[:space:]]##([^:]##):[[:space:]]##\<([^\>]#)\>* ]]; then
[[ ,$match[2], == *,UP,* ]] && iface=$match[1] || iface=
elif [[ -n $iface && $line == (#b)[[:space:]]##inet[[:space:]]##([0-9.]##)* ]]; then