mirror of https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delphi.git synced 2025-02-02 10:25:26 +02:00

Copy the HTML usiing JS in DOMVIsitor

This commit is contained in:
Salvador Díaz Fau 2024-10-28 15:58:27 +01:00
parent 627ff6a532
commit cf106b5363
2 changed files with 16 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ uses
System.SyncObjs, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Menus, Vcl.Controls,
Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, System.Types,
Vcl.ComCtrls, Vcl.ClipBrd, System.UITypes,
{$IFDEF DELPHI21_UP}System.NetEncoding,{$ELSE}Web.HTTPApp,{$ENDIF}
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Menus, SyncObjs,
Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Types, ComCtrls, ClipBrd,
@ -493,27 +494,23 @@ end;
procedure TDOMVisitorFrm.Chromium1ConsoleMessage(Sender: TObject;
const browser: ICefBrowser; level: TCefLogSeverity; const message, source: ustring;
line: Integer; out Result: Boolean);
TempResult : string;
// In this event we receive the message with the name and value of a DOM node
// In this event we receive the message with the HTML
// from the render process.
// This event may receive many other messages but we identify our message
// thanks to the preamble.
// The we set MsgContents with the rest of the message and send a
// MINIBROWSER_SHOWMESSAGE message to show MsgContents in the main thread safely.
// This and many other TChromium events are executed in a CEF thread. The VCL
// should be used only in the main thread and we use a message and a field
// protected by a synchronization object to call showmessage safely.
if (length(message) > 0) and
(copy(message, 1, length(CONSOLE_MSG_PREAMBLE)) = CONSOLE_MSG_PREAMBLE) then
MsgContents := copy(message, succ(length(CONSOLE_MSG_PREAMBLE)), length(message));
if (length(MsgContents) = 0) then
MsgContents := 'There was an error reading the search box information'
MsgContents := 'Search box information: ' + quotedstr(MsgContents);
PostMessage(Handle, MINIBROWSER_SHOWMESSAGE, 0, 0);
// Remove CONSOLE_MSG_PREAMBLE to get the encoded result
TempResult := copy(message, succ(length(CONSOLE_MSG_PREAMBLE)), length(message));
// Decode the result and copy to the clipboard.
Clipboard.AsText := TNetEncoding.URL.Decode(TempResult);
// Update the status bar text in the main application thread
StatusText := 'HTML copied to the clipboard';
Result := True;
@ -783,11 +780,13 @@ procedure TDOMVisitorFrm.VisitDOM3Msg(var aMessage : TMessage);
TempJSCode, TempMessage : string;
// Here we send the name and value of the element with the "console trick".
// Here we send the HTML with the "console trick".
// We need to encode the HTML with encodeURIComponent but it might be necessary to encode it with btoa (Base64)
TempMessage := 'encodeURIComponent(document.documentElement.outerHTML)';
// We execute "console.log" in JavaScript to send TempMessage with a
// known preamble that will be used to identify the message in the
// TChromium.OnConsoleMessage event.
TempMessage := 'document.getElementById("' + NODE_ID + '").value';
TempJSCode := 'console.log("' + CONSOLE_MSG_PREAMBLE + '" + ' + TempMessage + ');';
chromium1.ExecuteJavaScript(TempJSCode, 'about:blank');

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"UpdateLazPackages" : [
"ForceNotify" : true,
"InternalVersion" : 669,
"InternalVersion" : 670,
"Name" : "cef4delphi_lazarus.lpk",
"Version" : "130.1.9"