2020-05-05 18:10:33 +02:00
unit uCEFViewsFrameworkEvents;
{$I cef.inc}
2022-02-19 19:56:41 +02:00
2020-05-05 18:10:33 +02:00
uCEFTypes, uCEFInterfaces;
// ICefViewDelegate
TOnGetPreferredSizeEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const view: ICefView; var aResult : TCefSize) of object;
TOnGetMinimumSizeEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const view: ICefView; var aResult : TCefSize) of object;
TOnGetMaximumSizeEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const view: ICefView; var aResult : TCefSize) of object;
TOnGetHeightForWidthEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const view: ICefView; width: Integer; var aResult: Integer) of object;
TOnParentViewChangedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const view: ICefView; added: boolean; const parent: ICefView) of object;
TOnChildViewChangedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const view: ICefView; added: boolean; const child: ICefView) of object;
2021-04-18 19:36:20 +02:00
TOnWindowChangedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const view: ICefView; added: boolean) of object;
2021-09-27 12:04:33 +02:00
TOnLayoutChangedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const view: ICefView; new_bounds: TCefRect) of object;
2020-05-05 18:10:33 +02:00
TOnFocusEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const view: ICefView) of object;
TOnBlurEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const view: ICefView) of object;
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TOnThemeChangedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const view: ICefView) of object;
2020-05-05 18:10:33 +02:00
// ICefTextfieldDelegate
TOnTextfieldKeyEventEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const textfield: ICefTextfield; const event: TCefKeyEvent; var aResult : boolean) of object;
TOnAfterUserActionEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const textfield: ICefTextfield) of object;
// ICefPanelDelegate
// ICefBrowserViewDelegate
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TOnBrowserCreatedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const browser_view: ICefBrowserView; const browser: ICefBrowser) of object;
TOnBrowserDestroyedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const browser_view: ICefBrowserView; const browser: ICefBrowser) of object;
TOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserViewEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const browser_view: ICefBrowserView; const settings: TCefBrowserSettings; const client: ICefClient; is_devtools: boolean; var aResult : ICefBrowserViewDelegate) of object;
TOnPopupBrowserViewCreatedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const browser_view, popup_browser_view: ICefBrowserView; is_devtools: boolean; var aResult : boolean) of object;
2023-09-26 19:06:38 +02:00
TOnGetChromeToolbarTypeEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const browser_view: ICefBrowserView; var aChromeToolbarType: TCefChromeToolbarType) of object;
2023-09-24 11:21:05 +02:00
TOnUseFramelessWindowForPictureInPicture = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const browser_view: ICefBrowserView; var aResult : boolean) of object;
TOnGestureCommandEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const browser_view: ICefBrowserView; gesture_command: TCefGestureCommand; var aResult : boolean) of object;
2024-05-28 15:50:48 +02:00
TOnGetBrowserRuntimeStyleEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; var aResult : TCefRuntimeStyle) of object;
2020-05-05 18:10:33 +02:00
// ICefButtonDelegate
TOnButtonPressedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const button: ICefButton) of object;
TOnButtonStateChangedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const button: ICefButton) of object;
// ICefMenuButtonDelegate
TOnMenuButtonPressedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const menu_button: ICefMenuButton; const screen_point: TCefPoint; const button_pressed_lock: ICefMenuButtonPressedLock) of object;
// ICefWindowDelegate
2023-04-21 16:05:10 +02:00
TOnWindowCreatedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow) of object;
TOnWindowClosingEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow) of object;
TOnWindowDestroyedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow) of object;
TOnWindowActivationChangedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; active: boolean) of object;
TOnWindowBoundsChangedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; const new_bounds: TCefRect) of object;
2024-05-01 18:19:19 +02:00
TOnWindowFullscreenTransitionEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; is_completed: boolean) of object;
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TOnGetParentWindowEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var is_menu, can_activate_menu: boolean; var aResult : ICefWindow) of object;
2023-07-30 18:47:35 +02:00
TOnIsWindowModalDialogEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var aResult : boolean) of object;
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TOnGetInitialBoundsEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var aResult : TCefRect) of object;
TOnGetInitialShowStateEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var aResult : TCefShowState) of object;
TOnIsFramelessEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var aResult : boolean) of object;
TOnWithStandardWindowButtonsEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var aResult : boolean) of object;
TOnGetTitlebarHeightEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var titlebar_height: Single; var aResult : boolean) of object;
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TOnAcceptsFirstMouseEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var aResult : TCefState) of object;
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TOnCanResizeEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var aResult : boolean) of object;
TOnCanMaximizeEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var aResult : boolean) of object;
TOnCanMinimizeEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var aResult : boolean) of object;
TOnCanCloseEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var aResult : boolean) of object;
TOnAcceleratorEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; command_id: Integer; var aResult : boolean) of object;
TOnWindowKeyEventEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; const event: TCefKeyEvent; var aResult : boolean) of object;
2024-05-01 18:19:19 +02:00
TOnThemeColorsChangedEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; chrome_theme: Integer) of object;
2024-05-28 15:50:48 +02:00
TOnGetWindowRuntimeStyleEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; var aResult : TCefRuntimeStyle) of object;
2024-09-03 17:26:03 +02:00
TOnGetLinuxWindowPropertiesEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject; const window_: ICefWindow; var properties: TLinuxWindowProperties; var aResult: boolean) of object;
2020-05-05 18:10:33 +02:00